Embracing a Healthy Family

L'uvalla Certified Organic Skin Care Review and Giveaway 8/18: CLOSED WINNER



An e-mail has been sent to Kimberly and she has 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen via random.org.

Thanks to all who entered!

One thing I've learned in life is it's never too early nor too late to care for your skin.  I really wished someone would have taught me to take better care of myself when I was younger, getting those tans and not properly cleaning my skin.  I also had no idea how toxic some of the every day products we use are to our bodies and skin until I started to research more about organic products.   

As with natural products like supplements and vitamins, it can be a confusing area to understand since some abuse the terms "natural" and "organic."  There are different levels a business can use to make those claims and just because a product has "natural" or "organic" on the label/package, it's not necessarily true they are 100% pure and natural.  I sort of see it with the bread industry with wheat and whole wheat ingredients.  I used to buy wheat bread thinking it was better for me but I eventually learned most bread is made of wheat anyway and has been stripped of its nutrients.  Whole wheat is what to look for in bread products.  

L'uvalla Age-Defying Hydrating Milk Cleanser Review

Back to organics and my introduction to a complimentary product by L'uvalla.   I had never heard of L'uvalla until I saw it on another blogger's site and I became very interested as I pursuit ways to improve my skin and retain it's youthfulness.  The L'uvalla Certified Organic Hydrating Milk Cleanser is 100% natural.  It's created with a blend of organic plant ingredients that gently cleanses and removes make up while hydrating the skin.  I liked how it felt as I massaged it into my skin.  The ingredients call for a quarter size amount but I used a little less and still had plenty to wash my face.  That's a bonus to me as it means it will last a long time.  It didn't suds up like some cleanser and it was thick enough to stay put while I massaged it in.  It rinsed off effortlessly and didn't leave a sticky feel or film.  

I've been using the L'uvalla Hydrating Milk Cleanser for over a week and a half and really like how it feels.  My skin is softer and I've stopped using my Proactive as much and not noticed more break outs which is another plus.  I also like the pairing up of natural products to produce a product that not only cleans but also has other properties such as aromatherapy.  It's a great all in one product for cleansing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant while soothing and calming the skin.

I think my next product that I'll purchase will be the Balancing Eucalyptus Toner to help minimize break outs and give my Proactive a rest.  I like the idea of natural products to treat and protect my skin.


Natural spring water, cetearyl alcohol, cetearyl glucoside, sunflower seed oil, cocamidopropyl betaine, hazel seed oil, xanthan gum, Lotus flower extracts, orange peel oil, lavendin oil, Matricaria flower extract, Meadowsweet extract, Passionflower extract, Ginseng root extract, Palmarosa oil

How it works

Hydrating Milk Cleanser is a vegan cleanser formulated with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents that moisturizes, cleanses, calms and soothes the skin.  Each ingredient provides a different action for the skin and altogether, it's a great product priced at $34.99 that lasts three months.

Overall, I would recommend the product as it's not harsh, is effective and left my skin feeling soft and moisturized.  My skin type is normal/dry with breakouts and it has responded well to date.

About L'uvalla

The founding principles of Yuvalla is to balance east and west with holistic mindfulness with pathways, products and services.  Yuvalla introduced their first product line:  L'uvalla skincare products that are 100% natural and organic.  Click here to read all about L'uvalla.

No Preservatives    Vagen    Animal Cruelty Free     100% Natural/Certified Organic

They have a line of skincare products ranging from age-defying to sunscreen to eye/lip cream to a balancing system.   L'uvalla products far exceed the USDA's requirements for organic certification as they also bear the European COSMEBIO certification.

The Giveaway

One lucky reader will receive their very own three month bottle of L'uvalla Age Defying Hydrating Milk Cleanser!

To Enter

Follow my blog and tell me what other product from L'uvalla you would like to try.

