Embracing a Healthy Family


Original HEXBUG (random color)

Micro Robotic Creatures?  Does that scare you?  It did one of my daughters at first until she warmed up the little micro robotic creatures called HEXBUGS.  These tiny little power house of fun react to touch and sound and are really amazing.  Innovations First Labs, Inc. is the owner of these hot little toys that will most likely be the big hit at Christmas so better get them now before they sell out!

HEXBUG Ant: Green HEXBUG Crab: Black HEXBUG Inchworm: Pink

The cute thing about HEXBUGS, they arrive in tiny clear test tube containers adding to the appeal.  There are many different types of HEXBUGS too:
  • Original
  • Inchworm
  • Crab
  • Ant
  • Nano

I had the opportunity through BSM Media to host a party with these amazing creatures.   We received 30 HEXBUGS,  a HEXBUGS Nano Habitat Set, spare batteries and a HEXBUGS Nano Bridge Battle Habitat Set.  Combine all of that with kids and it equaled a great party!

We ended up having two parties but here are the pictures from one of them:

The kids had so much fun putting them together and really didn't mind taking them apart.  It was a lot of work and you really need to have some sort of a small tub or case to store them because it takes a lot of room.  Even though there were many, many pieces, it was great fun.  The other nice things about HEXBUGS, you can have loads of fun without the Habitat Sets.  You put them down and they go!  When they hit something, they change directions.  They are really going to be a big hit with many, many boys and some girls too!  They do go through the batteries quick so be prepared.  

Kids can even register their HEXBUG online to keep track of their Nano, play games with others, download photos and learn more about robotic science. 

Check out others having fun with HEXBUGS:

The kids love HEXBUG!

Thanks to HEXBUGS and BSM Media for the opportunity to review and host this great party!

Nano Bridge Battle Habitat Set

Link Up Your Giveaways Friday

Sweeties by Kim; Most Beautiful Cookies I've Ever Seen

I'm a stickler for perfection and love to find the perfect gift for my family and friends.  When I have a party, every detail has to be perfect and I enjoy trying to coordinate my themes.  I found Sweeties by Kim when I was looking for the perfect add on to my daughter's baby shower.  I fell in love at first sight however, the Georgia weather and location does not like chocolate so I had to pass on ordering these beauties:

Designer Chocolate Covered Oreo Cookies -Purple Butterflies

Those are Oreo cookies decorated with beautiful pastel butterfly images!  Aren't they gorgeous?  The extra special treat is these are dipped in Wilbur chocolate which is a Lancaster, Pennsylvania favorite.  Kim can even take custom orders for a set up fee.

The cookies arrive in a gold candy box with a clear lid perfecting the display with each Oreo in it's own gold compartment

6 PERSONALIZED CHOCOLATE COVERED OREO LOLLIPOPS -1 Color -1 NUMBER OR LETTER -Birthday Party or Shower Favors Designer Chocolate Covered Oreos Pink Polkadots Birthday Baby Shower Party Favor 

Designer Chocolate Covered Oreos -Ocean Life Design Dark Chocolate Birthday Favor Gift Wedding Shower Beach

Sweeties by Kim also has many different themes:

  • Formal and Music
  • Baby
  • Messages
  • Animal Print and Textile
  • Bright and Fun
  • Double Oreo Pops
Next time you are looking for that added "wow," check out Sweeties by Kim!  Sweeties by Kim also has 100% on her 100 feedbacks.

Designer Chocolate Covered Oreos -Sweet Bunnies Design Baby Shower Party Favor Gift Designer Chocolate Covered Oreos -Pink Snuggle Bunny Design TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK

Christmas Dessert Recipes

I love Christmas and I love to make gifts for my loved ones.  I also love to bake even though I'm not terribly good at it but I try and I keep trying as some day, I might perfect it.  Here are a collection of some very delicious recipes I rounded up from my favorite sites:

Paula Deen's Creme De Menthe Brownies

 Ingrid Hoffmans Cheesecake Flan

Holiday Snacks Shaped as Snowmen

Martha Stewart's Holiday Fudge

Polish Christmas Cookie

Christmas Coffee Drink

Christmas Tree Cupcakes by Martha Stewart

Peppermint Semifreddo by Martha Stewart

Desert Towels (to give to your guest)

Candy Cane Christmas Trees

Bakerella Christmas Candy Cane Cupcakes

Red Velvet Cake Balls

Bakerella Red Velvet Cake Balls

Watch for more to come!

