Embracing a Healthy Family

Zulily & Handstand Kids Chinese Cookbook, Apron & Placemat Giveaway 5/18 & Special Code for Savings CLOSED WINNER



An e-mail has been sent and she has 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen by random.org.

Thanks to all those who entered and if you haven't already, please check out Zulily as they have fantastic deals all the time!


Cooking with your child is so much fun and provides not only entertainment but it's an educational experience.  It may even cultivate a future career.  Both my smaller ones love to cook and have a hosts of aprons and a few cookbooks.  We have family fun night once and sometimes twice a month where we plan the dinner menu, make the menu cards and cook the meal together.  I definitely advocate having a family fun night for any family which involves having the kids cook a healthy and fun meal.

mexican cookbook kit

It's sometimes hard to find an easy online recipe for kids which is why I like the cookbooks from Handstand Kids.  I received a complimentary Mexican Cookbook set and love it.  The cookbook was written by Yvette Garfield and illustrations by Kim Derose.  It's a very cute designed cookbook with spiral pages and colorful drawings.  I loved the educational aspect of this cookbook as when you first open it, you see a map of Mexico and your child can write his/her name in it.

It's divided in sections and the Table of Contents illustrates it perfectly.  The author provides a translation for ingredients and utensils from English and Spanish.  Each recipe's difficulty level is marked by the number of advocados.  A level 1 means it's a basic recipe and it goes to a level 4 that requires adult assistance with the entire recipe.  Each page is durable and smooth to resist stains and allows for a quick wipe off.

Izzy  Felix Gabby 
 Marvin  Ari

The Handstand Kids include Izzy, Felix, Gabby, Marvin and Ari.  You can read all about them at Handstand Kids.  The Handstand Kids Cookbook Company creates international cookbook kits to introduce children to the culture, language and cuisine of new countries.  Every cookbook is packaged with an accessory.  For the Mexican Cookbook, we received a red, kids sized oven mitt.

One of the first and easiest recipes is Farmer's Market Chips, Pico de Gallo Salsa and Guacamole.  The recipe continues to provide translations for the ingredients.  There are so many fun recipes you can have fun with your kids with these collections of books.

Handstand Kids also has cooking accessories, placemats, kitchen mats and a wonderful gift basket. The placemats are another wonderful educational opportunity for them without even realizing it due to the maps.
These kits were featured on zulily – a daily deals site for moms, babies and kids.  They offer great discounts (up to 70% off) on clothing, but also have gear and toys like these kits

chinese cookbook kit

The Giveaway:

One lucky reader will receive their very own Handstand Kids Chinese Cookbook kit with chopsticks, placement and red apron!


To Enter:

Follow my blog and tell me which cookbook set you like the most.

china mat
Extra Entries:

  • Follow Zulily on Facebook (2 entries).
  • Follow Zulily on Twitter (2 entries).
  • Like me on Facebook (2 entries).
  • Follow me on Twitter (2 entries).
  • Subscribe to my blog (2 entries).
  • Blog about this giveaway (5 entries)
  • Tweet about this giveaway (2 entries/per day)
  • Enter any of my on-going giveaways (5 entries)

Giveaway ends 5/18 - winner will be chosen by random.org.

US only please.



By using the code YOUNG10, you can save $10 off a purchase of $30 or more from 5/4 - 5/18!  That's a great savings considering the prices at Zulily are already amazing!

One use per customer.

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary product for a review and giveaway.  I received no financial compensation.