Extra Entries

  1. After visiting the L'uvalla website, tell me something you learned (two entries)
  2. Follow me on Twitter (two entries)
  3. Like me on Facebook (two entries)
  4. Tweet about this giveaway (two entries - can be done daily)
  5. Subscribe to my blog (two entries)
  6. Blog about this giveaway (five entries)
  7. Enter any of my other giveaways (five entries)



Giveaway ends August 18th at midnight (EST) - winner will be chosen by random.org

US only please

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary product for the purposes of this review.

Shark Steam Pocket Mop Review

I have two children with chronic medical condition and when the frenzy of the H1N1 hit last fall, I panicked as my youngest has an unknown pulmonary condition that makes her vulnerable when she contracts a cold.   She almost died two years ago so I'm nearly frightened at the first sight of someone having a cold in my house.  I kept hearing about the Shark Steam Pocket Mop and finally bought it impulsively one day at Kohls.  I was hestitant to purchase something that I felt was expensive but I did.  

I'm watching an infomercial now for the Steam Pocket Mop and I'm jealous as they are offering a FREE Steam Scrubber just for trying it.  The deal on the infomercial is definitely better than the in-store price as you get more items with the package.  If you haven't had the chance to try out the mop, here are some of the features:

  1. Cleans with steam - no harsh chemicals
  2. No buckets of solution needed
  3. Different mop heads that allows you to clean all surfaces to include hardwood floors and carpet as well as corners
  4. A very long cord - 50' to be exact which is very convenient when you have a large house
  5. Mop heads change fast and requires no tools or heavy manpower
  6. Heats up fast - you can fill it up and it will steam quickly without having to sit and watch more infomercials
  7. Light weight so easy to carry to another room
  8. Two sided mop heads - flip over and use the other side easy and conveniently
  9. Eco friendly - throw the mop heads in the wash and save money


I'm sure there are more benefits but those are the main ones I could think of.  The only small thing I found is the mop is hard to push when you flip the mop over but that is because it has to get the effects of the steam to make it glide which only takes about 30 seconds or so.  I look at it as a way to burn an extra calorie.  I have not found anything better or works as well as the Shark Pocket Mop.  

I love how it kills over 99% of germs to include 99% of H1N1.  I purchased this mostly due to the that feature alone and all the others are a bonus.  I tell everyone about it when the subject comes up.   There is a new and improved one out and again, after price checking, you can get it cheaper in a store but if you buy via the infomercial or their site, you get great bonuses that if you have the money, it's worth the cost.

*Disclaimer:  I was not compensated for this post.

Great Deal on Huggies Pull-Ups Overnight for Boys

Amazon has a great deal on boy's Huggies Pull-Ups 48 count.  Once you click the link, look right below the price, click on the "2 new" to get the $14.95 price.  They have them listed at another store within Amazon for $39.99 so that shows you the huge deal it is!

Woobie Wear: Where Cute Meets Couture! Review

Woobie Wear is an interesting name that catches your attention and makes you wonder what is Woobie Wear doesn't it?  Woobie Wear was started in 2006 by Lisa Blackman.  Lisa was inspired by her own daughter and her passion for fashion.  Where Woobie Wear is different, they aspire to product not only high quality products but they are fashionable and they are socially responsible.  Part of their products are produced and packaged by people with disabilities and they donate to several charities that help children with pediatric cancers.  I find their mission to be so touching and loving.

Woobie Wear hats are one of a kind in that they are hand made and embellishments like sequence and ribbon are put on hand.  The Woobie Wear flowers are made on clips making them versatile whether you want to put them in your child's hair, clip on a hat, attach to a coat or wherever you want to add a touch of prettiness.

Here are just a few of the beautiful, hand crafted Woobie Wear items available.



As  you will see with the pictures, they are beautiful!  Woobie Wear does an exceptional job.  I was provided with a Woobie Wear hat, flower clip and headband and all were of a quality that was above what I expected.  I have ordered headbands before and these were not only beautiful but the craftsmanship were a cut above. 