Alight Plus Size Shirt Giveaway 9/30 - WINNER CLOSED


ccllibrary@aol.com (CRAZYCAT)

An e-mail has been sent and she has 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected by random.org.

Thanks to all those who entered!

Clothes, clothes, clothes!  Everyone can use clothes or at least I can!  I love shopping for them and I have many.  For some women, finding clothes to fit when you aren't a size 0 can be difficult.  Alight has beautiful clothing for those women who wear plus size clothing or as I like to say, women who wear healthy, natural and wonderful clothing!


Alight has been in the business for 11 years and has an entire selection of clothing to fit your needs.  Another great feature of the website is you can shop by category, brand, boutique, size, sale or view the last 15 items you looked at it.  The site is catered to making the shopping experience easy and there is also online chat help.

Alight caters to women sizes 14 to 28 and carries junior plus sizes too.  I was amazed at the huge selection of clothing and the dress selection for any occasion is incredible.

Alight is going to give a shirt of Alight's choosing to one reader of my blog for three months in the winner's size so if you don't win the first month, you might win again.

Stay tuned for a review.

The Giveaway:

This month's winner will win a shirt chosen by Alight in the winner's size.

To Enter:

Follow my blog and sign up for the Alight e-mail list.  Note:  If you do not sign up for the e-mail list and are chosen, Alight will confirm and I will have to select a new winner, thank you!

Extra Entries:
  • Follow Alight on Twitter
  • Become a fan of Alight on Facebook
  • Tweet about this giveaway using @alight.com in the tweet - can be done daily
  • Blog about this giveaway (worth five entries - please leave url)
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Become a fan of mine on Facebook

Giveaway ends 9/30 at midnight (EST).

PaperboxPress Review: Invitations, Cards and More

Selecting cards is a big deal in my house as I like perfection.  Whether it's a just because or a birthday, special occasion or a party, I want the perfect card.  When I look for a card, I want a good selection which is where PaperboxPress comes into the picture.  They have a great selection for just about any occasion.

Elegant Wedding Dress Circle Writing New Year

I received a complimentary set of 

Baby Product Reviews

This area is dedicated solely to baby and baby products.  Given my experience with four children along with my panel members who each have their own children to include one pregnant one, we hope to be able to share our experiences with health topics, new products and anything interesting.

If you have a suggestion or request, please let us know!

 Watch for more to come!

Health Product Reviews

Fall Into Good Health Series: Homeopathy Medicines for Children

As part of my series in getting healthier and having two children with chronic medical conditions both linked to elevated risks with H1N1, I am definitely in tuned to alternative methods of safeguarding them. The homeopathic drugs allow another alternative to treating illnesses and diseases without the worry of contraindications. With epilepsy, Keppra has warnings and with severe asthma, the same holds true. As I approach this winter and all the reports of an increase risk with H1N1, this appears to be a good approach for me.

These are some of the ways I'm safeguarding my family:

  1. Everyone washes their hands frequently and in particularly, after a sneeze or blowing of the nose.
  2. Hand sanitizer is used when washing hands is not viable. We go through a lot of hand sanitizer! I don't bombard the house with an abundance of anti-bacterial products as I feel too much of a good thing could be bad.
  3. Vitamins are taken by both myself and my husband as well as my children.
  4. Ensuring everyone is getting good sound sleep and eating a well balanced, healthy meal is also critical.

  5. Light therapy via playing outside in the sun. This was actually prescribed by one of my daughter's allergist for both girls as he was telling me how lack of Vitamin D is increasingly becoming an issue in the US and kids need to spend more time outside.
Click HERE for the full post.


Organic Beauty Products

The Organic Pharmacy: Carrot Butter Cleanser

The more I learn about the chemicals and preservatives in all products we consume, the more I worry. These ingredients are in our food, our drinks, our our beauty products and I'm sure the list goes on.

With my continuous battle of the bulge, I started reading more and more about these products that are added into everything and became concerned. I never really thought about them being added to our beauty products and baby products until recently.

The Organic Pharmacy has interesting and informative content on this very issue. It states that on average, we use between 5 to 15 products a day that are full of toxins. If you think about it, at least from a woman's perspective, it's very true. Shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, facial lotion/moisturizer, acne medication, deodorant, foundation, blush, powder and so forth. By the time we get ready to eat more toxic products, we are already toxic.

Click HERE For the full post on The Organic Pharmacy and Carrot Butter Cleanser (review).



