Embracing a Healthy Family

Wella's Pastel Color Trending: Trendy New Hair Fashion

Looking for something new and trendy to do with your hair?  Check out what's going on with Wella:

The trend started at New York Fashion Week in Spring ’10 shows such as Proenza Schouler and Zac Posen. Cynthia Rowley caught onto this trend with her Fall ’10 show. Wella master colorist Eva Scrivo created the colored extensions for Cynthia and the designer loved it so much that she went back to Eva’s salon and got her own hair colored with navy streaks!


Wella Professionals - CynthiaRowleyRW075.JPG
Fashionistas and dye-divas are sporting the trend, including Ashley Olsen, Kelly Osbourne, Drew Barrymore, and Lady Gaga... and the list is sure to grow!  I just love Drew and her looks so I can't wait to find a picture of her hair.


As a New York City salon-owner, fashion week colorist and beauty expert, Eva Scrivo has the recipe for the perfect match of natural color and dip-dyed tones. Also a Wella spokesperson, Eva can advise on transitioning this spiced-up hair trend from runway to reality for all hair types and textures. Eva created the bold tone palette for the Cynthia Rowley Fall '10 runway, using Koleston Perfect Special Mix colors. They were such a hit, she has now started selling colored clip-in extensions customized at her salon.  I miss being in NYC as I would love to have a make over by one of the big hair stylists there.

My daughter

If this would have come out year's ago, my oldest would have been all over it!  She was really into adding streaks to her hair but with Wella, it's more professional and right now, very fashionable.

Stay up to date with Wella on Facebook.

*Disclaimer:  I received no compensation for this post.

Youthful Tips

Post Cereals: Good, Wholesome and Yummy & a Chance to Win $25,000

Since I've been blogging, it has opened the door to a lot of learning opportunities.  These learning opportunities mostly pertain to beauty and health and the more I learn, the more I want to read.  Everything connected to us is related to how well we eat and what we eat.  Doctors are increasingly jumping on board with the importance of eating healthy foods, steering clear of processed foods, additives and what Jillian Michaels' refers to as Frankenfoods.  I've wondered for some time about the broad range of pesticides and herbicides utilized to grow bigger crops along with the hormones and vaccines used in our animals.

One culprit of not so great food can be found in your breakfast cereals but I was happy to learn that a brand we routinely purchase is recognizing the benefits of healthier eating.  Post Cereals contain naturally-occurring whole grains, fiber and antioxidants.  If you are looking for the simple ingredient of wheat, just look to Post's Shredded Wheat.

I was provided five samples of ingredients found in cereals.   I was amazed at how different natural fiber looked over synthetic fiber.  The naturally occurring fiber is exactly that in it's true form and synthetic fiber, polydextrose and maltodextrose, are white, processed, flour-like products that take no form of wheat/grain.  There is a definite difference in texture, appearance and smell.  I also received this great DVD on how the cereal is made and how good it is for you.
Post's Shredded Wheat Honey Wheat is such a basic cereal and is made of whole grain wheat and other ingredients that I can actually pronounce and tastes great!  It's such a good way to start your day or even as a snack.  My two year old loves it!

I enjoyed learning more about Post Cereals and look forward to incorporating them more into our daily lives. Based on what I read on the Post site, not only is fiber good for you but it also states some research suggests those that consume a high fiber diet have lower body weights and I'm all for that!  More information on the nutritional value can be found here.

Post Foods is going to make life simpler for one lucky community with a $25,000 grant.  The Post Grant for Good Health Essay contest will be awarded to the winning entrant with the best health and wellness initiative idea fr their community.

Post Foods is working with the National Wellness Institute, Inc (NWI) a non-profit organization that provides research, support and certification for health and wellness professionals to launch the Post Grant for Good Health.

You can enter to win $25,000 in the Post Grant for Good Health here.  You have from now until May 17th to submit a 300 word essay.

You can also enter to win a family trip and compete to unlock a top secret prize here.