The delicate dark/chocolate brown crocheted hat had a white ribbon placed perfectly around the edge to be adjustable for a one size fit all which is great since I have two young girls of varying ages so both can wear.  Not to mention, I have a grandbaby on the way that will look adorable!  The removable flower clip is a great way to change the look of the hat or to jazz up something else.  The clip had a small piece of fabric on the underside to help keep it in place while protecting little one's heads.   I really cannot say enough as if you purchase any of the Woobie Wear products, I think you definitely get your money's worth! 


Woobie Wear products come in a variety of styles to fit any of your fashion needs:

  • Beautiful Baby Collection
  • Sweet Spring & Summer Collection
  • Sassy Safari
  • Stunning Sequences
  • Fabulous Fall Collection
  • Heavenly Holiday Collection

You can purchase at a retail location by clicking here to locate one or via Woobie Wear's Facebook page here.

Have you wondered what a Woobie was yet?  Her daughter's nickname since birth has been Woobie!  Isn't that cute and touching?

Sign up for Woobie mail here to stay up to date on the current products, news and more and don't forget to check out the giveaways here.  The current giveaway is this beautiful crochet hat and flower clip:

Don't forget about Christmas in July which ends July 31st at midnight!  Each month Woobie Wear hosts a themed photo contest and entry fees (100%) go to those battling cancer.  Donations are $5 for up to five photos.  Click here to find out more!

*Disclaimer:  I received complimentary product(s) for the purpose of this review.  The opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced by the PR/business who provided the product(s).

Moms Into Fitness: Lindsay Brin's Shed 5 Fast DVD Review & Discount Code

Lindsay Brin

Get your body back with Moms Into Fitness DVDs and learn how to fire your core from the inside-out to create a flat stomach again!  Who doesn't want to lose weight, get healthier or just keep living healthy?  I know I do and continue to struggle with it in spite of having a wealth of tools available.  The only thing I'm missing are motivation and time ... okay, I'm making excuses again and the ONLY thing I'm missing is motivation as I'm lazy!  I'm not lazy in that I sit around and do nothing but I'm tired and lack motivation.  It's a funny place to be as I hate being out of shape and it really impacts me as a person YET I can't find that magical button to make me do it.

When I was given the chance to receive a complimentary copy of Lindsay Brin's Shed 5 Fast as part of my participation with the Mama Buzz group, I jumped.  I really wanted to try it out.  Lindsay is perky and motivational.  She provides a workout program that is easy to follow and fun as even my children had fun working out with me.  Check it out for yourself:

Shed 5 has two exercise routines and Lindsay guarantees you will lose five pounds in three weeks if you use it.  After completing the 30 minute exercises, I definitely could see losing those pounds in three short weeks!   I like the break down of the workout with a three minute warm up, 24 minutes of workout in a 3/3 interval, three minute toning with weights  and three minutes of kick boxing and it alternates with the other 24 minute routine.  I also like that Lindsay utilizes three levels of fitness to ensure you can keep up from beginner, intermediate to expert.  It's a very easy program to follow but you just have to have the motivation to do it!

As a special, you can get a 20% off discount with the code below.  Priced at only $15.99, it's a good workout and Lindsay is so cute that you can't help but want to workout.  I am waiting for my nieces to go home this week to fully take advantage of her workouts so be ready for an updated review coming soon!

Lindsay Brin

Keep up to date with Moms Into Fitness by following on Twitter or Facebook and to check out more of the workouts, you can click here.

Once my nieces go home tomorrow after a four week visit, I plan to start using this routinely so stay tuned for my weight loss updates!  I really liked Lindsay's style, motivation and her desire to help other moms!

Disclaimer:  This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by: Moms Into Fitness for the purpose of this review.

Infomercial Nightmare or Entertainment?

Have you ever channel surfed late in the night or early morning?  I love watching infomercials to see the latest and greatest of As Seen on TV specials.  One thing I have learned, many of the products I have purchases based on seeing on TV don't work. It's incredible how much they can hype up the product and border on false advertising.  While I was watching, I heard my niece yell out in her sleep ..could it be the infomercials on??  Actually, she apparently has loud dreams so it wasn't the infomercials.