Enter Cristina's Facebook Wish and Photo Contest: Wishes for My Little Girl

cristina and baby grace

The she colors my day project began when a mother named Annette, dying of breast cancer, created a keepsake for the four daughters she was preparing to leave behind. Annette sent a c.d. of she and her daughters singing to her many friends and family. Unbeknown to Annette, her act of love would be the inspiration for her friend, Cristina Carlino, founder of Project Miracle and former CEO of philosophy, to ignite the she colors my day movement - a celebration of the never-ending bonds of mothers and daughters. The now worldwide she colors my day movement embarks upon a global journey to create for a cure. Inspired by a mother’s infinite love, this ever widening circle of caring will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundation’s /Women’s Cancer Research Group bio marker project.
To continue giving back to women everywhere, Cristina has published her first interactive journal, "The Changing Room: A Mother's Journal of Gratitude to Her Little Girl."  This interactive journal by Cristina Carlino and YOU captures all those astonishing parenting moments before they fade into the swirl of everyday life. Throughout the book, Cristina shares her personal story and asks questions that inspire you to remember those first precious years of motherhood. This journal is a special place for your memories, drawings and letters. One day it will become a priceless keepsake for your daughter. (For more on The Changing Room, click onto this video link: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=107098785997769)
Changing Room
Cristina's friend, actress Mariska Hargitay is in love with the book, and she and Cristina have joined forces for her Joyful Heart Foundation, benefiting survivors of rape, incest and abuse. The neat thing is 100% of the net proceeds for The Changing Room will go to Joyful Heart.
Mariska says this about the book:
"This beautiful and rare journal is an expression of the exquisite and tender delight Cristina takes in motherhood. As if by magic, the journal opens doors into the most precious terrain where the miracles of childhood transform into memories large and small. What a gift to be led to this place of wonder, joy and gratitude. And we are so pleased that 100% of the net proceeds from this book are being donated to the Joyful Heart Foundation. Thank you, Cristina!"
To celebrate the season of mothers and the release of The Changing Room, Cristina Carlino, founder of Project Miracle, is hosting a WISHES FOR MY LITTLE GIRL PHOTO CONTEST on her Facebook fan page (www.facebook.com/cristinacarlino). 

Five lucky winners will receive a free copy of The Changing Room.
To enter Cristina's Wish and Photo Contest, Wishes for My Little Girl, click onto Cristina's Facebook Fan Page, and post your favorite photo of the little girl in your life -- it can be your daughter, a niece, a neighbor, the daughter of a friend. All our little girls need our wishes. Tell us of a big wish you have for this little wondrous person.

Winners will be determined by the number of "Likes" they receive from other Cristina Carlino Fans, so invite your friends to Cristina's fan page and vote! Hurry as the contest ends on Monday, May 10th!

Good luck and join in helping find a cure while giving your precious ones a wonderful trail of memories!

Youthful Tips

Some Potential Bad Pregnancy News for My Daughter

My oldest who turns 22 this July found out she's a carrier of cystic fibrosis and has a negative RH.   The good news is it's highly unlikely that the the father has cystic fibrosis too thus meaning the baby's chances are reduced. I also had a negative RH but my children were okay.  Her doctor, a major, seems very good, attentive and caring so I think she's in good hands.

She has an ultrasound on June 7th in which she's hoping to find out the gender.  She's so excited about this baby and I know she's going to make one incredible mom.  She's been vital to me and her younger sisters and I have no worries on her parental skills.  She's a wonderful young lady!  I was thinking back to when she graduated fifth grade, the school blasted photos of the kids that they received from the parents and I teared up.

I married right when I turned 19 and had her right after I turned 20.  Our relationship has been more of best friends than anything and I can honestly say, I've never had to spank her as a child.  She was the very best child anyone could ask for.  She steered clear of her friends who were doing drugs, drinking and having sex.  She's not a Polyanna by any means but she's been just incredible.

Click to play this Smilebox greeting: April
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My wishes for her are to have a healthy, happy baby and find the same love I found for all my children.  I hope she is inspired and in awe over each feat, both big and small, they accomplish.  I hope that no matter what she is enduring, she can look at her child and smile and be in amazement in what an incredible gift God has bestowed on her.

This Mother's Day, I thank my Mother for having me as without me, I wouldn't have experienced the truest love of all and that is children.   Who would have known what would have transpired when that Airman met that woman in England many, many year's ago?

God is the great creator and am so thankful!

Youthful Tips

Markham Vineyards Mark of Distinction Program: Win $25,000 Grant to Impact Your Community

Through my blogging, I'm meeting various people who really want to make a difference in others.  Whether they are performing good deeds strictly from a non-profit status or have a vision from their current business, helping others is so rewarding.  Markham Vineyards has this terrific philanthropic  
program called Mark of Distinction.

Markham Vineyards, the Napa Valley winery known for its community involvement, recently announced its call for applicants to the third-annual Mark of Distinction program.  This program was started in 2008 to motivate individuals to make a positive impact in their community.  It rewards two winners with $25,000 grants each to help them make a lasting change – or “Mark of Distinction” in their communities. 

To enter, go to the “Nominations” page on www.MarkhamMarkofDistinction.com anytime before July 19th and submit a proposal of no more than 300 words that describes the initiative and inspiration along with a brief budget that details how the project funds will be used.  

On August 10th, 10 finalists will be chosen and featured on the Mark of Distinction website, where the public can vote for their favorite two projects, who will each receive $25,000 grants to turn their passion into a reality. 