Here is a bonus recipe:

Crunchy Berry Parfait


1 cup sliced fresh strawberries 1/2 cup vanilla low-fat yogurt 1/4 cup Grape-Nuts Cereal


LAYER half each of the strawberries, yogurt and cereal in medium glass. REPEAT layers. SERVE immediately.


Substitute: Substitute blueberries or raspberries for the sliced strawberries. Fun Idea: This colorful snack is so easy to make that the kids can assemble it themselves! Prepare it in the parfait glass as directed for a grown-up look, or make it in a colorful paper or plastic cup for an on-the-go snack. Substitute: Prepare as directed, using your favorite cereal, such as Post Selects Blueberry Morning, Cranberry Almond Crunch, Great Grains or Maple Pecan Crunch. Nutrition Bonus: Start your day with a nutrition winner! This low-fat, low-calorie parfait provides an excellent source of vitamin C from the strawberries, and is a good source of iron from the fortified Grape-Nuts.

This was really a good learning experience for my six year old who was very interesting in seeing the different samples of wheat and synthetic wheat along with the DVD.  She has all the makings of a future science project!  She didn't like it at first but as she's sitting next to me as I type, she's munching away!  Yeah .. I'll take that over chocolate in her little body any day!  Thanks, Post!

*Disclaimer:  I was provided a product sample in exchange for my review.  I was not financially compensated.

Youthful Tips

Update on the Nintendo DS & Zhu Zhu Game Giveaway

For those of you anxiously awaiting the Nintendo DS Light and Zhu Zhu Game Giveaway, I just heard back from the PR person and it's on it's way for my review.  When I post my review, I get to give another one away .. yeah!!!

Stay tuned!

Youthful Tips

Baskin-Robbins 31 Cent Scoop Night April 28 to Support Local Fire Fighting Heroes

Did you say ice cream?   My girls love ice cream and who doesn't love a firefighter?   Those wonderful men and women who risks their lives daily for the good of others on our homeland!  As a military wife, I'm definitely supportive of spreading the word given how I know what it feels like to be married to someone with hazardous duties.

Looking for a sweet way to treat the entire family to ice cream? Baskin-Robbins is hosting its fourth annual 31 Cent Scoop Night on April 28 from 5–10 p.m. at stores nationwide. We are once again paying tribute to local fire fighting heroes and thanking our customers by lowering the price of Baskin-Robbins scoops to just 31 cents! A family of four can enjoy their favorite flavors for less than $1.50!

It’s for a good cause too – as part of the event, the Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation will make a $100,000 donation to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring fallen fire heroes and assisting their families and coworkers. Participating Baskin-Robbins stores will help raise additional funds for local firehouses by inviting fire departments to the event to collect donations.

Get more details here.

Thanks to TwitterMoms for this alert!

Youthful Tips

10 Tips for Organizing Your Family

Being an Army family, we are on the go every three months so organization is very critical to relocations.  Having five children with two of those having chronic medical conditions also entails a need for organization.  I can't imagine any family not requiring some sort of organization and pending your personality, you have very direct ones or you might have few.  TwitterMoms and Icon Apps is sponsoring this great contest where I might win a $50 gift card to Target and with a summer full of birthdays coming, this will come in handy if I win.