I find some of them amusing while some convincing and others are just plain dull and insulting.  The one's that use large breasted women with miles of cleavage trying to talk and look immensely interested in financial infomercials are the most insulting and dull coupled with all the male enhancement ones.  I would think a foreigner would think Americans are only interested in boobs and penis enhancement drugs.

I was curious and started writing down each one that I found paging up the channels.  I didn't get through an hour of them before they shifted to a new hour so I stopped as it finally bored me enough to go back to sleep.  These are what I saw in order of viewing them:

TriVita's Nopalea anti-inflamatory drink for your entire body - made from the Nopal cactus and is all natural containing a  blend of anti-oxidant richNopal cactus superfruit with naturally sweet Agave nectar.  The site has many resources available to include 'scientifically proven' protection.  They do cite studies conducted by extracts of the Opuntia ficus-indica but the studies are few and are not with this specific product rather the betalains.

Click Here to Order Now

Luminess Air - airbrushed make up using only a few drops of foundation and a push of the button.  They also have a large line of make up you can purchase which was no surprise.  It looks neat in that it's suppose to deliver a steady stream of make up via air to give you a flawless appearance.  One paid person claimed she doesn't have to close her eyes as it doesn't go in there which seemed illogical.  I'm impressed if the make up is truly that smart that it knows to spray only on the face and not in the eyes....hmm....doubt it.  The make up's appeal to me is nothing on the hands.  It's also costly starting out at $169.95 for the basic system.

Wealth without Risk - on two channels - a  British spokesperson with heaving breast and a lot of cleavage ...turn....boring.

In Styler - comb through once and get the result - no hair dryer needed as the polishing barrel does all the work without any damage.  Not sure I buy this one as both my oldest and I have curly hair and have tried MANY products.  We've tried the ones that state your hair can be wet, flat irons, curling irons, etc but the one true product we have found is the Chi line of straighteners.  Right now there is a 30 day trial where you can get two for $14.95 plus $19.99 for s/h and after 30 days, pay three payments of $39.99!  Ouch...

Bosley hair restoration - two channels had Bosley

Kymaro Curve Control Jeans uses a remeasure post putting the jeans on to make you feel they made you lose weight but it's the appearance that cuts down on the measurements but there is the "results may vary" disclaimer.

Investools - investing tools online to learn how to invest - pretty blonde in a pant suit with a buttoned up collar - very surprising they didn't use cleavage to sell

Bare Minerals - foundation might be clogging your skin thus causing acne where mineral make up might be the key to helping acne

Hammer & Wood golf club on the Golf Channel (of course) - only $99 plus s/h!

Shark Portable Steam - two channels - get a ton of attachments to clean as well as use as a clothes steamer for only $33 of three payments with free s/h - I love my Shark mop so this is one that I would want. www.GetSharkSteamer.com

ErectMed's Pos-T-Vac - vaccuum you know what - results may vary

Omega XL - overcome pain - natural anti-inflammatory - discusses heart attack and risk pain associated with over the counter pain remedies

Advertising Profits from Home book - looked boring so I didn't watch

Brainetics Math & Memory System techniques to help children and adults - used three digit numbers to multiply, memorize numerous numbers/letters - taught in over 6,000 classrooms - suppose to be fun to learn

Nuwave Infrared Oven - cooks without using fat - claims 75 of participants had lower cholesterol levels after using.  Claims it can do many types of cooking and fast without defrosting as well as reheating.  PortableMore than one million sold and BBB accredited - 3 payments at $39.99 - special "right now!"