For more inspiration, check out the stories of winners from previous years by visiting www.MarkhamMarkofDistinction.com  and clicking “Making Their Mark.” 

What a great opportunity to do something wonderful for your community!

* Disclaimer:  I received no financial compensation for this blog.

Youthful Tips

Coupon Giveaway: Kashi Cereal, Yoplait Greek Yogurt, Children's Claritan & Yoplait Smoothig

I can't bear to see coupons expire so I'm offering up three people to win the following coupons:

Each winner will get:

  1. One $1.50 off Kashi Cereal or Crackers
  2. Three 45 cents off Yoplait Greek Yogurt
  3. Three $1.25 off Yoplait Smoothie
  4. Two $3.00 off Children's Claritan

Just leave a comment that you want them and I'll pick from any comments (if received) by 5/7.

Youthful Tips

Zulily's Bella Bling Sale Right Now

Look at the cute sale at Zulily right now for Bella Bling products:

Pink Flower Fairy Gown - Infant

Pink Lullaby Lane Diaper Cover - Infant

Pink Flower Fairy Beanie - Infant

Fuchsia Loves Me, Loves Me Lots Beanie - Infant

Not familiar with Zulily?  They have many great name brand sample sales going on right now!  Check them out!

Save up to 70% for moms, babies and kids

Youthful Tips

New Sweet Sixteen Party Invitations

Looking for the perfect Sweet Sixteen party invitation?  Check out these new ones:

Many other themes available to include princess, cooking and much more!

Youthful Tips

Join Monday Madness

The Tuckers Take Tennessee

What is Monday Madness?

Monday Madness was created by mommy bloggers Micael and Meghan. Mommy, daddy, single, stay at home parent, working parent, blogger, non-blogger, pie lover, pie hater (who hates pie, seriously?)

My Monday Madness is getting Jamie off to school, Danielle up and running while working from home!

So what do I do to participate?

It's really easy to participate with us!  Just follow the steps below and you'll be set!
  1. Follow the hostess blogs at Saving Obsession and The Tuckers Take Tennessee for some Madness Lovin'.
  2. Grab the McLinky code and make a post on your blog about Monday Madness, so more people can join in the fun! Also grab the Monday Madness button on the right.
  3. Add your blog name and link to the McLinky below.
  4. Check out some of the blogs on the list and follow ones you like. Leave a comment to let them know you're from Monday Madness.
  5. If someone follows your blog, follow them back to keep the Madness going.
That's it! Visit and follow as few or as many blogs as you'd like! 

Youthful Tips

Big Thanks to @MomTalkRadio, @ResourcefulMom & Build-A-Bear


Last night, I participated in the MomTalkRadio, ResourcefulMom and Build-A-Bear Twitter Party in recognition of military families.  Since my husband just deployed to Kuwait, I'm one of those families that plays dual roles as I have to hold down the fort.  When a company goes out of their way to support military families, I'm more apt to be a customer.

Build-A-Bear Workshop® is a perfect example of a brand that is dedicated to supporting families.   My daughters LOVE Build-A-Bear and so do I given the high quality, the fun items to choose from and a sense of creativity as they get to help create the animals and choose clothing and accessories.

I am excited as I won a $25 gift card!  We plan to use the card to buy a bear, dress him in Army gear and send it to their father for Father's Day (along with other gifts).  Build-A-Bear is perfect for showing your loved one you are thinking of them especially if they are in the military since you can customize the uniform to fit the branch they are in.

From May 3 to June 7 2010, members of the armed services including the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Reserve Officer Training Corps will receive a 20% discount on any one transaction at Build-A-Bear Workshop stores with the presentation of a government issued military identification card.

Missed last night's Twitter Party?  There is another one on May 11th at 7 pm (EST).  Want more information?  Check out ResourcefulMom site.

Thanks again to MomTalkRadio, ResourcefulMom and Build-A-Bear!

* I received no compensation for this post and I did win a $25 GC from the Twitter Party.

Youthful Tips

Mamavation Monday

I missed last week's post but things were crazy busy with my husband's deployment to Kuwait for one year on Thursday.  The girls were impacted the most with missing him as taking him to the airport to say goodbye emphasized the fact he was leaving.  I had a much better week with my eating habits and due to a renewed interest on living on a budget to save money, grocery shopping is more stringent.  This is doubly good as all the snack and garbage food are cut out so no more temptations.  Last night, I was craving something, took the stroll through the kitchen, found nothing and went back to sleep. I loved it!  I'm weak and so temptation is bad for me.

