Embracing a Healthy Family

Blogmania 2010 Sponsor: Strawberry RicRac

Adorable hats, children's clothing and more can be found at Strawberry RicRac's Etsy shop.   Specializing in children's clothes with a bit of a retro feel is what describes many of the cute products you can choose from.

Sock Monkey Hat with earflaps TODDLER sized

Pink Knit Sock Monkey Hat for Photo Prop  Red and White Pig Peasant Dress size 2 3 4

Strawberry RicRac has a 100% positive feedback rate!

Meadow Sweet Strawberries Bubble Romper Size 18 months  2-3

Scenes of Paris Apron for your favorite little girl. Farmer's Market Spring/Summer Skirt size 4, 5 or 6

Whether you are looking for jumpers, hats, skirts, rompers, pinafores/bloomers, dresses, aprons, blankets or tops, check out Strawberry RicRac.

If you have the time, check out the other two shops by Strawberry RicRac at:  www.buddhataxi.etsy.com

Thanks to Strawberry RicRac for sponsoring my blog for Blogmania 2010!

Target Savings: $93.11 (Huggies, Scrubbing Bubbles, Venus & More)

I've put my daughter to the task of being my coupon holder/tracker/creator guru and she's done a great job.  After only one month of trying to live on a budget and save money, we went to Target and here is our summary:

Total:            $172, 15
Saved:             $93.11
Out of Pocket: $79.04

Here is what we purchased:

Here is what we bought with use of multiple coupons:
  • Six packs of Huggies Pull Ups
  • Five boxes of Fiber One Bars and Cereals
  • Two Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-a-Clean & Shower Cleaner
  • Two of the same above refills
  • Two packs of D batteries (for exercise bike)
  • One weight so Jamie can do KettleWorx with me and not take mine
  • Alice in Wonderland Blu-Ray Combo - Great deal as not only can you watch it as a DVD and Blu-Ray but it has a digital version to download to an iPod.
  • Herbal Escenses gel
  • Motrin PM
  • Dove Therapy Conditioner
  • Dove Shampoo
  • Venus Razor
  • Huggies Wipes

Overall, it was a great deal considering we'll have enough Pull-Ups to last several weeks.

Print FREE Grocery Coupons at Home
Get $100 worth of Coupons.com Free Coupons


Sisterly Love: No words needed

Sisterly Love: No words needed

Star Wars Weekends at Disney: Our Experience for Great Memories

Only true Star Wars fans can appreciate seeing a Star Wars parade at Disney!  What an unexpected surprise to walk in and be able to see this!  When we arrived, the place was packed and there was a little hole they left open to allow people to go across the street until the parade started.  Then all of a sudden, they allowed us to jump forward and I took full advantage of it.  A very nice woman let Jamie up front where she was able to sit and watch.  Unfortunately for April, she was holding a very sleeping Dani as I took pictures.


We are a Star Wars family and I have to admit it.  My husband and I actually met online playing the Star Wars game so that gives me an official "geek" badge.  All my daughter's love it to include my step son, my brother and his two girls.  I had to take these pictures specifically for my brother:

They even had some of the actors along the parade.  Weekends at Disney are awesome and I'm so glad I was able to let my girls experience some fun while their dad is in Kuwait.

Winners Nintendo DS, Avon Glazewear, WoozWorld & Scrubbing Bubbles


Sarah P for the Nintendo DS Light
Mami2jcn & Cynthia for the five Avon Glazewear Lip Glosses
Tabathia Scrubbing Bubbles Pack
Tabathia, Mami2jcn anthy for WoozWorld

To those most interested in the Nintendo DS Light game system, I'm working with the PR rep in trying to secure another giveaway due to turnout so stay tuned!

Thanks to all those who entered!

Thanks, Tabathia!  I was in a hurry to get the winner's information out and overlooked the Woozworld details!  It's been updated!

Sistahood Follow Along Week 8

I was soooo bad and gained two pounds but am back on the bandwagon with a new effective date of today, June 1st!  I feel as long as I come back after failing, I'm still half way there and will continue my efforts until I get there and I know I will.  So much has been going on to make it very hectic in my life but I have a plan to get it more organized which is why June 1st was my new kick-off date.  