How PreHistin® Works

PreHistin® is the “World’s First Pre-Histamine.” Unlike most popular allergy "anti-histamine" products, PreHistine works to regulate the production of histamine in yoru body. Histamines are responsible for creating the chemical reactions in your body which trigger sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose.

Antihistamines act to block the effects of histamine only after histamine has already been released. PreHistin™ is the first product ever to prevent the over-production of IgE and thus prevent a significant release of symptom-causing histamine in the first place.

Antihistamines often result in uncomfortable and annoying side effects, such as drowsiness or sedation, headache, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, disturbed sleep and overexcitement in children. 100% natural PreHistin™ has none of these side effects.

More Information and a Giveaway HERE

Infectiguard by Dr. Fresh is a great new hand sanitizer that is effective in killing germs but not killing your hands. It has a moisturizer built in to not alone protect your hands from germs but also against dryness unlike other hand sanitizer products.

I used Infectiguard for a week and with having two medically compromised children, one with an immunodeficiency, I'm nearly an expert on using these type of products. All the various products up until now, always dried my hands out and have strong alcohol odors to them.

More Information and a Giveaway HERE

Multiple Healthy Product Giveaways

Good health is essential with all the various strains of the flu thriving. Not only do you have to worry about the flu, but just trying to maintain good health should be the ultimate goal. This post is based on a series of products for your health thanks to the opportunity I had as a member of the Product Review Place and Laura.

Certain Dri, Florastor, Softlips, Lipo-Flavonoid, Cystex and CharcoCaps

More Information and a Giveaway HERE

Step Up to Get Fit Challenge

Need help and encouragement to finally get into shape?

Tired of being tired and not feeling great?

Are you ready for a new you?

Why wait until January 1st for yet another failed New Year's resolution?

How about breaking tradition and why not GET IN SHAPE BEFORE January 1st and start the year off great?

Pur Favor Options Water Filtration System Pitcher Review and Giveaway

I received my Pur Flavor Options Water Filtration System pitcher for review from an opportunity on the Product Review Place and Lindsay (thank you!)! I always call my husband a computer geek but I'm starting to accept that I'm a reviewer geek. I waited impatiently for my Pur Flavor Options Water Filtration System after reading all the other great reviews on this innovative product that not only delivers purified water but you can purchase flavor cartridges to jazz up the tastes.

More Information and a Giveaway HERE


Enfant Pediatric Vision Testing System Review

This post in the series for good health, is about the Enfant Pediatric Vision Testing System. The Enfant Pediatric Vision Testing System can be used on children as young as six months of age. What is unique about Enfant™, the child does not have to be able to communicate to have their vision tested. This is great news for parents and children as they don't have to wait until they can understand verbal cues. The testing is non-invasive which means no pupil dilation or sedation.

More Information HERE
Earth Baby Organic Hair Detangler Review
Earth Baby provided their organic Baby Hair Detangler for my review. What I thought was cute were the words "Forget me Knot" imprinted on the bottle. I was given the opportunity to review this product because of my membership at The Product Review Place.

When I received the Baby Hair Detangler, I liked the bottle as it was attractive and had a tiny picture of the endangered Tarsier Monkey which they are a friend of (support through charity). The bottle was white with light green accents and had an easy flip up top. I stress that as I almost bust my fingernails opening other bottles.

More Information HERE

Gluten Free Betty Crocker Simple Joy (Fruit Snack) Review and Giveaway

With more and more health concerns emerging about gluten-free products, Betty Crocker has answered the demand to offer great choices at affordable prices. Not only are they answering the demand to add a variety of products to their line up of gluten-free, they have partnered with Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) to further generate awareness for celiac disease.

Celiac disease, a chronic inherited digestive disorder, can cause damage to the small intestine. It is estimated that one in 133 Americans suffer from celiac disease – 3 million adults and children are living undiagnosed with this autoimmune disorder that is managed by following a gluten-free diet.

More Information and a Giveaway HERE
Quick Boost Energy Supplement Review
QUICK-BOOST in either orange or lime, claims to be a scientifically formulated beverage that combines some of nature's most powerful flavonoid antioxidants with key vitamins and metabolic enhancers. Its energy-producing effects help fight fatigue, attack free radicals, and repair cells, as well as boost energy and performance, and support daily wellness and vitality.

All you have to do is mix with 8-24 oz. of water and in no time, you do feel less tired, more energized and ready to go. The recommendations are twice a day in the morning and afternoon.

More Information HERE

I have more products to add as soon as I finish reviewing them. 

Organic Reviews

NOTE:  Please go to the tab BEAUTY for other products that might not be organic. To read other posts on non-products such as bioceuticals, free radicals and more, search my site using the word "beauty."