My commitment this week is to continue to halt emotional eating, increase regular exercise and get my girls involved with some Wii workout fun!

We have been going outside more which is great for them but I need to get up and do more too.  With hubby gone, yard duty falls to me so that will add a little something.

I'm still having trouble getting my seven year old to eat more veggies.  Even tried buying organic vegetables and dip but she didn't like it.   I just received a new kids cookbook to review so I'm hoping if I make her the top chef, she might be inclined to eat what she cooks so we'll see.

This Monday starts a whole new beginning to me and the girls.  I intend on focusing on getting healthier for the long haul, instilling good healthy habits in them to shape their future and kick in the real deal on losing weight the healthy way.  I want to do this for myself, my girls and my husband.


A HUGE thank you to Earth Footwear who is amazing sponsor for Mamavation.  I love my Earth Footwear shoes and hope to win a pair for my pregnant daughter.

Youthful Tips

Coupons.com is Restocked

I'm a mission to save some big money while hubby is in Kuwait and I have a job layoff coming up rapidly.  I even got my oldest involved and we're having fun in planning, clipping coupons, saving money and so much more.  Today, we made Crescent roll pizza pockets under $6 for all four of us at lunch if I had paid retail but I got my Crescent rolls free so the price was much cheaper.

Check out Coupons.com before they run out!

Print FREE Grocery Coupons at Home

Youthful Tips

Link Up Your Giveaways

Link Up Your Giveaways!

Want me to feature your giveaway?  Send me an e-mail to staying_younger@yahoo.com.

Help a Great Cause: Operation Sweet Dreams & Pepsi Grant & Get Bonus Entries!

Operation Sweet Dreams is an amazing program helping children founded by another incredible person.   Cynthia not only helps other children with her program but she also donated to my daughter's Angels4Epilepsy project.

Here is how you can help, go to Cynthia's site and read about her project and on the right hand side, is a link to Pepsi so you can vote for her idea!  This is a great way you can help less fortunate children without costing you a dime!  You have to love the idea of giving to a good cause when it's funded by someone else as I know I do.

Here is a little bonus for you:

If you vote for Cynthia, you can have two bonus entries per any and all giveaways.  You can vote every day up until May 31st for her and get two bonus entries per day!

I'm asking for the honor system here in voting so please help Cynthia and the children out by voting for her grant!

Youthful Tips

Martha Stewart's Ribbon Lantern How To

Ribbon LanternsI love this idea and since it comes from Martha Stewart, I love it even more!  This is what I'm going to use for my oldest daughter's baby shower once we know the gender on June 7th!  She still has a long way to go as the baby is due 10/10/10 and is very excited with her first baby's arrival.  The Chinese astrological chart says she is having a boy so we'll see what the ultrasound says.  The chart was accurate with all three of my beautiful girls.

Here is the how to straight from Martha's fantastic site and you can click here to see so many other great ideas, recipes and much more.

Ribbon Lanterns How-To

For each, you'll need 1 paper box lantern and 4 lengths of ribbon, each measuring 9 times the height of the lantern.
We used satin and grosgrain ribbons, 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide.
1. On one top corner of the lantern, measure 1/2 inch from top and 1/2 inch from side; mark with pencil. 
2. Using a craft knife, make a horizontal cut at marked point, toward center, equal to ribbon's width. Make another cut, 3/4 inch down. 
3. Repeat process to make pairs of cuts on all corners of lantern (except on top and bottom panels).
4. Starting at one bottom corner, thread ribbon through the 4 cuts on that side, loop ribbon over lantern, and thread other side, leaving an equal overhang on both sides. 
5. Place another ribbon parallel to first; repeat threading. 
6. Give lantern a quarter turn; thread remaining 2 ribbons, looping over first pair. 
7. At each bottom corner, knot the 2 adjacent ribbons together, about 3 inches down. Gather all ribbons, and knot together, about 5 inches down from first knots. 
8. Trim bottoms of ribbons at an angle. String hanging light through lantern, following manufacturer's instructions, or hang lantern as is.

Isn't it great?

Youthful Tips

Win a Woombie and a Tummy Tub

Have a baby or having a baby?  These two products have received endorsements already and are worth a look!  I had an opportunity to review the Woombie before and loved it.  It's a great way to swaddle your baby with ease while ensuring he is safe and snuggle.