Watching all these young celebrities die prematurely is giving me an added push to get in shape and not so much for the physically appealing aspect but to be around to enjoy my young children grow up and to be a part of this grand-baby that is due 10/10/10.  I need to get my kids eating healthier which is always a chore but I'm still hoping getting them involved with cooking will promote better health habits.  I also turn to the Mamavation mom's for inspiration such as Kia who is a dynamo!  Colleen has her struggles but man, she's one busy mama tackling the various medical issues but she is my inspiration.  Of course there is Bookie Boo seeing all that she has conquered and looks amazing!  So many offer encouragement with the Mamavation moms and I truly appreciate it!

So...here's looking to my post at the end of the week where I will be held accountable to produce better results!

The Belly Burner Review & Giveaway 6/22 - CLOSED WINNER



An e-mail has been sent to Sue.  The winner was chosen by random.org.

Thanks to all those who entered!

Uh oh .. bikini season is coming quicker than that next wrinkle on our faces unless you are younger and lucky to not endure this dreaded pass through life!  I'm wanting to really, really lose weight ..really, I am!  One would be puzzled as to why I cannot just do it given how much it plagues me.   I think it might have something to do with working full time, juggling small children with medical conditions, enduring a husband deployed to Kuwait, getting a house ready to move, picking up everyone and moving to Texas ... easy right?  Okay, enough with that as I really do want to lose weight and since I cannot have Gerald Butler as my personal trainer, I chose another one.

Bobby Waldron, the trainer with the The Belly Burner that you may have seen on TV or online.  The Belly Burner is a lightweight belt available in different sizes that fits directly on your skin or over a light shirt.  The Belly Burner is made out of a high quality neoprene fabric, which you’ve seen in wetsuits. This type of fabric naturally generates more heat in your core, which increases metabolic rate, the belt focuses energy, and burns off unwanted inches.  

The beauty with The Belly Burner is due to it's size, it's easy to wear as much as you want.  It's a great way to burn a few extra calories while you are exercising as well as doing household chores, yard work or running after children (intense exercise).  Thanks to my membership to MamaBzz, I received a complimentary Belly Burner in exchange for my review.

Just after 20 minutes of wear, I could feel the belt was working relative to generating more heat in one of my troubled areas ... I wonder if they make a total body one? :)   As you can see in the picture above, the thermographic test confirmed that The Belly Burner does burn more calories.  

Want to see more about The Belly Burner?  Check out this:

Overall, I definitely could feel the heat effect after you use it.  You will want to wipe it down after each use and I lay mine out flat to dry afterwards.  It's lighweight and comfortable to wear beyond exercising.  I will post more results after extended wear.

You can purchase The Belly Burner for $39.90, plus S&H, after a 30-day free trial.

The Giveaway:

You can win The Belly Burner!

To Enter:

Just follow my blog and leave a comment that you want to win!

Bonus Entries:
  • Follow me on Twitter (two entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway (five entries)
  • Subscribe to my blog (two entries)
  • Tweet about this giveaway (two entries - can be done daily)
  • Enter any of my ongoing giveaways (five entries)

Giveaway ends 6/22 and winner will be chosen by random.org.

US only please.

Vintage Remedies Guide to Real Food Review & Giveaway 6/22 - CLOSED WINNER



An e-mail has just been sent! 

Thanks to all those who entered!

*winner chosen by random.org

With all the news stories, studies and controversy surrounding our food supply, I've definitely been more attuned to better foods grown or produced more organically.  Life expectancy has increased in the United States but I can't help but wonder if we'll start to see a decline due to the various factors that are in play in our food, our water, the atmosphere and other things we inject in ourselves or take.   The "greatest generation" and they are that, were raised on more natural foods and remedies and are reaching 90's and even 100's.  

When the opportunity from MamaBzz came up to receive a complimentary copy of Vintage Remedies Guide to Real Food, I couldn't resist.  I'm trying to educate myself for not only  a healthier future for myself but for my children as well.  Their health is first and foremost and if I can set them up for a bright future of good habits and knowledge, I've won half the batter.