For me, I have found some ways that really do help in organizing:
  1. From a health organization, I utilize my iPod application in monitoring my food intake and exercise calories burned.  This is a great organization in ensuring I'm eating healthier and not off track with my goals.
  2. I use a bin system for the kids on a shelf in my office.  They are allowed to utilize it for items that they might use frequently.  The bins hold only a limited amount thus keeping down clutter.
  3. I use an USB device to store all my children's medical records.  This allows a quick and easy way to provide access to the doctors when we move or for medical records.  The USB device allows us to store medical records, legal records or anything else we need.  It is definitely going to aid us in an enormous way when we need it.
  4. My iPod is also used as an alarm reminder in administering the twice a day medications to both children.  This enables me to better organize my time without having to have the constant worry of trying to remember medication times.
  5. Since writing this post, I am now going to incorporate Intuition from IconApps as it allows me to write out my grocery list as I can't read my own writing and this will save me so much time.
  6. Another organization tip I have is I use automatic refill with my pharmacy.  When scripts are ready to be refilled, it's automatic and when they run out, they call the doctor's office for me.  This saves time and allows me to maintain a better organization of my children's medications.
  7. To save money, I keep old party supplies and keep them in tubs labeled with each holiday.  This not only saves money but allows for a quick find for whatever my needs are.  I've used these bins on numerous occasions and since they are easy to find and labeled, it saves me time and energy.
  8. For my blogging, I utilize Microsoft to organize my PR letters, my giveaways, my links and so much more.  Being able to copy and paste quickly saves me time and allows for better records.  It also helps to keep things organized as I run this blog, my daughter's blog http://angels4epilepsy.blogspot.com/ and the school's PTO website.
  9. For addresses and cards, I keep another Word document with all the names and addresses for quick reference.  I'm bad with address books and this enables a quick and easy way to maintain a log.
  10. Finally, the toy room!  I use a three bin piece of furniture that stores the girl's toys downstairs.  Whatever they can fit in the bin can stay.  Everything else has to stay upstairs.  This really cuts down on the clutter and makes clean up so much easier when you have those last minute guests pop in that only come over when the house isn't clean.
Do you have any good tips to share?  Want to enter this contest?  Just go here and special thanks to TwitterMoms and IconApps.


This post is part of a blogging contest from the TwitterMoms community. There is a chance this post could be randomly selected to win a $50 Target GiftCard, so wish me luck!
For more details, you can view the contest page here (http://icomp.ly/IconApps).
Youthful Tips

Mamavation Monday

I'm glad the Mamavation is restarting so I can hopefully begin this week better!  I haven't faired as well as I had hoped between stress with a job layoff, hubby leaving for Kuwait on the 29th and just plain exhaustion with little kids, a large house, working full time, etc etc.  It's time I quit making excuses and move forward and I especially realized this after watching the amount of junk food my little one's consume.  I'm on a mission to seek out ways to get the six year old interested in better food as she's not a fan of any vegetable and fruit other than carrots and bananas, respectively.  I figure if I find "fun" ways to make snacks and meals out of them with her assisting, she might be more apt at helping.

My two year old, will be three in June, and she loves just about all food so she's my easy one.  My pregnant oldest one, is not a good eater but has improved since becoming pregnant.  She's due 10/10.

I have to say cheering on Colleen has been my biggest motivator in taking this getting healthier serious.  Between the awareness of voting for her and getting Kia and BookieBoo's comments, I know it's long overdue and the excuses stop right now....tonight!  I am starting tomorrow renewed, committed and ready to motivate all the Mamavation moms along with my own little Mama's at home.

Maybe I need to eat more Subway too since it's fresh, great tasting and good for you!  I love the vegetable subs and although I'm a fan of Jared, I also like Shea!  I'm glad Subway provides a healthy alternative to "fast food" while ensuring you can actually live healthier!  Yeah Subway!

Goals this week:  Majority of food consumed to be fruits and vegetables, more water and exercise five times a week.

If you are new to Mamavation, don't forget to check this powerhouse of a group out to help you get healthier and meet fun, interesting other women.   There will be a Twitter party on April 12th 8-10 pm (EST).  Click here to get more information.

Youthful Tips

Our Troops in Afghanistan

My dear friend and grandmother to my girls in Australia just sent me this beautiful e-mail in which I wanted to share.  All we ever hear on the biased news are stories of abuse by our soldiers and never a good word.  I'm copying a few of the pictures and text from this e-mail to show the other side ...the side my own repeat deployed husband told me about while on his tours to Afghanistan, Iraq (twice) along with other countries.