Tummy Tub
Now on each other's Facebook pages, The Woombie Swaddler and the Tummy Tub, you can have a chance to win one each!

Ends May 8th so hurry!

Youthful Tips

Half Way Mark with My Historical Novel!

I'm finally half way through writing a historical novel based on my family the migrated from France to Canada and finally settled in Louisiana.  I can't wait to have it finished and hope to give it to my father as something he never did but wanted to.  It will be my gift to a life long desire never completed.

I have to say writing a manuscript is tedious to say the least when you work full time and have small children!  I really admire and respect writers even more now!

Youthful Tips

Nintendo DS Light w/ Zhu Zhu Game Review & Giveaway 5/30 CLOSED WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED TOMORROW

In case you missed it - winner announced:  



It's finally here and I get to provide the review and giveaway so I'm very excited to give one of my readers this opportunity.  If you are entering for the first time, you will notice there are already pre-existing entries and that was due to an early bonus entry period for those that subscribed or see my posts.  Starting today, April 30th, the new round of entries start.

DS Lite Pink
My kids love video games both on the Wii system, Nintendo and online games.  They are like their father I guess in that he loves his games too.  They were fighting over their Leap Frog but now they get to fight over the Nintendo DS Light with Zhu Zhu game included.

The Review:

The Nintendo DS Light in pink is lightweight and easy to carry.  It's durable as I can attest to my two year old dropping it several times already.  The screen is perfect for little one's eyes and hand with the buttons easy to navigate with those little fingers.  The Nintendo DS Light is perfect for a variety of ages and has such a huge variety of games to choose from.

  • Its two bright screens can be adjusted to four levels to adapt to different lighting conditions and to extend battery power.
  • The microphone sits in the center of the unit, and the LED lights are clearly visible whether the unit is open or closed.
  • The stylus is 1 centimeter longer and 1 millimeter thicker than the stylus of the original, and slides into a side storage slot.
  • The Start and Select buttons were repositioned for easier access.
  • A removable cover keeps the Game Boy Advance cartridge slot clear from dust and debris when it's not in use.
What's Included?
  • DS Lite Console x 1
  • Stylus x 1 
  • User Manual x 1 
  • Wall Charger x 1 (US, UK & EU charger available, we ship the kind according to your address)
Zhu Zhu Pets: Special Edition with Baby Hamster
The Zhu Zhu Pets for Nintendo DS Light is as you would expect from Zhu Zhu Pets and is entertaining and full of fun!  Even my oldest loves it!

Product Features:
  • Explore the Slide Park, Skate park, nursery, bathrooms and more. Drive around little cars, zip up ramps, spin down slides, run in the hamster wheels, and get into all sorts of crazy situations.
  • Includes the limited edition "Baxter" Zhu Zhu Pets baby Hamster (non-motorized) figure.
  • 9 different Zhu Zhus to play with, including Patches, Nugget, Winkie, Jilly, Scoodles, Pip Squeek, Mr. Squiggles, Chunk and Num Nums, plus 10 babies.
  • Play with multiple Zhu Zhu toys, including the Hamsterball, Car and Skateboard.
  • 30 unique levels filled with secret passages, food, coins, upgrades, and babies.

I would recommend both the Nintendo DS Light and Zhu Zhu Pets game as it will keep your little one's busy when they need a break, it's perfect for traveling and with other educational type games available, you have the ability to turn learning into fun.  It's lightweight feature allows for greater ease with their smaller hands and the functionality is perfect for them.

The Giveaway:

One LUCKY reader will receive their very own Nintendo DS Light with Zhu Zhu game!

To Enter:

Follow my blog and go here and tell me another game you would like to try.

Bonus Entries:
  • Subscribe to my blog (two entries)
  • Follow me on Twitter (two entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway (five entries)
  • Tweet about this giveaway (two entries - can be done daily)
  • Fan me on Facebook
  • Get five bonus entries to any and all on-going giveaways if you go to this post and then to the sponsor site and like their Facebook page, return and leave a comment that you became Facebook fans on the post.
Entries will be verified so please enter the comments if you really completed the requirements for the mandatory and bonus entries.  Entries that are found to not have performed such requirements will be deleted.  Thank you!

Giveaway ends 5/30 at midnight and winner will be chosen by random.org.

Open to US & Canada.

You can see the value in the giveaway with the Amazon links below:

*Disclaimer:  The sponsor company is providing this product for review and/or giveaway.  My opinions reflected in the review are of my own and I received no financial compensation.
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