Embracing a Healthy Family

Frownies: Better than Injectables?

Frownies either makes you think of unhappiness or with a slip of the chocoholic minds, brownies but it's not!   Frownies are facial pads made from natural, skin friendly materials of unbleached Kraft paper that allows the skin to breath and a vegetable starch based adhesive that is water activated.  Rose Water Toner Hydrator is used to activate the adhesives on the patch and add an antioxidant treatment to the skin.  

Frownies (FBE) Forehead & Between Eyes, 144 Patches

How Frownies Forehead and Between Eyes work is by applying a few nights a month directly over the lines to splint the muscles under the appearing skin lines.  Good Housekeeping even called them the easiest wrinkle reducer.  If you have early stage lines, they will be gone in three nights while deeper lines take longer.  Once they start to reappear, start using Frownies again.  A box contains 144 for $19.95 which is quite a bit and probably cheaper than injections and safer given the natural ingredients.

I did receive a complimentary box months ago, tried them and saw a difference that I really liked.  As soon as I run out, I plan on purchasing some on my own.

Frownies was actually started via B&P Company in 1889 and has been used by Hollywood actresses and many others.  For a business to be around that long, it should tell something and they are part of the BBB and are a fourth generation women owned company.

Some other products by Frownies include:

  • Under Eye Gel Patch
  • Corner of Eyes & Mouth Patch
  • Rose Water Hydrator Spray
  • Immune Shield Skin Serum
  • pH Balancing Complexion Wash
  • Face Lift in a Bag
  • Beautiful Eyes Bag
  • Your Health in the Kitchen DVD
  • Health & Beauty Supportive Book
  • Living in a Healthy Body
Living in a Healthy Body (Download Instantly)

Kathy Wright, daughter-in-law to the Wright family, is a Naturopath, Nutritional Consultant, Author and Wellness Educator.  She's now acting CEO/General Manager of B&P Company.  Kathy utilizes her knowledge with B&P Company's knowledge to continue to deliver products that help you be healthier.

Frownies is going to be part of 3 Relatives Christmas Gift Guide:



Isn't it funny that no matter your age, well sort of, you get the fabulous question to answer of "what will I do when I grow up?"  If you think back to the "old" days, they didn't have the luxury of flexibility as we do now.  It's not unheard of to switch careers and try something else and I think that's an enormous change from what our grandparents experienced.  Now based on what my father told me, my grandparents did change careers a lot but that was mostly due to the depression and they did all they could to make things work.  I don't think welfare was such an easy prospect and I think it was FDR that started most of that in response to the depression.  

When I started out in college, I wanted to be police officer as it really did appeal to me to want to serve people.  I ended up getting married young and had my first child eight days after turning 20.  I continued on the path for a criminal justice degree with more reluctance now that I had a child.  I contemplated law school but being right out of college, I was ready to start something outside of school.  

I ventured down the path of something unexpected which was an environmental officer with a state.  It was a job that afforded me the ability to assess high penalties against the public for violations.  I had the southern part of the state and with that territory, for some reason, came a lot of sexual harassment.  After dealing with it too much, I left and the next position that happened into my path was with a pharmaceutical company.   This was something I knew nothing about but dove in.  I LOVED WORKING AT THIS PLACE!  I did for at least the first eight or nine years.

Then came new management and a change away from employees that mattered.  Much happened through my career there and I felt I was part of the bigger picture in running clinical drug trials on patients to assess safety and efficacy.  Most of my work was done on diabetes so I learned a lot about it.  Eventually, this June, I ran the course of that career and now I'm a stay at home mom which I love.  

Once upon a time, I took the LSAT and I didn't do that hot on it.  I found out they have shelf lives and expire which means I get to take it again.  My passion is to work on innocence projects for those falsely accused.  Now my choices are law school which means I would have to live apart from my husband because we keep getting deployed at installations where there are no law schools or continue to put my dream on hold.

Isn't it nice we have choices?