Yudu home screen printing system - try for $33 plus s/h for 30 days - additional payments apply but they don't clearly tell you what that is.  Make t-shirts, napkins, cards, etc - 4yudu.com

Laura Geller baked make up collection - try for 30 days with money back guarantee - re-occurring monthly plan

MaxClarity for acne control - 60 day money back guarantee - uses foam - $19.95 plus s/h

Steam Pocket Mop - I have one of these that I purchased at Kohls and I love the 30' cord, adjustable handle for your height, no chemicals, double sided mop heads, washable, different heads for every job, dries fast - www.steampocketoffer.com - 4 payments of $39.95 - I bought mine cheaper through Kohls but the thing I found out is you get a better deal with going to the SteamPocketMop website and buying their special since they throw in freebies and other special deals.

Shew.....there are way too many!

Our Princess/Dress Up Party

In honor of my two nieces going back to Indiana, I wanted to have a special party for them.   Since we had left over Cinderella costumes from prior purchases from Adorable Baby Clothing, I chose a princess/dress up party for them.  The only things we were missing were tutus, jewelry and feather boas.  Claire's was the perfect stop for this impromptu visit and I spent way more than I wanted to but at the end of the day, it was worth it as memories are priceless.


My oldest put nails on them that we also found at Claires and they all looked like little divas!  I used the roll of zebra paper we had left over from the Minnie Mouse party for the background.  I used my make up as what dress up party is complete without it!  I definitely learned why I never became a make up artist!

I also stopped at Publix and picked out a pretty cake for them to have Kool-aid and cake to top it off.

Overall, we had a great time, wrapped up great memories and I tried to save money with existing things like costumes.  I plan on using Smilebox to give the girls a complete online memory of their summer with us!  This was a special summer for us with their dad being in Kuwait for the year so I hope having my nieces helped.  I had one of my other nieces here for two weeks and took her back two weeks ago while the other two decided to stay for four weeks.

No Tax Free Day in Georgia

Quite a few states offer a tax free day or weekend just before school starts back to help parents with the burden of all the expenses.  I came from Indiana and we never had this nice governmental break and to be honest, I love it and think it's great IF a state can afford the hit they will take from no a reduced revenue.  Don't get me wrong as I'm not a supporter of taxes let alone the double and triple taxation we suffer from as our deficit continues to grow and politicians keep increasing taxes instead of cutting pork projects.

I saw another blogger note how she volunteered at a local charity type drive to provide supplies and clothing to children of low income in St. Louis and loved the fact that charity should be in the community.  One of the things that George W. Bush pushed while in office was charity began in the communities to help those less fortunate.  I completely agree with this mentality and would love to see all areas mimic what St. Louis does in helping those in need.
Everyone is being hit hard lately and I hope people continue that mentality to help others when they can.  If we take care of each other, it goes a long way.

SUDEP: Silent Killer Among Epileptics

I received my periodic e-mail from the Epilepsy Therapy Project (ETP) due to signing up for updates as my seven year old was diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy (BRE) over two years ago.  What most people think of when they hear epilepsy is people falling on a floor with convulsions.  Epilepsy consists of many types and many different ages are affected.  Most recall John Travolta's son Jett who died from a seizure and as a parent of an epileptic, it's frightening.  This particular e-mail was from a father who just lost his 19 year old son last year to Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) and it appeared in the New York Times.

Unmasking Silent Killer in Epilepsy
The New York Times
Published: July 26, 2010

On July 9, 2009, Steve Wulchin went to wake his 19-year-old son, Eric, in their home in Boulder, Colo. Eric had been given a diagnosis of epilepsy three years earlier, but other than that, his father said, "there was nothing out of the ordinary." His seizures had been well controlled; he had not had one in six months.

Yet that morning, Mr. Wulchin found Eric lying on the floor. CPR and paramedics were too late; Eric had died at about 2:30 a.m.

The cause of Eric's death was ultimately listed as Sudep, for sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. The syndrome accounts for up to 18 percent of all deaths in people with epilepsy, by most estimates; those with poorly controlled seizures have an almost 1 in 10 chance of dying over the course of a decade.

Yet many patients and their families never hear about Sudep until someone dies. Mr. Wulchin said none of Eric's four neurologists ever mentioned it to the family.