About the Author:

Jessie Hawkins is, by definition, a wife, mom of four and the Executive Director of Vintage Remedies. More specifically, however, she is a speaker, an author, an herbalist, a holistic wellness professional, an amateur real foods chef, a natural living professional, an advocate for informed birthing choices, a teacher of sustainable lifestyles, a hobby gardner, a gentle parent, an avid researcher, a lifelong student and a satisfied mommy.

While Jessie’s childhood was filled with dreams of living a natural and basic lifestyle, her reality was the conventional processed food, plastic and artificial lifestyle so common decades ago. Jessie’s transition to healthy living did not begin until her college years, as she craved more information about environmental health and real foods. Long before green living became trendy (and before there was even an organic certification!), Jessie pioneered the way for the average family to live a more natural and healthy lifestyle. She made this transition to a healthier lifestyle as an adult, so she is familiar with the learning curve and can relate to the uncertainty of adding new foods and habits to the home.

Having now spent a decade as a professional in the field, Jessie combines her vast and varied training - both formal and informal - in the fields of herbalism, midwifery, childbirth, environmental health, medical anthropology, naturopathy, food history, nutrition, holistic health and so much more, to pass along to others in a usable and practical form. This led to the formation of Vintage Remedies in the early 2000s and eventually the Vintage Remedies School of Natural Health in 2007, where she teaches individuals around the globe how to understand the modern scientific research in the field - and perhaps more importantly, how to implement that knowledge practically into the modern home. During this time, she has also written over a dozen books and textbooks on the subject of healthy and natural living and has provided numerous articles and interviews for national magazines on the topic of healthy living.

The Review:

It's really a wonderful resource that breaks down the science into easy to understand language such as:

A protein is a long strand of one hundred or more amino acids.  Some of these amino acids are not produced by our bodies, thus they are essential to the diet.  With little exception, animal foods are the only sources that provide all of the essential proteins in one place, preventing deficiencies from occurring.  However, plans contain an array of amino acids, and as long as the diet is varied, vegetarians have no trouble obtaining sufficient protein and essential amino acids from plant sources.

The five sections are indexed logically starting with Why We Eat, What to Eat, How to Eat, Let Your Food Be Your Medicine and finally Resources.  It's really a practical guide on choosing to live a healthier life and is a great resource for those just beginning the journey.   Ms. Hawkins' background and experiences shines through each section with great learning material, healing foods, recipes and much more.  It's truly a fascinating book that I would recommend to anyone to read at least once if not more to capture the extreme amount of information she provides.

The Giveaway:

You can win a copy of Vintage Remedies Guide to Real Food just by following my blog and leaving a comment that you would like to win!

Bonus Entries:

  • Visit Jessie Hawkins' website and leave a comment on what other book you would like to read.
  • Leave a comment on Jessie's site and paste the url here.
  • Follow Vintage Remedies on Twitter.
  • Follow me on Twitter.
  • Blog about this giveaway (five entries).
  • Subscribe to my blog.
  • Tweet about this giveaway (two entries - can be done daily)
  • Enter any of my ongoing giveaways (five entries)

Giveaway ends 6/22 at midnight and winner will be chosen by random.org.
US only please!
Good luck!

Minnie Mouse Paper Favor Cake

In between verifying all the entries for the Nintendo DS Light giveaway, I took a break to make my first ever paper favor cake.  It was very time consuming and I'm sure if I had the proper tools to score, it wouldn't have taken so long.  Overall, I'm happy with the turnout and plan to use this for Dani's birthday at the end of June.  We celebrated both girls birthday before their dad left for Kuwait so they are lucky to get yet another birthday but not as large as the last one.

It was a surprising easy project that involved finding and printing a template online and after cutting each one, scoring the creases and assembling the boxes, I placed a large ribbon around to keep it in place, secured it with a brad as I love those since they do the job and look great.  I then printed out a picture of Minnie and cut it out and used shish-ka-bob skewers to hold her and the names up.  Now I have to fill them with their favorite candy and little Minnie toys that I can find.