Star Wars Fan? Gotta See This

We're part of the geek elite and are Star Wars fans.  We are such big fans that my husband and I actually met online playing Star Wars.  We don't go to the conventions and we don't have costumes so we are not part of the geekest of geeks!  I fell in love with these car stickers.  You usually see the ones with stick figures but these are of Star Wars!

Mandalorian Family Car Sticker...Now with Boba Cat and Boba Fetch

Darth Vader Family Car Sticker Set of 4 Stormtrooper Family Car Sticker Now with Stormtrooper Cat and Dog 

She does carry other characters like Star Trek, Mario Brothers, Autobots and much more.  Interested?  Check out her Etsy shop here.  Customer service is exceptional!

Bronzed Envy Review and Giveaway

Oh summer is slowly departing which saddens me as I love the warmth of the sun.  I used to tan all the time but after getting older, I realized how bad it is on my skin so I started using self bronzers and tanners.  I found from trial and error that you can't just pick any self tanner as they can give you a fake tan appearance, possibly break you out or give an uneven look.  This is where I was able to try a complimentary bottle of Bronzed Envy for my review.

You might be thinking, "yeah, yeah, another tanner" but this one is different.  Here are the things I like:

  • It's a spray on which gives you more control and a more natural appearance.  You do have to watch out where you use it and I found the shower is the best location since you can rinse out the residue and you have to learn how to spray just the right amount to avoid runs and streaks.  It only took me two times to get down how to spray it properly and it's so easy to use.  
  • The other bonus I like about it is there are no overpowering odors like many others have.  I used to use a product that I could smell all day long and hated it.  
  • This one also lasts so you don't have to use it daily.
  • It dries quickly too and if you want to be a little darker, reapply once dry.
  • Application to the face did not leave any effect on my hair.  I did pull my hair back but with the creams, I found that it leaves a line near the hair line whereas Bronzed Envy did not.
  • It's very easy to use.
I didn't find anything I didn't like about it

Here is where you can try your luck at winning your own Bronzed Envy.  Go to Bronzed Envy's blog and enter to win the Bronzed Envy Gift Package valued at $130 (pictured above)!

Five Months Post Deployment

We have now just about hit the five month post deployment moment for my husband's Kuwaiti assignment.  This is the longest he will be deployed since we've been married given it's a year deployment.  Our youngest, three, will burst out when she's sad that she misses her "daddy."  The middle one, seven, doesn't quite understand the duration aspect of his return.  

Being a military family is definitely a different experience and one that I did not fully understand until we got married almost four years ago this November.  My father was in the Air Force for 13 years before meeting my mom in England, marrying, having a child there and then returning to the States to have myself and then my brother.  By the time I was born, he was already honorably discharged.  So that's my first sorta of experience connected to the military.

I ended up marrying a former Army man who turned National Guard so I was used to the weekend warrior routine and the two week camps in the summer.  Not a big deal as it was only two weeks and he always received double pay from his state job and from the Army. That didn't last but seven years before we unfortunately parted ways post college and the beginning of what began my life as a career woman.

Meeting my husband was different as we met online playing Star Wars.  It was a chance encounter and he was in Iraq at that time.  We met, my children and I uprooted from Indiana to Hawaii, we married and then along came Danielle.  Danielle was premature and so we had some real health issues as we were to PCS (move in civilian terms) within two months of her 30 day early birth.  Altogether, we were in Hawaii for 10 months before we moved to Georgia.

Now, after three years in Georgia, it's time for us to PCS again.  Since he had to serve a one year tour in Kuwait, it stretches out to four years almost for the kids and I.  Unfortunately, we purchased a house thinking he would retire and we would stay ... nope!  So, now while he's deployed, I have to figure out how to get the house on the market and hopefully sold in time for his return.  Otherwise, it looks like he'll be in Texas and we'll be in Georgia.

If you ever wondered what life in the military is like, it's not bad as it has it perks but it's also trying when you have to explain why mommy/daddy has to leave again, when they will be back, that they love you, etc etc.  It's filled with moving every three years, a less than par health care system in some instances and sheer uncertainty.  I can definitely see how children and marriages suffer and being married to a military member is ideal if you are one of those people who don't mind your spouse gone frequently.

