Embracing a Healthy Family

POM Wonderful Flan With POM Syrup Recipe

 100% Pomegranate

All I can say is I love POM Wonderful's 100% Pure Pomegranate Juice!  It tastes great and it's really good for you as cited clinical research backs up the science behind this ancient known fruit.  In fact, per POM Wonderful's website, it is the only one backed by $34 million in medical research.

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In my pursuit for a healthier life since my birthday has passed and I'm not getting any younger, I am constantly looking for ways to jazz up recipes and eat healthier in a fun way.  POM Wonderful has these great looking recipes that I'm going to try with complimentary POM Wonderful Pomegranates Juice I received.  The recipes are fun, look pretty and have some good ingredients.

In case you didn't know POM Wonderful makes other products such as their very own grown pomegranates, various types of juice, POMx Tea, POMx Iced Coffee, POMx Antioxidant Recovery, POMx Pills, POMx Bars and POMx Shots.  I like that I have a choice in how I want to consume POM Wonderful whether it's via fruit, juice, pills, bars and shots.


  1. Juice from 2-3 large POM Wonderful Pomegranates to make 1/3 cup POM Syrup* or 1 cup POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
  2. 4 large eggs
  3. 2 1/4 cups milk or half-and-half
  4. 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  5. 2 teaspoons vanilla
  6. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  7. Garnish (optional): Fresh pomegranate arils from 1 large POM Wonderful Pomegranate, orange slices or berries


  1. Preheat oven to 325F; bring a kettle of water to boil for the water bath.
  2. Place 6-oz. flan cups in a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan. Set aside.
  3. In a medium bowl whisk eggs together; add milk, sugar, vanilla and salt until blended. Ladle flan mixture into each cup.
  4. Place baking pan on middle oven rack; carefully pour boiling water around cups in pan to a depth of 1 inch.
  5. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center of flans comes out clean.
  6. Carefully remove pan from oven; with tongs, transfer cups to a cooling rack. Cool; then refrigerate at least 3 hours or up to 24 hours, before serving.
  7. To serve, loosen flans around edges of each cup with a table knife. Place a dessert plate over each flan cup and invert onto plate.
  8. Prepare garnish - Score 1 fresh pomegranate and place in a bowl of water. Break open the pomegranate underwater to free the arils (seed sacs). The arils will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top. Sieve and put the arils in a separate bowl and set aside. (Refrigerate or freeze remaining arils for another use.)
  9. Spoon 1 tablespoon POM Syrup* over each flan. Garnish with pomegranate arils, orange slices or berries as desired.

Flan With POM Syrup

My POM Wonderful Flan didn't look quite as pretty which is why I used their picture but it tasted very good!  Stay tuned for more wonderful POM Wonderful recipes that are perfect for summer time fun and staying healthy!


*To prepare POM Syrup, cut 2-3 POM Wonderful Pomegranates in half and juice using a citrus reamer or juicer to measure 1 cup, or use 1 cup of POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice. Combine juice and 3/4 cup of sugar in a small saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes until reduced to 1/2 cup, stirring frequently.

Nutrients Per Serving (6 oz.) with 1 Tablespoon Syrup: 215 calories, 8g protein, 33g carbohydrate, 5g total fat (2g saturated), 148mg cholesterol, 193mg sodium, .3mg riboflavin (B2), 39mcg iodine.

*Disclaimer:  I did receive a complimentary box of POM Wonderful which I agreed to post actual recipes I made using POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice.  

Second Pair of Earth Exer-Fit

I'm loving my Earth Exer-Fit so much that I had to get a second pair to push up my tone and exer-fit routine.  What I like about Earth Exer-Fits is that they don't look like the Frankenstein shoes like some of the others ones look like.  They don't have that huge platform and they really look like normal shoes.  What I also like is I can wear them casually or during work outs to maximize my burn.  