Take 61 Seconds & Help This Mother

One of my fellow TwitterMoms is in a children's story contest. View her super short video and that counts as a vote for her in this UK-based contest. The direct link is: http://bit.ly/cCiXz8 Contest ends 7pm EST on Memorial Day. Fast, 100% free, no sign ups, no registration. Your kids will love imitating the cute little British girl who narrates the story. Wholesome fun and free--what could be better on Memorial Day?

KettleWorx: Week One for a Six Week Body Workout

I'm back after absent a week and am ready to get moving with getting healthier for myself and kids.  I was given the fortunate opportunity to try out a complimentary set of KettleWorx Ultra 10,  I was thinking it was another one of those infomercial type workout programs but I was very pleasantly surprised with the entire package.  The entire series includes every possible combination you would want to workout your body while allowing the exercises to be manageable.  I became interested when another blogger, Colleen, was using KettleWorx and wrote about her positive experiences as well.

To start out with the KettleWorx program, you pick three days of the week you want to work out such as Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  There are optional workouts you can add in if you want to work out more than three days. Here is an example workout that I'm going to complete except I started on Sunday.

Week One:
  • Monday = Cardio ... Select “Week 1” from the menu that appears on your screen when you load the DVD 
  • Tuesday = Fast Fat Burn (10-Minute Supplemental Workout - optional)
  • Wednesday = Core ... Select “Week 1” 
  • Thursday = Fast Abs (10-Minute Supplemental Workout - optional)
  • Friday = Resistance ... Select “Week 1”

Week Two:
  • Repeat the same order, but this time choose “Week 2” when the DVD loads 
And so on through Week 6 with Maximize Your Results: Choose one of the DVDs from the Ultimate Body Collection and do one more workout on the weekend.

Fat Free in 42:  
The six week healthy eating guide (e-Book format) is available to ensure you are eating healthy during the six week transformation.

Just look at a real testimonial before and after picture:

I worked out with my middle daughter and it was a lot of fun ... hard work but it was one of those experiences where you feel really good as you know you did something good for your body.  Keep following to see how I progress throughout the six week program.  So far, I love it!

KettleWorx Ultra 10

Need PR? Check Out Over 15 Sponsors Already for Blogmania 2010

BLOGMANIA is a twice-yearly blogging event to offer awesome giveaways by a host of sites with quick entries, rapid prize distribution and a great time over a two day period.  If you would like to sponsor an item to add to my theme Home for the Holidays, send me a message at staying_younger@yahoo.com.

Here are some of my prizes already:

Sock Monkey Hat with earflaps TODDLER sized

Alpaca booties from my collection A little forest Elf.

Scrabble Tile Grape Vine Wreath Tree Ornaments

Customized Three Little Ladybug Shirt shirt

All Seasons Slippers - Pattern

Hot Coco Caramel Ruffle Peasant Dress--Rozzissweetpeas--girls Holiday Peasant Dress Sizes sm, med, large, 2T,3T,4,5 and 6

SHIPPING SALE-OOAK-Tatted 5 pointed CLOVER Flake with glass beads

Tan Tailored Dinner Napkins (Set of 8)


Mug of Warmth Mini Note Cards

My Little Pumpkin Crocheted Hat-Newborn (0-3 months)

Reversible Bib Argyle Reversible Bib Argyle

Autumn Jasper One Minute Traffic Chaplet

Bag of Happy

Winterberry Necklace - garnet, rutilated quartz, oxidized sterling silver chains

Frownies Face Lift in a Bag

Here is a list of my sponsors with pictures depicting the giveaways:

$400+ in prizes so far!

Who - What - Where - When

Over $10,000 Dollars in prizes and building! 

  • Would you like to have access to hundreds of prizes?
  • Would you like to discover new and exciting blogs?
  • Would you like to experience the Thrill of the hunt and the Ecstasy of winning?
  • Would you like to do all of this in just TWO DAYS?
Want to sponsor a product?  

I'll provide a special feature post on your product and a free widget advertisement.  

Just contact me if interested!

SAVE THE DATES: September 15th and 16th.

Thanks and look forward to seeing you at Blogmania!

If you like the prizes, please visit each of my sponsors to thank them!

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