The plus side is:  I am proud to be sacrificing for my country.  I love my country and I am proud to be an American.  I hope we can restore the same greatness we used to have and rise above and sparkle to the world.  I am always misty eyed when I see a group of immigrants getting sworn in for citizenship and I still tear up when I hear the National Anthem.  I am a proud patriot and love my country.

Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce Review and Giveaway for Two 10/2: WINNERS CLOSED

Sponsored by Tomoson.com



e-mails have been sent and both have 48 hours to respond!  Thanks to all those who entered!

Tired of plain boring steak and hamburgers?  I know we are and always are on the look out for something that will add some pizazz or at least some flavoring!  We have experimented with spices and sauces and hadn't found anything that really kept us going back.  I received two complimentary bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce for my honest opinion from Tomoson.

Cookbook and Gift Pack

What you may not know about Country Bob's, is Country Bob perfected his sauce in 1968 which means it's been around as long as me!  For a product to be selling since 1977, it means something to me as something has to be good to last that long.  It evolved from a steak sauce into an all purpose sauce.  I remember my brother would eat Country Bob's with fried potatoes and probably still does.  Both my mom and sister routinely purchase Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce and to be honest, I forgot all about it until I saw a promotion.  As you can see from the picture above, there are many products available and you can click here to see them all.


If you are stuck with some ideas and need recipes, there are even a great supply of very appetizing ones here.

For this review in particular, I tried the hamburger recipe.  Country Bob's has a rich taste with a slight sweetness.  It's nice and thick which I like in sauce.  I couldn't really taste much of a difference with it being cooked inside the burger but when I used it in place of ketchup, it's fantastic!  The hamburger was definitely juicier.

I'm hooked and love it!

Want to know more about Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce?   Check them out on Facebook or Twitter.

Never tried Country Bob's?  You can sign up for a free bottle and newsletter here.

The Giveaway:

Two readers will win their own bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce.

To Enter:

Follow my blog and leave a comment that you want to win.

Extra Entries:

  • Subscribe to my blog
  • Follow Country Bob's on Twitter
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Fan Country Bob's on Facebook
  • "Like" me on Facebook
  • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily)
  • Blog about this giveaway (five entries) - leave url
  • Enter any of the on-going giveaways (five entries)
Giveaway ends 10/2 at midnight - winner chosen by random.org - US Only Please

This Product Was a Free Giveaway

The Winner of Blogmania 2010 is ...

I was going to write another Congratulations type message on the top of the Blogmania post but when I verified the winner's information and saw she has 11 children, I wanted to provide an extra post!

Becky Jane of My Eleven Reasons has a blog and as you can see, one big beautiful family!


Activeion ionator HOM™ Review and Giveaway 10/8 - WINNER CLOSED



An e-mail has been sent and she has 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected by random.org.

Thanks to all those who entered and if you didn't win, you should really get one of the ionators!  I LOVE mine!

Ever struggle between wanting a clean house but not having the time or energy?  I really, really want a clean house but it's so hard to be motivated with so many other tasks.  I have about every type of cleaner you can imagine on my shelf but since blogging, I became worried about the chemicals and other harsh ingredients added to different cleansers.   I first made the switch over to one of those steam mops that uses steam in my first attempt to be more eco-friendly too.  That was one way to clean a particular area but I still had to figure out how to clean the other 70+% of areas that needed to be clean.  This is where the Activeion ionator HOM™ came into my life.

If you haven't heard about it, it's the up and rising superstar featured on PBS, Forbes.com, The Doctors and other shows  to include many other endorsements.  The ionator HOM™ works using two scientific concepts of electrolysis and electroporation.  Activeion is the first to combine both technologies into one hand held device.  The benefit to our families and ourselves is you get an eco-friendly, non-toxic, chemical free cleaning product that will also save you money!

When I first received the ionator HOM™, it arrived ready to go.  All I had to do was release the small reservoir tank, fill it with water and start using it.  The only draw back is it does use water fast so you have to refill it frequently for large jobs but on the flip side, it assures you don't leave water sitting in the tank long.  It was so easy, my seven year old was using it and actually liked it since it looked like something from Star Wars (her words).