Exer-Fit shoes burn 4x more fat than an ordinary shoe and have an airy mesh upper which enhances breathability, while the combination of anatomic arch support, BioFoam™ cushioning, and an ultra-lightweight, deep-grooved sole, absorbs and displaces shock to make burning extra calories a breeze.  You really don't feel the 3.7 degree incline once you get used to them which takes no time at all.

I chose the pink/white leather but there are other colors and an array of standard sizes available.

If you prefer a non-athletic shoe, there are other choices too like the Exer-Flip, Exer-Luxe, Exer-Slide and more.   There is even a 12 minute exercise routine you can download featuring Tracy Mallett to help you burn even more.  The exercises can be done anywhere and really is a great alternative to those working in an office or at home and need a quick pick me up.

You can find Earth Footwear here but I purchase all mine at Planet Shoes.

Blogmania 2010: Over $700 in Giveaways on my Blog

BLOGMANIA is a twice-yearly blogging event to offer awesome giveaways by a host of sites with quick entries, rapid prize distribution and a great time over a two day period.  Things are heating up for the many bloggers participating and the lucky entrants will win some fantastic prizes from such a host of various sponsors who have been gracious to offer their products for Blogmania.

I have so many wonderful sponsors participating and wanted to thank each and every one of them.  On 9/15 and 9/16, Blogmania begins!  To see the full Blogmania post and see my prize pack, click HERE.

If you like the prizes, please visit each of my sponsors!

Five Giveaways in One: Peapod Creations, Gourmet Gift Baskets & More 7/14

Don't miss out on winning these great prizes! One winner will receive all five products from:

  1. Undercover Mama
  2. Gourmet Gift Baskets
  3. Sound Beginnings Prenatal Belt
  4. Peapod Creations
  5. Happy Baby
Click HERE to enter and hurry as giveaway ends 7/14!

Outlast Hand Sanitizer Works Up to Six Hours Party

Any reason to have a party is worth it!  Parties are fun but when you also get to host a party for a product, what a great idea to not only get your friends and family together but you also get to share a product and learn more about the product and/or company.  I have a lot of fun hosting these product parties and I was happy to be a part of the Outlast Hand Sanitizer party that introduced my family and friends to this new product.

Get Your Free Bottle Today

I have children with chronic medical conditions so I don't need added exposure to germs even though I know it's a common occurrence.  I also feel there is no need to unnecessarily expose them so I am a staunch user of hand sanitizer during the school year as well as when the cold and flu seasons hit.  When my kids get sick, the three year old could have devastating results so receiving the complimentary party kit of Outlast Hand Sanitizer products was ideal for us.

Here is something different about Outlast, it works up to six hours whereas the others work for around two minutes.  I had no idea and never thought about it until I learned more about Outlast.  This is ideal for those out in the public like my middle child who is around other little ones all day.  This would last her about all day as I'm not sure how her hand washing skills are at skill in spite of preaching her to do so.

Outlast relies on patent technology and not only works up to six hours but is a moisturizing, non-sticky liquid formula that leaves your hands feeling soft and not dried out.  Outlasts also has been used by hospitals for years.  The patented formula uses ethyl alcohol to kill the germs but the Viacydin patented technology is what allows it to keep working for up to six hours.

Having Outlast was wonderful and timely for our trip to Disney as well.  We were able to have added germ protection among all the crowds as you can see below, it was busy!

Our party began with watching the video on the site to receive more information on Outlast.  Each parent was able to try Outlast Hand Sanitizer themselves in their nice little gift bag they received.  We all agreed it left our skin soft and feeling moisturized.  Even our most sensitive mom didn't have issues with the formula.   The kids also liked it which is always a plus as the size of the bottle is handy enough to fit in a purse or a diaper bag for those trips to the store or wherever.   Stay tuned for pictures of the party!

School is gearing back up so it's a perfect time to try it yourself and right now, there is a special where you pay shipping, you can get your own bottle for free.

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary party pack of Outlast for the purposes of a party with my friends and family.  My post is extra and I was not compensated for it.