Afghan Child Bites Soldier in Self-Defense After Obvious Torture

Soldier Attempts to Eat Afghan Child

Clear Evidence of Forced Labor by Troops

Soldier Caught At "Tickle Torture" to Extract Intelligence

Granted abuses sadly do occur but that is by a few and not the majority.  Our involvement, whether you agree or disagree with our presence, does provide some good but we just don't hear enough about it unfortunately.

Thank you, Annie for sending this and God bless the world's troops who are fighting for a better world.

Youthful Tips

Last Day for Bonus Entries on Numerous Giveaways

This is the last day for bonus entries by voting for Colleen_Mouse at http://mamavation.com (right side of the website).  It's quick and easy and allows you five bonus entry to see this fantastic mom win the next Mamavation Mom!

Don't wait, please go vote now!  

Here are some of the open giveaways right now and don't forget the mega Mother's Day giveaway that values over $200 and might be growing pending on what I might receive between now and the end date. 

Right now, you can win a YouFloral customized vase and bouquet, a trendy Flirty Aprons apron, a $10 Walmart GC, a $25 Robeez Gift Card, a hand sensory touchless soap dispenser (very elegant) and more!


    This Little Prayer of Mine Book Review & Giveaway 5/5/10 - CLOSED WINNER



    An e-mail was just sent and she has 48 hours to respond.

    Winner was chosen by random.org from eligible entrants.

    Thanks to all those who entered and if you didn't win, it's a great book to get your little one!

    This Little Prayer of Mine

    I don't go to church and I know I should as I don't want to repeat my upbringing.  My dad, growing up as a devout Catholic, decided he didn't want to force religion on us and thought we would choose one.  As he always says, he didn't realize we would choose none.  If you aren't given the chance to explore, you tend to gravitate that way.  When I was offered the chance to review This Little Prayer Book of Mine, I wanted it for my kids.

    This Little Prayer of Mine was written by Anthony DeStefano and illustrated by Mark Elliott.  It's even endorsed by the National Day of Prayer.  It's a delightful book by Random House that allows early readers a chance to read it or to have a parent read to them.  I like the real life examples used such as:
    Whenever I feel really scared and want to hide my head,  please help me to be brave and strong and face my fears instead.
    It teaches such good lessons while reinforcing God is present.  My girls really like this movie and is becoming a nightly ritual.

    If you haven't had a chance to buy it, it's a winner and is available at Random House.

    The Giveaway:

    Your own copy of This Little Prayer of Mine.

    To Enter:

    If you would like a copy, leave a comment that you would like to win!  That is it!

    Bonus Entries (worth two entries each unless otherwise specified):

    • Follow my blog.
    • Subscribe to my blog.
    • Follow Random House on Twitter.
    • Follow me on Twitter.
    • Become a fan of Random House on Facebook.
    • Become a fan of mine on Facebook.
    • Blog about this giveaway (five entries).
    • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily).
    • Enter any of my other giveaways (five entries).

    Giveaway ends 5/5/10 at midnight.  Winner will be chosen by random.org

    Youthful Tips

    Bryan Foods' The Ultimate Neighborhood Grill Out Contest & Giveaway 4/30 WINNER CLOSED



    An e-mail was just sent.  The winner was chosen via random.org.

    Thanks to all those who entered!

    Summer is finally coming and it's truly my favorite season!  When I think of summer, I think of grilling out and when I think of grilling out, I cannot wait!   My six year old picked up a liking to hot dogs at school so now that is a common staple I get when we shop as well as corn dogs.  My oldest likes sandwiches so when Bryan Foods contacted me about hosting a review and giveaway, I was happy to agree.

    Bryan Foods' logo is The Flavor of the South which I have never heard of even though I have resided in Georgia for almost three years now.  For four generations, Bryan Foods has been delivering their products using only quality cuts of meat and their original family recipes.  Since Bryan Foods has been in the business since 1936, it must be good!