Activeion ionator HOM Portable Cleaner and Sanitizer

We experimented with cleaning the shower area which desperately needed cleaning and the tub.  The pictures don't do it justice but it was amazing to see how water did such a great job cleaning!  It worked just as well as some of the other name brand cleaners I usually use without the harsh chemicals or ingredients.  I had to try it out so next I went to the kitchen garbage area and tried it out on the doors nearby and it was amazing how clean they were.   Tomorrow, I plan on using it on the inside of my car as it needs a good cleaning!

It's really so easy:
  1. Fill tank
  2. Spray
  3. Wipe
It's definitely my new favorite cleaning product and since we are trying to save money, it will also help with not having to buy anymore cleaner.  I would recommend this to anyone wanting an eco-friendly product, a better choice for their family or to save money.  It's a great product!

New Before and After shots of cleaning my car:

It cleaned the interior so easily and the wheels were a breeze!  No chemicals, no other product other than water!  

The Giveaway:

One winner (US) will win their very own ionator HOM™ !

To Enter (requirements are a little more than normal but you will love it if you win):
  • Follow my blog
  • Visit www.activeion and return here to leave a comment on something you learned about Activeion and/or tell me how your family would benefit from winning the ionator HOM™ .
  • Like Activeion on Facebook, leave a comment that "Health, Beauty, Children and Family sent you" and how the ionator HOM™  would benefit you or your family (example: Ø  My family would benefit from the time savings of using an ionator HOM.  I just entered to win one at Health, Beauty, Children and Family! You can too: http://bit.ly/cfLGuS).
  • Follow Activeion on Twitter and post a tweet that includes @activeion, @stayingyoung2, the link to this giveaway and the hashtag of #green, #chemicalfree, #nontoxic or #ecofriendly (example: Activeion cleans & sanitizes your home using tap water. No chemicals! @activeion @stayingyoung2. Win one: http://bit.ly/cfLGuS #green).
Extra Entries:
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Like me on Facebook
  • Blog about this giveaway (five entries)
  • Always check home page for more opportunities for bonus entries.
Giveaway ends 10/8/10 at midnight (EST) - US only and winner will be chosen by random.org.  Winner's information to include Twitter handle, Facebook profile and e-mail will be provided to the sponsor.

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary product for the purpose of this review and giveaway.  The opinions are of my own.

Border's Suess-cal Celebration 9/18

Seussical Celebration Event Sept 18

On Saturday, September 18, at 11:00 a.m., participating Borders will host a free Suss-ical Celebration. Though there won’t be any costumed characters, there’ll be storytime, games, & more during the event.


Wonderful Customer Service at aBaby.com

Every now and then, you experience extraordinary customer service and it makes you feel good.  It's funny when we experience poor quality, rude customer service agents or just a bad experience, we will report it.  When you have exceptional customer service, it really can set the tone of your own mood.  I can't recall how many times I went shopping and my mood was lifted just based on friendly, sincere and caring cashiers.  

I purchased a less than stellar bassinet for my daughter at a really great price but the fabric was ugly and of low quality.  When I saw a very expensive one at another store, it made me want to hunt down something better as my first grand baby deserves it.  So off I went shopping online as that's my favorite way to shop via Amazon.  I saw the Embossed Damask Creation Liner -skirt & Hood - Color Ecru - Size 16x32 and had to have it!  I placed the order from aBaby.com in hopes it would make it in time for the shower but there was a problem.

Embossed Damask Creation Liner -skirt & Hood - Color Ecru - Size 16x32

The customer service agent contacted me inquiring about the size of this and the petticoat I ordered.   I didn't know the size and wasn't feeling well so I just gave her the product description of the bassinet.  She responded back asking for the precise measurement to ensure we get the right item.  I was surprised at the over and beyond effort she made in delivering us what we wanted.

We received it today and love it and thank you Esty at aBably.com!