New Chapter of a New Me

Yesterday was my birthday and I'm proud to say that I'm now 42 as I don't mind being 42 as I don't feel old and I'm told I don't look my age so either I'll just continue to relish those compliments even if they might just be saying so out of politeness!  Anyway, on my journey to a new me as I lost it a bit about three year's ago with the birth of my precious Danielle, I want to bring me back better than ever or at least improved as everyone knows there is always room for growth.

On my journey to a better path forward, I'm primarily focusing on health.  I just received two products for the review aspect of my blog that will help to move me along that journey.  One is from Reviva Labs and another is the EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale w/ Extra Large Backlit 3.5" Display and "Step-On" Technology.  I'm noting these two as this is the pre-review because I want to incorporate them into my journey while sharing my experiences with the products coupled with other products or motivation along the way.  I'm also in a group called Mamavation.  The Mamavation Mama's are a group of wonderful women who embrace and support one another while providing this sistahood of motivation to pick you up on those bad days and cheer you on during the good days.

Although this might appear to be a shameless promotion for the products I agreed to review, it's really not as I will track my successes and progress to my goals while utilizing both products to achieve it.  I thought that this is a perfect opportunity to add additional motivation for the goals!

Stay tuned for more progress, updates and reviews from the Reviva Lab products and from EatSmart Digital Bathroom Scale.

Huggies & Coca-Cola Brand Loyalty Examples

Strange pairing I know but it ties into this post as I have such high brand loyalty.  It's funny how people can become passionate about such things as a brand.  Sometimes it seems some have an intense loyalty it's comparable to love for country.  There are a couple of things that I won't compromise on no matter what.  When I used to drink sodas and was dining out, if they didn't have Coca-Cola products, I would order water.  The same held true for eating at fast food restaurants as I would only patron those that served Coke when I was traveling.  I also have this loyalty when it comes to baby products.  

The absolute product I cannot go without is Huggies.  I've used Huggies for as long as I can remember with my children.  I tried other brands and none compared to how Huggies fits, withstands the elements of wear and the price.  What started out with a desire to prevent leaks moved into the recognition of the number of coupons Huggies releases.  As a parent, everyone needs to save a buck and Huggies is plentiful with their coupons and deals.  When I thought it couldn't get any better, they released more tools and products to make being a parent easier. The potty training help was wonderful and I feel it truly helped my three year old.

I do understand that they are a business but the excellent customer service they provide is a cut above.  I actually received a nasty post comment from someone accusing me of selling out my blog to Huggies.  Ordinarily, I would agree had I not been a long term Huggies customer.  Since I am adamant about choosing Huggies over all other diapers, I do not feel I'm a sell out rather I have intense brand loyalty.  The same holds true for Coca-Cola.  I love Coca-Cola and I have received nothing in return for that proclamation or this post.

I could probably think of so many other products that I love and have a brand loyalty.  Brand loyalty starts with a liking for a product but it continues with excellent customer service that focuses on the customer and listens to what the customer needs.  Brand loyalty begins with a brand that links a thought, image or impression to a customer or prospective customer.  I truly feel businesses like Huggies exemplifies branding and really tries to form partnerships with their customers by listening to feedback, providing tools to assist in every day life and marketing products they need.

I worked at a pharmaceutical company and they spent thousands of dollars on branding.  For all I know, they might have spent millions in the end.  I think at the end of the day, their branding did very little to help but it's interesting to see how businesses conduct business and how their branding may or may not impact their sales and loyalty.  As consumers, we do have an impact.

How Are You Better Than Ever?

 What an ironic post to include today on my birthday from TwitterMoms and Dove gofresh!  How are you better than ever is the recent contest that I couldn't resist as there are so many facets to that question. I can think of many ways that I'm better and can contribute it to experience.  