"The message we got back was, 'There's no reason why he can't live a long and normal life,' " he said. "It never occurred to me that this was a possibility."

Now, physicians, researchers, advocates and relatives like Mr. Wulchin, a technology executive, are trying to raise awareness about Sudep. One of their goals is to establish registries of deaths and autopsy results, building databases to support future research.

Sudep most often affects young adults, typically ages 20 to 40, with a history of the convulsive seizures once known as "grand mal." Others at risk include those with difficult-to-control seizures, or seizures at night; people who take a large number of anti-epileptic medications or take them irregularly; African-Americans with epilepsy; and people with epilepsy whose I.Q. is under 70.

Many victims die in their sleep, and their bodies are often found face down. That prone position suggests that they may have had a neural, respiratory or cardiac crisis - or some combination - that left them momentarily unable, like SIDS babies, to rescue themselves from suffocating.

"After a seizure, the person is in a dramatically reduced state of awareness, and even their reflexes are reduced," said Dr. Orrin Devinsky, director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at New York University.

For most people, he went on, "once your airway's obstructed, you roll over. For people with epilepsy, they don't."
Epilepsy, wrapped for centuries in secrecy and stigma, has gained wide attention in recent years. Not so with Sudep; even neurologists who specialize in epilepsy sometimes feel that mentioning it to patients who aren't at high risk may impose too much of a burden.

"Whenever I speak to a group of colleagues about telling all their patients, it's controversial," said Dr. Elizabeth Donner, a neurologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and co-founder of the advocacy group Sudep Aware. "People worry about having a negative impact on the quality of life of people with epilepsy if we tell them about this."

Mr. Wulchin and other advocates say this attitude needs to change, even in the absence of a concrete way to predict or prevent a sudden death.

"People go off and have babies knowing very well that SIDS could strike," he said. "People have surgery and they get the standard warning that there could be adverse reactions to the anesthesia to the point of a fatality. We deal with these kinds of ambiguities all the time."

Dr. Donner agrees. "People with epilepsy have the right to know that Sudep exists, and they have the right to be responsibly counseled about how to reduce the risk," she said. "And actually, that doesn't have to be a painful conversation."

Dr. Devinsky, at N.Y.U., says he often directs at-risk patients to Britain, which has been at the forefront of Sudep awareness. There, devices like mattress alarms and structured pillows are sold to protect against death in sleep.
But just as research into epilepsy has been hindered by stigma, experts and advocates say the silence about Sudep is making it difficult to explore causes and treatments.

"I think this needs to be part of our conversation," said Gardiner Lapham of Washington, D.C., a board member of the advocacy group Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy, whose son, Henry, died in 2008, at age 4. "The more people talk about it, the more people are going to be interested in getting to the causes of why this is occurring, and ultimately identifying ways to prevent it."

Last year, researchers at Baylor Medical College in Houston, led by Dr. Jeffrey Noebels, discovered that a genetic mutation linked to a type of irregular heart rhythm called Long QT syndrome could also lead to seizures - suggesting that Sudep may result from electrical disruptions occurring in the brain and heart together. And this spring, the team isolated a mutation on a different gene that may cause seizure activity in the brain to direct extra impulses through the vagus nerve to the heart, making it slow and, in some cases, stop beating.

"We are hopeful the findings spur epileptologists to urge patients with epilepsy to obtain an electrocardiogram as part of their full evaluation," Dr. Noebels said. "If it is abnormal, we expect more genetic information will be obtained, and that we can steadily build a database that tells us how important the incidence of mutations in these two genes really is."

Steve Wulchin says he has had heart arrhythmias, and he wonders if that could have been connected to Eric's condition.

"Had I known a year ago what I know now, I would've said, 'We're going to the cardiologist, we're going to get you an EKG, an echocardiogram, potentially genetic testing; we're going to get to the bottom of this,'" he said.
But neurologists say the Baylor findings are far from definitive. "I'm highly respectful of his work," Dr. Donner said of Dr. Noebels. "I don't want to downplay it at all. But you're not going to suddenly go back and find samples of all these people, and all of them will have problems with this channel in the heart and the brain.