Index of Reviews & Posts:

Bioidenticals & Custom Compounded Hormones - scroll down please
Leptin - scroll down please

Some posts are listed in this sections and others have a link connecting you directly to the review.

Organic Pharmacy Green Coffee Massage Treatment

If you read my blog, you might have seen that I post frequently about the Organic Pharmacy because I truly like their products. Based out of London, the Organic Pharmacy is the most respected and trusted organic personal care company in the UK. They have an almost endless supply of organic products to keep you healthy, keep you looking good and beautiful.

The latest product they are offering is green coffee, not in a cup but in a new proprietary massage treatment focused on firming, draining and breaking down fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite -- The Green Coffee Body Sculpting Treatment.

Click HERE for the full post.

Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing and Organic Baby Clothing

Wouldn't it be great to find organic clothes that are gender free and are made of sustainable earth friend manufacturing practices to give you a piece of mind?  Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing and Organic Baby Clothing offers comfortable, organic cotton clothes in simple yet stylish designs. 

If you don't like the bold, colorful stripes, there are many options of single colors to choose from.  Children love bright and bold colors and these provide a fun feeling to them.  Colors include such fun varieties such as Butterscotch/Chocolate, Radish/Bean, Chocolate/Bean, Blueberry/Sky and so many more.

I received from Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing a pair of soft and stretchy organic cotton tights.  They have a variety of colors such as Radish/Bean, Pumpkin/Radish, Pumpkin/Butterscotch/Radish/Bean and Watermelon/Sky.  I don't know about you but I think they are absolutely adorable!  Granted my 21 year old stuck her in a dress WAY too small for her as she wanted to make her look like Cindy Who but it was too cute for me. 

Click HERE for the full post on Happy Green Bee Organic Kids and Organic Baby Clothing


Ever heard of Green Mountain Coffee?   If you haven't, you should as not only are some of the brands organic but they are recognized as a socially responsible, innovative, high growth company by Forbes, SustainableBusiness.com and others.  They also have been ranked #1 on the list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens twice.  Green Mountain Coffee was founded in 1981 and are recognized in the industry for producing award-winning coffees along with innovative brewing technology.

Green Mountain Coffee has over 100 types of coffee that sell under the Green Mountain Coffee name and Newman’s Own® Organics brands, including one of the largest selections of Fair Trade Certified™ organic coffees in the country.

Click HERE For the full post on Green Mountain Coffee and Fair Trade Certified Organic Coffees.


Earth Baby Organic Hair Detangler Review
Earth Baby provided their organic Baby Hair Detangler for my review. What I thought was cute were the words "Forget me Knot" imprinted on the bottle. I was given the opportunity to review this product because of my membership at The Product Review Place.

When I received the Baby Hair Detangler, I liked the bottle as it was attractive and had a tiny picture of the endangered Tarsier Monkey which they are a friend of (support through charity). The bottle was white with light green accents and had an easy flip up top. I stress that as I almost bust my fingernails opening other bottles.

Click HERE for the full post on Earth Baby's Organic Baby Hair Detangler

Gluten Free Betty Crocker Simple Joy (Fruit Snack) Review and Giveaway

With more and more health concerns emerging about gluten-free products, Betty Crocker has answered the demand to offer great choices at affordable prices. Not only are they answering the demand to add a variety of products to their line up of gluten-free, they have partnered with Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) to further generate awareness for celiac disease.

Celiac disease, a chronic inherited digestive disorder, can cause damage to the small intestine. It is estimated that one in 133 Americans suffer from celiac disease – 3 million adults and children are living undiagnosed with this autoimmune disorder that is managed by following a gluten-free diet.

Click HERE for the full post on Betty Crocker's Gluten Free SnacksHERE

I am so excited to announce a new giveaway sponsored by SproutBaby
If you are not familiar with SproutBaby, I have another post where I was able to try and review several flavors of their baby food.

Sprout Baby was co-created by chef and father, Tyler Florence. With his culinary experiences and knowledge, he was able to create recipes that included multiple ingredients to offer a delicious complimentary combination.

Click here for the full post and review.

SproutBaby has a new product called the Thinkbaby Stainless Steel feeding set which offers the latest in 100% sustainable and certified organic utensils specifically made for newborns and babies.  Given all the news and concerns with BPAs and who knows what else is molded into plastic, I became very concerned.  I even swamped my daughter's plastic water jug for school with a stainless steel alternative.  Had I known about Sprout Baby then, I would have bought one of theirs as it looks sleek and cool!  They have many options to choose from but this is my favorite.  Click here to see the various types and options available from SproutBaby.