Live Chat with Avon's Tippi Shorter 9/22 and Advance Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield

Like Avon's new product Advance Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield or have you had a chance to try it?  I have and love it!  I have the hair that likes to curl but it also likes to frizz.  I like to straighten my hair and have found Avon's new product truly does help prevent the frizzies.  Click here is my past post on it.

ADVANCE TECHNIQUES Frizz Control Lotus Shield

Next Wednesday you can take part in an exclusive live chat with Avon's Global Stylist Advisor, Tippi Shoter from 12 to 1 pm (EST).   On September 22nd, Tippi will share her insider access to the hairstyles from the Cynthia Steffe show, Avon's revolutionary treatment product, Advance Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield, upcoming trends and will field your questions.

You can RSVP on Avon's Facebook Events page.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 22nd from 12PM-1PM EST
WHERE: http://www.facebook.com/AvonProductsInc (Livestream tab) 

It's a Social Parade - Follow on Fridays

Smart and Trendy Moms

Social Parade Follow on Friday Blog-Hop is a weekly link-up hosted by Smart and Trendy Moms. 

Blogmania 2010 is On! Enter to Win a $700 Prize Pack for ONE 9/15 and 9/16

It's here!  Are you ready to win thousands of dollars of prizes?  My site alone has a value pack at over $700!  

After you enter mine, head out to the next blog on the site at the bottom.

*If you are having trouble finding the comments section, scroll down to the last comment and you will find the "leave a comment" link.

You can click here to see the original post with all the pictures of what you will win and click on each of the pictures below to visit each of my sponsors sites directly. 

The pictures below don't show all the prizes that will be given.

If you like the prizes, please visit each of my sponsors to thank them!  This is just a portion of the prizes.

Find me on Facebook       Find me on Twitter

To enter (find the area to leave comments under the list of other participating bloggers):

Leave a comment that you want to win and follow my blog - use Internet Explorer if you cannot find it.

Extra Entries:
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily) - two entries
  • Like me on Facebook
  • Subscribe to my blog
  • Vote for me as Top Babble Mom

Giveaway ends 9/17 at midnight (EST) - winner will be notified within 72 hours.

    Fur and Feathers by Janet Halfmann Book Review

    In this complimentary delightful e-Book that I had a chance to review, I found another great example of how author, Janet Halfmann, can make learning fun with the use of animals.  Janet captures the magic of animals in such detail that it brings them into a whole new light.  I always enjoy reading the books by Janet and can't wait to read them to my daughters.  In Fur and Feathers, Sophia has a dream of great winds whisking the fur and feathers off all her animal friends.  Faced with what to do for these helpless animals, Sophia's creativity uncovers beautiful new ways to cover her friends and teaches a great lesson on sharing, giving and helping others.

    Another great feature of Janet's books end with a learning experience for children.  For Creative Minds further challenges children to learn in a fun way with four pages of fun learning activities at the back of the book.

    This book is recommended for ages 4-9 and is published by SylvanDellPublishing..

    Both my girls enjoyed the story as did I and I think you will too!

    You can purchase Janet's book online or any of Sylvan Dell Publishing books here.


    Liberty Mutual Insurance
    , the eighth-largest car and home insurer in the U.S., will kick off its “National Conversation Drive” at a day-long event at Chicago’s Millennium Park.  Members of the public will don movement-restricting “senior simulator suits” and wear special vision-impairing glasses to help simulate the effects of aging on driving ability; participants in the experience will also be asked to complete an online pledge to have conversations with their elderly parents and family members about senior driving safety, as well as transportation alternatives for seniors. 

    Also on hand will be representatives from ITNAmerica and ITNChicago, Liberty Mutual’s partners in providing safe, alternative transportation to seniors; and the Macklin Intergenerational Institute, which consulted with Liberty Mutual and specializes in intergenerational awareness and acceptance.

    TUESDAY, September 21, 2010 from 9am to 5pm at Millennium Park in Chicago.  

    For those that cannot make the event, online pledges can be made at www.LibertyMutual.com/senior-driving or on Facebook (a link can be found at that link). 