"I know sometimes it's played up as 'Gene for Sudep Discovered,' " she went on. "But Sudep is going to be multifactorial - no question."

The lack of awareness about Sudep extends to forensic science. "I actually instructed the coroner how to classify Eric's death, which is kind of mind-boggling when you think about it," Mr. Wulchin said. "When I explained it, he said, 'Well, that's interesting; we've had five or six similar cases in Boulder County in the last year.' So it leads me to believe that it's vastly underreported."

Dr. Donner, who is building the first registry of pediatric Sudep deaths in Canada, agrees. "I think that underreporting of Sudep cases, or underrecognition, is very, very high," she said, adding, "I want open communications so that we can learn more."

And Mr. Wulchin says families like his need to be more aggressive in raising overall awareness of the syndrome.
"You have to be your own best advocate, and I think the patients and the parents and the advocacy groups really have to start forcing the issue," he said. "There's no magic answer but awareness. Nothing's going to happen without that."

A version of this article appeared in print on July 27, 2010, on page D5 of the New York edition.

Outlast Hand Sanitizer Works Up to Six Hours Party

Any reason to have a party is worth it!  Parties are fun but when you also get to host a party for a product, what a great idea to not only get your friends and family together but you also get to share a product and learn more about the product and/or company.  I have a lot of fun hosting these product parties and I was happy to be a part of the Outlast Hand Sanitizer party that introduced my family and friends to this new product.

Get Your Free Bottle Today

I have children with chronic medical conditions so I don't need added exposure to germs even though I know it's a common occurrence.  I also feel there is no need to unnecessarily expose them so I am a staunch user of hand sanitizer during the school year as well as when the cold and flu seasons hit.  When my kids get sick, the three year old could have devastating results so receiving the complimentary party kit of Outlast Hand Sanitizer products was ideal for us.

Here is something different about Outlast, it works up to six hours whereas the others work for around two minutes.  I had no idea and never thought about it until I learned more about Outlast.  This is ideal for those out in the public like my middle child who is around other little ones all day.  This would last her about all day as I'm not sure how her hand washing skills are at skill in spite of preaching her to do so.

Outlast relies on patent technology and not only works up to six hours but is a moisturizing, non-sticky liquid formula that leaves your hands feeling soft and not dried out.  Outlasts also has been used by hospitals for years.  The patented formula uses ethyl alcohol to kill the germs but the Viacydin patented technology is what allows it to keep working for up to six hours.

Having Outlast was wonderful and timely for our trip to Disney as well.  We were able to have added germ protection among all the crowds as you can see below, it was busy!

Our party began with watching the video on the site to receive more information on Outlast.  Each parent was able to try Outlast Hand Sanitizer themselves in their nice little gift bag they received.  We all agreed it left our skin soft and feeling moisturized.  Even our most sensitive mom didn't have issues with the formula.   The kids also liked it which is always a plus as the size of the bottle is handy enough to fit in a purse or a diaper bag for those trips to the store or wherever.  

School is gearing back up so it's a perfect time to try it yourself and right now, there is a special where you pay shipping, you can get your own bottle for free.

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary party pack of Outlast for the purposes of a party with my friends and family.  My post is extra and I was not compensated for it.

Total Pillow Review and Giveaway 8/17 WINNER CLOSED


An e-mail has been sent and she has 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen by random.org.

Thanks to all those who entered!

Pregnant? Traveler? Health issues?  Older?  Whatever you might be experiencing, sometimes there are body parts that hurt with basic positions.  I remember pregnancy quite well as well as how harsh traveling on an airplane or a car can be on your neck.  I'm one of those people who cannot sleep easily and I only wished I had an aid to assist like the Total Pillow.