Click HERE for the original post on SproutBaby's ThinkBaby Stainless Steel Feeding Set

SproutBaby.com Organic Baby Food

I got on a health kick about a year ago as I was hearing more and more about how bad processed foods were for us. Namely, processed flour and refined sugars. They seem to be a culprit in so many health woes to include obesity. Coupled with that are all the concerns with preservatives and colorings and how they had possible long term implications. Once I started educating myself on the benefits of organic food, I became interested in organic baby food. I was also concerned given the alarming number of news events surrounding various baby products.

At my local Publix, they did have organic baby food much to my surprise. My little one loved it but it was not so convenient as it's frozen. It's nice that they did offer divided portions in little sections but it's hard to try to cut them apart to thaw out. I had little options until now.

I was given the opportunity on The Product Review Place, to try Sprout Organic Baby Food in five different varieties:
  1. Roasted Bananas & Mango - my daughter loved this and the aroma was appealing. The texture was consistent with other baby foods but tasted much better. The mixture of different foods enhances the appeal.
  2. Peas - I can't really judge this as neither one of us like peas.
  3. Sweet Baby Carrots, Apples & Mango - she loves this one and again, the taste and smell was amazing. I had to try it too :)
  4. Oatmeal with Roasted Cinnamon Applesauce - I'm an oatmeal fan along with cinnamon applesauce so this was another winner with both of us. I'm very pleased how Sprout takes a number of ingredients to make one great, healthy dish.
  5. Baked Sweet Potatoes - again, great! She loved it.
Sprout was co-created by chef and father, Tyler Florence. With his culinary experiences and knowledge, he was able to create recipes that included multiple ingredients to offer a delicious complimentary combination.

What I like more about Sprout, is they set their standards based on Healthy Child Healthy World:

Products must:
"Most people want to consider the health and environmental effects of the products they buy, but lack the time to research high-quality, non-toxic options." Healthy Child Healthy World
  1. Great tasting and healthy.
  2. Convenient packaging as they are in pouches that allows you to serve what you need and place it in the refrigerator for later.
  3. Catered to children 6 months and older.
  4. Not frozen so readily available to use.
  5. Pouches that are environmentally friendly (less waste) and less costs to produce.
  6. Free shipping on orders of $75 or more.
  7. Free Sprout Club membership where the more you buy, the more you save by automatic shipments.
  8. Many products are available on Sprout such as food, baby products, books and items for moms.
  9. A nice breakdown of common chemicals found in baby products are listed on their website.
  10. Created based on year's of research and development.
  1. Limited availability in stores (select H.E.B., Publix and Central Market) but they are expanding and you can purchase online.
  2. A little costly but most organic foods are since you are ensuring your children are digesting healthier, chemical/pesticide free products ($16.65 for 12 pouches).
  3. Not available for toddlers.
In summary, I definitely prefer this over any other baby food. I would love to see foods at the toddler stage.


Bioidenticals & Custom Compounded Hormones

Organic, natural, alternative and the list goes on as the age of internet produces more information to anyone with access can handle.  The ease of researching and to promote and publish books is making it blatently easy to market your opinions and products whether founded or not.  We all are hearing the benefits of organic products and who can not admit that the concept is good?  The older I get, my quest to stay younger and live longer has grown beyond my wildest imagination.  Now when I crave a Big Mac, I contemplate the millions of calories I'm adding to my already challenged body not to mention preservatives, flavorings and hormones utilized in the meat and buns.

I work at a pharmaceutical company so I understand the in's and out's of clinical trials and research.  The trend within the whole beauty and well being market is on bio this and bio that and gene this and gene that.  The latest buzz and I might be wrong but I think Suzanne's Somers book has started the flap is around BioidenticalI admit that I've not heard that term until this morning when I was reading this AP article titled "'Bioidenticals' Not FDA-Approved, Contain Estrogen."

The key take away from this is any health care supplement/product that is deemed natural is not required to go through the FDA process of proving safety and efficacy.  You might recall the Hydroxycut recall and prior to that, years ago, ephedra (I think).  Both products were deemed "natural" so the unsuspected user assumed it was safe and I was one of those. 

This trend with Bioidenticals is within the name as the appeal to consumers.  Per the article: 

"Bioidentical" is a marketing term that has no accepted medical meaning. Its implied benefit is not unique to alternative remedies; many prescription drugs contain hormones that chemically match estrogens and progesterones made naturally by the body.