    Their products include eight types of hot dogs, two types of corn dogs, breakfast sausage, three types of cocktail smokies,  four types of smoked sausages, three types of ham and ten types of lunchmeat.  There is something for everyone and when I realized how many products they have, I thought of my dad who would be in heaven with everything they have to offer!

    We received this wonderful prize pack that included a Bryan Foods camo hat (husband took), a very nice apron with pockets, four coupons to try my choice of four Bryan Foods and this great little carrying case that included four tools to grill out hot dogs and marshmellows.  My six year old laid claim to that one as she loves "toasted marshmellows!"  The extra nice feature of those is they are adjustable so you can increase the length pending your fit pit for safety reasons.  It's a really nice prize pack that we will enjoy and think of Bryan Foods every time.  You can just see the smile in her face as she thinks of those marshmellows.

    I also liked the Bryan Food recipes I received and are available on their site here. This is my favorite:

    The Spicy Southern Dog

    (Serves 2)



    Bryan® Juicy Jumbos® Franks
    (or your favorite Bryan hot dog)
    Hot dog bun, split2
    Barbecue sauce¼ cup
    Hot salsa¼ cup
    Minced jalapeno½ tsp.
    Chili powderdash
    White onion, small dice¼ cup
    Shredded cheddar cheese¼ cup


    1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine barbecue sauce, salsa, jalapeno, and chili powder. Cook until heated through and ingredients are fully combined, approximately 3-5 minutes.
    2. Place grilled dog in bun, top with salsa mixture, and sprinkle with onions and cheese.

    The Rick & Bubba Show have teamed up with Bryan Foods and country music star Jimmy Wayne to launch The Ultimate Neighborhood Grill Out contest.  One lucky winner will receive an ultimate neighborhood grill out.  To enter, click on the link above, and submit a video or story of a memorable experience with family and friends when Bryan Foods was a part of the gathering.  All grill out food will be provided by Bryan Foods, the grill masters will be included so what a great way to have a lazy good time!  As an extra bonus, Jimmy Wayne will perform live!  That is an ultimate neighborhood grill out and you will be the talk of yours.

    Four runner ups will receive a year supply of Bryan Foods products along with Bryan branded items like t-shirts and aprons.

    The contest kicked off March 29th and entries will be accepted until April 30th with winners announced May 5th.  For a complete list of rules, go here.

    The Giveaway:

    One lucky reader of mine will receive the same prize pack I received!  If you have kids, they will love it along with your favorite grill master (i.e. husband)!  If he's not, tell him how how sexy he looks in his apron and he'll cook for you every night!

    To Enter:

    Follow my blog (entries will be verified) and tell me which Bryan Food item you like the most or would like to try.

    Bonus Entries (worth one entry unless noted):

    • Become a fan of my Facebook page.
    • Subscribe and confirm to my blog (will be verified)
    • Follow me on Twitter (2 entries).
    • Add my button to your sidebar (5 entries)
    • Add Angels4Epilepsy's button to your sidebar (5 entries)
    • Add Youthfultips to your blogroll (using my URL) and link back to me (3 entries)
    • Blog about this giveaway (five entries) - leave link
    • Tweet about this giveaway (2 entries - can be done daily)
    • Enter any of my other ongoing giveaways (5 entries)

    Limited Bonus Entry Opportunity Until April 11, midnight:

    This how you can get some bonus pre-entries before it's even posted but only for a limited time!

    If you go to http://www.mamavation.com and on the right hand side is a list of all the Mamavation Mom contestants, you can vote for Colleen_Mouse and secure five bonus entries (per day) until midnight (EST) on April 11, 2010.

    Leave your five entries afterwards - this can be done daily until 4/11 midnight.

    Sorry but this giveaway is only for US and ends 04/29/10 at midnight.  Winner will be chosen by random.org.

    *Disclosure:  I was provided a complimentary product in exchange for my review.  No financial compensation was received.