  1. I am so much more patient today as I was up until recently.  I was a hot head and wanted to do everything now, now, now!  I confess, I'm still that way but I have truly mellowed out a bit.  
  2. I am also better today in that I have my beautiful children!  They are my life, my love and my everything.  Without them, I can't fathom life.  They have made me the better person that I am from their unconditional love.
  3. I'm also better in that I utilize the experiences I have been lucky enough to endure, good and bad, and I learn from them.  I take the trials of life and instead of wallowing in them, I find ways around them and provide encouragement to others with them.
  4. I now have the time to truly help more people.  It's important to live life and give life and not merely take life.  I love doing things for others and as I progressed through this beautiful journey of life, I have learned what is important and what isn't.  I've learned to hold my tongue, to be more understanding and most of all, be more forgiving.
  5. Last but not least, I take better care of myself.  I use products that protect my skin and help me stay healthier longer.  I want to be around a long time to experience my children and their children.
I'm sure there are many, many more ways that I am better now than I have ever been.  How about you?  Join in the discussion back at TwitterMoms here.  You can also participate in a fun photo contest!  Dove® gofresh™ is also sponsoring a Facebook photo contest!  

You can share yourr photos about what's "better than ever" on the Facebook contest page for a chance to win a spa weekend getaway in Sedona, AZ, and thousands of dollars worth of great prize packages from Dove® gofresh™!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here:  http://www.twittermoms.com/forum/topics/celebrate-the-things-in-your)

New Sales at Zulily: Ed Hardy, Hazel, Corkey's Kids, KidKraft & More

Zulily is having more great sales on the kiddie items:

Ed Hardy

Turquoise Swim Trunks - Toddler & Boys

Boys' Set of Seven Bodysuits - Infant  Pink Swimsuit - Infant


White Tiered Sleeveless Top - Toddler & Girls

White Bell-Sleeve Top - Toddler & Girls  Blue Print Dress - Toddler & Girls

Corkey's Kids

Brown Flower Beach Dress - Infant, Toddler & Girls

Turquoise Poppy Bubble - Infant  Frankie & Daisy Pink Swimsuit - Toddler & Girls

Kiss Me Goodnight PJs

Black Dot Pajama Set

Pink Confetti Pajama Set   Peach Dot Pajama Set

Pink & Precious Kitchen Set

Personalized Cow Rocker  Personalized Artist Easel with Paper

Save up to 70% for moms, babies and kids

Upcoming Reviews

Stay tuned for reviews/giveaways on products from Dr. Sears, Costume Supercenter, Homework Made Simple book, Reviva Labs, Kohana Skin, Zuvo Water Filtration System & Carolina Pad.  All these places have great products and I can't wait to review and provide great giveaways to you!

Click for more Reviva Products

Zuvo ZPS125 Water Purator V2.5, White/Stainless Steel 

Seven Girls in a Car

What do you get when you have seven girls in a car?  You'd be surprised!  I journeyed 10+ hours to visit family in Indiana on Saturday, spent the day and next day and then returned with my kids and three additional nieces for two weeks of fun in Georgia.  They think it's fun but they have no idea that they are going to be getting the house ready to sell.  Not really but it was a nice thought!  Here are the ages:  3, 7, 7, 8 and 12.  I can't count my oldest since she will be 22 in a week or so and myself, well, I'm about 15 mentally.  

Anyway, I thought it was going to be really rocky as two of the nieces gang up on mine but they have since stopped that and all play so nice together.  It's so nice to be able to have them altogether to play with one another since we live so far away.  They are doing so well that they even let me participate in my Little Movers Ambassador program for Huggies Naptime Chat.  I was very proud at how well they did!

Another plus is my 12 year old niece is on me to exercise as she knows how I want to get in shape so she's my lil' Mamavation Mama for the week!  I have taken great pictures to send to all the Mama's and my husband who is sweating up in the Kuwaiti desert.  

We're also gearing up for our fabulous Minnie Mouse party we're going to have this weekend full of cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones and much more!  

Join Me in Today's Huggies' Naptime Chat 1:30 - 3:30 CDT

Little Movers Jeans Diapers

Join me and Huggies®

for another afternoon of chatting, learning and fun with your fellow Huggies parents.  Huggies is hosting another Naptime Chat tomorrow from 1:30-3:30 CDT so please join me and be sure to get your questions ready. 