Women need to understand there's no rigorous evidence these preparations are any more effective or any safer than traditional hormone therapy. In fact, there's much less evidence for efficacy and very little research on long-term safety," said Manson, who has no industry ties and was a key researcher in the big federal study that warned women in 2002 of the health risks from long-term hormone use."

The article also mentions compounding pharmacists which according to the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists are those 'who provide personalized medication solutions, mixed safely by trained, licensed pharmacists.'

I had no idea that they could do that either so I definitely learned a lot about this topic.

One final quote from the AP story:

In 2001, the government tested 29 products from compounding pharmacies and found that one-third did not meet standard quality benchmarks, including potency problems, Manson writes in her book, "Hot Flashes, Hormones and Your Health."
Want to know more or look at available products? Try Amazon:



Leptin (Greek meaning leptos) is a protein hormone that helps to regulate metabolism, body weight and reproductive function. I just read a story by Dr. Mercola who I absolutely love since he’s into more organic foods and natural ways to take care of your body. He’s also anti-vaccination due to the wicked amounts and different types of ingredients that make up this hodge-podge of products injected into humans but that’s another story. Anyway, leptin as one site explains, “is expressed predominantly by adipocytes, which fits with the idea that body weight is sensed as the total mass of fat in the body. Smaller amounts of leptin are also secreted by cells in the epithelium of the stomach and in the placenta. Leptin receptors are highly expressed in areas of the hypothalamus known to be important in regulating body weight, as well as in T lymphocytes and vascular endothelial cells.”

Leptin functioning was observed in the 1950’s by studying mutant obese mice. It was discovered in 1994 by Jeffrey Friedman and collegues via a colony of obese mice. Per Wiki, this is a biomarker for body fat as well as a way to measure individual energy levels via testing leptin in the serum. It also states that although the obese mice had little or no leptin, obese people typically have too much leptin.

Leptin plays a big role in many facets of the body but another component is aging. As Dr. Mercola’s article points out, “Leptin appears to play a significant role in obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer. These are the so-called “chronic diseases of aging“.

“To sum up a complex process very simply, the hormones your fat cells produce impact how much you eat and how much fat you burn.

One of these hormones is leptin, and leptin sends signals that reduce hunger, increase fat burning and reduce fat storage. That is, if your cells are communicating properly and can “hear” this message.

If you are eating a diet that is high in sugar and grains — this is the same type of diet that will also increase inflammation in your body — as the sugar gets metabolized in fat cells, fat releases surges in leptin. Over time, if your body is exposed to too much leptin, it will become resistant to the leptin (just as your body can become resistant to insulin).

When you become leptin-resistant, your body can no longer hear the messages telling it to stop eating and burn fat — so it remains hungry and stores more fat.

Leptin-resistance also causes an increase in visceral fat, sending you on a vicious cycle of hunger, fat storage and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more.”

From what I can gather, fish oil might be the source of leptin but it appears that research is on-going.

This product claims to be a skin strenthening complex repair cream: http://www.loveyourlook.com/NIA24/repair.aspx and its key ingredient has “5% Pro-Niacin allows for conversion of nicotinic acid into NAD, which plays a central role in energy metabolism. NAD helps repair, promotes skin cell generation and stimulates the release of leptin. “

The Skinstore.com website has 12~ reviews on various skin products from this company which were overall pretty good but it costs $85 for 1.7 ounces. The ingredients do show olive oil:

Water (Aqua), Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Myristyl Nicotinate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Cyclomethicone, Squalane, Butylene Glycol, Dimethicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Glyceryl Stearate SE, Cetyl Alcohol Glycerin, Polyacrylamide, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Seed Extract, Juglans Regia (Walnut) Seed Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil, Pentadecalactone, Methyldihydrojasmonate, Dodecahydro-3a,6,6,9atetramethylnaphtho( 2,1-b)furan, Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Kernel Extract, Maltol, Ceramide 3,Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate), Sodium Hyaluronate, Ceramide 2, PEG-8, Phospholipids, Tribehenin, PEG-10 Rapeseed Sterol, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Dimethicone Crosspolymer-3,BHT, Laureth-7, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Polysorbate 60, Diazolidinyl Urea, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate,Methylparaben,Propylparaben

Amazon.com users (24 in all) gave the Skin Strengthening product 4.5 stars out of 5.0 with one negative user giving a rating in spite of not using it.

I’m going to try it and will post the results after awhile. Anyone else try it?

Youthful Tips
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