    Youthful Tips

    Mother's Day Multi-Gift Giveaway $200+ Value 5/5/10 Bonus Entry Opportunities CLOSED WINNER!


    SARAH P!

    I wanted to get this one out ASAP to hopefully hit Mother's Day in time which involved a late night!

    An e-mail has been sent and given the urgency of reaching Mother's Day, she has 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen by random.org.

    Thanks to all those who entered and if you didn't win, check out YouFloral as it's a great concept!

    Giving gifts is such a fun experience for me and I love the thrill in finding that one of a kind, unique product.  Many people, like my husband, dread buying gifts and he waits until a few hours before to get my gifts.  I like to spend quite a bit of time preparing because a gift should be from the heart.  I don't think gifts should be given out of obligation rather out of love and sincerity.

    I was at a loss for Mother's Day as I've been so busy planning two birthdays and the deployment of my husband to Kuwait on 4/29.  I was looking at some other giveaways at TwitterMoms when I came across another giveaway for YouFloral and instantly fell for the concept.  Sending flowers is a very nice gesture but to send flowers with a vase you can customize just adds to the personal aspect and adds so much love to the gift.

    If you are like me, I had never heard of YouFloral.  I had the pleasure of receiving a complimentary order of flowers and their patent pending, exclusive VaseExpressions.  I can assure you the ordering process is so easy and is done in five steps:

    1. Select the occasion
    2. Select the theme
    3. Upload a photo (optional)
    4. Add your message
    5. Choose from a beautiful selection of flowers based on how much you want to spend

    For my order, I chose Mother's Day and 19 theme choices were available on the next screen.  The choices allow for so many personalities and tastes.  I like the idea of not having to try to create the background as it's done for me.

    Once you select the theme, you can choose from a photo & message, photo only or message only.  I chose the photo & message and the next screen that pops up is to upload a picture.  Another nice feature is you don't have to worry about sizing the photo perfectly for the upload.  The tools available allows the user to edit to fit appropriately.  After I added my photo, it was time to add the message and then to select the flowers.  YouFloral's program provides a color match automated service ensuring your flower choices will match your theme.  They take out all the work needed to make it look perfect!

    Look at how beautiful the outcome is!  It is so gorgeous and was even more beautiful in person.  It arrived in a secured, protected box by UPS and was wrapped just as elegantly in fine tissue paper and protected in little tube vials to ensure each stem had enough water.  It was a beautiful vision!

    I played around in the program and easily made three different versions in under 15 minutes.  You can take all the time you need as there are so many choices to make and with the message option, you can unleash so much creativity.  Your loved one will not be disappointed!

    What makes YouFloral unique are the VaseExpressions I noted above.  They are full color, customizable, waterproof vase liners that fit inside the glass vase.  After pouring water in my vase, it remained dry and didn't damage the image.  When the flowers are gone, your loved one will have the beautiful liner to treasure.

    With a combined 60 years in the farm-to-consumer floral business, they also guarantee your flowers will arrive fresh and will last.

    If you need some ideas, you can also browse their examples here.

    I would highly recommend YouFloral for all your gift giving needs!

    The Giveaway - One winner will receive the following:
    • Your very own YouFloral - beautiful floral arrangement with customized vase - up to $79.99 value
    • $10 Walmart GC
    • Hand Sensory Soap Dispenser - $39.95 value
    • Robeez children's shoes $25 GC
    • Flirty Apron - $31.95 value
    • Surprise organic skincare sample pack 
    This is a giveaway valued at over $200 and might grow pending what other products I receive!

    To Enter (mandatory):

    Follow my blog (each entry will be verified) and visit YouFloral and tell me which occasion you would choose.