    Hellmann's Virtual Sandwich Swap 'n' Share: How You Can Help Feed Hungry Kids

    Hellmann's® / Best Foods® Sandwich Swap 'n' Share: To Benefit Share Our Strength® - No Kid Hungry. Help us donate $75,000 when you build and swap sandwiches with friends! We're proud to partner with Share Our Strength®, a national nonprofit that connects children with the nutritious food they need to lead healthy, active lives. Create your perfect sandwich, let us create one for you or choose a celebrity sandwich and we'll make a donation to Share Our Strength®. Plus, every time you swap with a friend, we'll make another donation! GET STARTED >

    Don't you just love back to school and thinking about what to make for lunch?  I always dread it as my one child is so picky so it's hard to make interesting lunches with better ingredients.  I always hope that the school lunch will be good even though I know my prepared lunch would most likely be better and healthier for her.  One thing that happened in our school system last year at the end of the year were notifications of a huge amount of back fees for unpaid lunch.  I saw it on our local FreeCyclers group and was taken back by the mean comments by those not understanding why a child may not have money to pay for lunch.  The truth is many people can't afford it then and more now.  This is where Hellmann's comes into play for this post.

    Hellmann's® and Best Foods® Mayonnaise are putting the fun back into lunch this September with their virtual Sandwich Swap 'n' Share program.  Celebrity chef Bobby Flay and actress/mom Lori Loughlin are teaming up with Hellmann's® to help re-launch Hellmann's® virtual Sandwich Swap 'n' Share on the Facebook® application (Facebook.com/Hellmanns).  This virtual version of the beloved school lunch ritual of swapping sandwiches will benefit Share Our Strength®, the leading non-profit organization ending childhood hunger in America.

    When people visit Hellmann's® Page on Facebook®, they'll have the opportunity to create a sandwich on the application and, for every sandwich built, Hellmann's® will make a donation to Share Our Strength®.  What's more, when they share a sandwich with a friend, an additional donation will be made as part of Hellmann's® $75,000 commitment to support Share Our Strength®.

    Need some inspirational ideas for cooking?  Check out what is also on the Hellmann's Facebook site:


    • Chicken Or Turkey Gyros
    • Grilled Steak Sandwiches With Steak Sauce Mayonnaise & Romaine
    • Pimento (Red Pepper) Cheese-Bacon Burgers
     Many more great recipes here.

    *Disclosure:  I wrote this post and have been entered for a chance to win a gift as part of the Hellmann's® program via my participation with Moms Select.

    Last Hours for Blogmania at Health, Beauty, Children & Family!

    Hurry and enter to win a prize pack at over $700 for ONE winner!  AdorableBabyClothing.com is providing two infant Christmas sets, Ficklets has provided adorable eyewear charm huggers, Evelyn White has amazing handmade linens and so many more sponsors are providing this incredible prize pack for ONE!  

    Entries are low compared to other blogmania giveaways but your chances are just the same with a bigger giveaway!

    Enter before midnight tonight here!

    Easy Way to Help: Vote for September's Pepsi Grant Refresh Projects

    Just takes under 20 seconds to text vote for each these wonderful Pepsi ideas - text the number to 73774 (Pepsi):

    • Text 100236 Help fund a non-profit music organization (Ed Fest)
    • Text 101439 1p36 Deletion Syndrome in children
    • Text 101259 MS Dreams - Multiple Sclerosis
    • Text 101307 Build Community Courts for Libby
    • Text 100796 BeInstrumental
    • Text 100047 Ovarian Cancer Awareness
    • Text 101692 End Leading Cause of Child Disability (CMV)
    • Text 100585 Help a Community Build a Fitness Center (Buss)
    • Text 100527 Help a School Build a Playground (Hester)
    • Text 100214 Provide a Healthy Habits Tool
    • Text 102305 Build a Memorial Playground in Honor of 11 Year Old
    • Text 100899 Prevent Alcohol & Drug Tragedies
    You can also go to www.angels4epilepsy.org to vote online as well!  Two votes - easy!

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