The Total Pillow is touted as the amazing versatile pillow that cradles you in comfort.   I received a complimentary Total Pillow as part of my participation in the Mama Buzz group.    Don't let the name fool you as it's not just a pillow to sleep but due to the unique way it can be positioned, it's more than that.   As soon as I felt it, I immediately told my oldest that it would be ideal for her post pregnancy and those of you who have experienced it, know exactly what I mean!  My dad also had colon cancer surgery four year's ago and could definitely use a pillow like this.  If he lived closer, I was going to have him try it out but I decided I would purchase one for him to ease his pain.  It holds it shape no matter what position you put it in and I love the fact it can be used in a new position in an instant.  It's a great addition to have for your comfort.

The pro's are it's made of microbeads which can be dangerous to little ones if a seam rips or over energetic children get their hands on and possibly rip it and it cannot be machine washed.  Keep in mind that the package does specifically state that kids should not handle the product, I know sometimes they can get into things they aren't suppose to so parents should be cautious from this aspect.  In spite of those two items I noted, I would still recommend this to those with medical conditions warranting a donut shaped pillow as well as those who travel or need the extra bodily support.

The Total Pillow is patent pending due to the locking technology that enables the pillow to support the neck, lower back, ankles and knees.  It's also available as a buy one get one free!   You get two Total Pillows, two compresses and two fleece compress covers to keep them clean all for $19.99 plus shipping and there is a 30 day money back guarantee.

The Giveaway:

One winner will receive a Total Pillow!

To Enter:

Follow my blog and tell me you follow.

Extra Entries:

  1. Visit Total Pillow and tell me what you would like to use the Total Pillow for (two entries).
  2. Subscribe to my blog (two entries).
  3. Follow me on Twitter (two entries).
  4. Tweet about this giveaway - Can be done daily - (two entries - leave URL).
  5. Blog about this giveaway (five entries).
  6. Enter any of my ongoing giveaways (five entries).



Giveaway ends 8/17 at midnight (EST) - Winner will be chosen via random.org.

US only please!

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary Total Pillow for the purposes of this review.

Adorable Baby Clothing: Back to School & More

Back to school is back to bitter sweet thoughts on my part as I like to see Jamie learn and grow but I miss her so much while she's away.  The good thing about school is I love to shop and school gives me a reason to shop.  I just wished I had more money to shop!  If you are an online shopper and want high quality clothing, great selection and wonderful customer service, you need to check out www.adorablebabyclothing.com.  If you aren't an online shopper, you should check them out.

The owner, Cynthia, is an amazing mompreneur, mother, grandmother, daughter, friend and so much more.  I happened to get to know Cynthia first from being a customer and then reaching out via Twitter and then Facebook.  She's one of the kindest, sincere people you will ever meet.  She really cares about others and definitely is committed to her customers.  

AdorableBabyClothing has clothing and accessories for every occasion and from preemie up to your older children.  I have watched her store grow to include so many other great items from baby showers, gifts, toys and more.   If your school has uniforms, she even has a selection for you.

French Toast Boy's Flat Front Double Knee Twill Pant French Toast Girl's Pleated Scooter

If you don't need uniforms, there are beautiful other selections available:


AdorableBabyClothing is also participating in Blogmania 2010 via my site.  For more information and to check out the two great outfits she is providing, click here.

Don't forget to enter the great photo contest!  Click here for more information.

Here are some of my other favorites:

 Black and White Fleece & Fur Swing Coat Pirate Costume Accessory Set Cinderella Princess Gown

Loving New Geico Commercial w/ R. Lee Ermey

I'm loving the new Geico commercial and don't miss the  caveman ones at all.  My 73 year old father loves it too as he's very anti-therapist and is of the old generation of suck it up and deal with it.  He's also ex military so it's also funny to him.

In case you didn't know, R. Lee Ermey has been in roles since 1978 per IMDB.   I was first drawn to him in Mail Call and had no idea how many movie roles he has had.   From the voice in all three Toy Stories to X Men to China Beach and many others, he's a regular when it comes to the drill sergeant/Army voice and roles.

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