Combi, Mulberribush & More at Zulily

Combi: Strollers, Play Yards & Bouncers

Choosing the right stroller, play yard or bouncer is a big decision that affects you and your tiny tyke's daily life. That's why we're so jazzed about Combi, a brand that creates gear you'll adore. The name Combi is short for "combination," meaning the combination of parent and child. Their modern, urban products are designed to be safe, lightweight, compact and portable.

Mauve Strolee Stroller

Butternut Pod Bouncer  Jade Pod Bouncer

Mulberribush: Boys' Summer Collection

Whimsical graphics. Attention to detail. A perfect fit. Quality fabrics. These are the things that Mulberribush values, and you'll find all of them well taken care of in this collection of tees and shorts. With rescue vehicles, bugs, monkeys, and sports, we're sure you'll find a look he loves. This event also offers darling styles from brother brand Tumbleweed.

Organic Guitar Tee - Boys

Monkey Business Tee - Toddler & Boys  Organic Salamander Tee - Boys

Save up to 70% for moms, babies and kids

Fairy Line Naturals: Featuring Fairy Tea Party at Zulily

Premium Fairy Tea Party Kit

Fairy Safe & Sounds Sleep Kit   Pink Friendship Pixie Wings and Matching Boa Halo

Fairy Line Naturals: Featuring Fairy Tea Party

Wings, fairy dust, wands, and tea sets! It's a fairy world! This event opens the magical door to all things fairy. You'll find three amazing kits that send a complete Fairy Tea Party to your doorstep. Plus, you can pick up extra wings and fairy games, a lavender-scented tooth fairy pillow, and a safe-and-sound dreams set. Each of the sprays and body lotions is all-natural and aroma-therapeutic.
Check out the sale here:

Save up to 70% for moms, babies and kids

EA Active More Workouts & Pink Radio Flyer Tricycle Classics Great Deal

We love our Wii game and love the EA Active More Workouts even more.  Amazon has a great deal on it!

Another great deal and I just posted on Radio Flyer is this:

Mamavation Monday - Week 13

I unfortunately was going to write that this was an "unfortunate" week but after reflecting on it at 6 am, Tuesday as I'm late due to visiting family, I realized it was not all for nought.  I may not have lost any weight and in fact, I might have picked up a pound or two as I haven't checked but here is what I found:
  1. I was able to resist some of the junk food offered to me over the holiday weekend so I view that as a success.  I know what I need to do and it's there in my memory bank reminding me.  It's not so much as a "you failed" mentality rather it's what I need to do to get in shape.  Since I was able to resist temptation and portions, I succeeded this week.
  2. When I had a temptation, I thought back to last week's comments from all the great Mamavation mama's and how my thoughts last week were embraced and supported.  That reminded me how much support is needed when you embark on these journeys to better health.  I try to avoid the phrase "losing weight" or "getting skinny" as it's bigger than that.  It's about getting healthy and living better.  I keep trying to ingrain that in my mind as I think that is a key for me to focus on as a motivator.
OVERALL:  All in all, not sure what the weight reads but I am providing a review for the Eat Smart Digital Bathroom Scale and I'm using that as a tool to keep motivated and be accountable to my sponsor.

GOALS: Utilize the time I have with my three nieces I brought back to play with my girls (seven of us chickies in all in the 10 hour drive back to my house) to increase some physical activity.  I also plan to count calories as that seems to be the most effective manner of controlling my intake.  I already removed soda a long time ago but I want to work on eliminating the Crystal Light.

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week's Mamavation blogging carnival is sponsored by BSkinz. BSkinz is a fitness line for women to include men and boys.  The choices provide fun patterns and colors for compression wear.  It's funny as I was just talking to my sister about how you really need good upper support to exercise without pain and BSkinz has all the wear needed for that.  B-Active, B-You is a great slogan!
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