    Bonus Entries (worth one extra entry unless noted):

    • Become a fan of YouFloral's Facebook page (2 entries)
    • Become a fan of my Facebook page.
    • Subscribe and confirm to my blog (will be verified)
    • Follow me on Twitter (2 entries).
    • Add my button to your sidebar (3 entries)
    • Add Angels4Epilepsy's button to your sidebar (3 entries)
    • Add Youthfultips to your blogroll (using my URL) and link back to me (3 entries)
    • Blog about this giveaway (five entries) - leave link
    • Tweet about this giveaway (2 entries - can be done daily)

    Limited Bonus Entry Opportunity Until April 11, midnight:

    This how you can get some bonus pre-entries before it's even posted but only for a limited time!

    If you go to http://www.mamavation.com and on the right hand side is a list of all the Mamavation Mom contestants, you can vote for Colleen_Mouse and secure five bonus entries (per day) until midnight (EST) on April 11, 2010.

    Leave your five entries afterwards - this can be done daily until 4/11 midnight.

    Sorry but this giveaway is only for US and ends 5/5/10 at midnight.  Winner will be chosen by random.org and I will do my best to validate entries and get the winner their prize pack in time for Mother's Day.

    *Disclosure:  I was provided a complimentary product in exchange for my review.  No financial compensation was received.

    Youthful Tips

    Yoplait Simply Go-Gurt Review, Prize Pack Giveaway & 30 FREE Coupons 4/24 WINNER CLOSED



    Winner was selected from random.org and has 48 hours to respond to an e-mail that was just sent.

    Thanks to all those who entered!

    Kids on the go!  Summer is quickly around the corner!  Nutrition is a must!

    Three things I think of when I think of Yoplait's new Simply Go-Gurt.   With no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavorings or coloring, Yoplait's Simply Go-Gurt is ideal for what I want my children eating.  Whether your little one enjoys strawberry or mixed berry, Yoplait's Simply Go-Gurt is available in both flavors.  What makes these so nice for kids is they come in portable tubes of delicious yumminess (my little one's word)!

    My children really liked the fact they could carry these around outside.  Living in Georgia, it's HOT and having a quick, cold snack to take on the run is really nice.  They preferred strawberry as I knew they would and it had the same great taste that I like about Yoplait and would recommend them as a snack for your little one or ever yourself if you are on the go.

    Click below for great tips and 30 free coupons to the first 30 visitors:

    You can click here to get more information as well as a $1.00 off coupon.

    The Giveaway:

    You can receive this great prize pack just like I received.   The Go-Gurt “Simplify Your Life” prize pack contains a pocket Etch a Sketch, weekly planner and a seat back organizer.

    It's a great prize pack so don't miss out!

    To Enter:

    Follow my blog and share a wholesome snacking tip.

    Bonus Entries:

    • Subscribe to my blog
    • Follow me on Twitter
    • Blog about this giveaway (worth five entries)
    • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily)

    Giveaway ends 4/24 at midnight (EST) and winner will be chosen by random.org.

    Thanks for entering and good luck!

    *Disclosure:  The Simply… Go-Gurt, prize pack, information and additional prize pack to give away were all given to me from Yoplait through MyBlogSpark.

    Youthful Tips

    Book: Sarah Sundin's A Distant Melody Contest 4/25

    Sarah Sundin's A Distant Melody is the first book in a series debuting as a Christian historical novel that will leave you wanting to read more.  It's ideal for romance and military history buffs.  Not only can you get caught up in the nostalgia, but you can enter to win a great prize pack.


    A Distant Melody, Book 1 in Sarah Sundin’s exciting Wings of Glory series, is in stores now!  To celebrate the release, they’re offering one Grand Prize winner the chance to get NOSTALGIC!

    Enter the Netflix and Nostalgia contest from author Sarah Sundin!


    The Winner of  the ‘NETFLIX® & Nostalgia’ giveaway will receive a vintage prize package, including:
    •  A 6 month NETFLIX® subscription
    • $25 Starbucks® gift card
    • A box of See’s Famous Old Time Chocolates®
    • A jar of homemade strawberry jam
    • A Big Band music CD
    • A Mini B-17 Model airplane
    • Vintage stationery and pen
    • British specialty tea
    • WWII style playing cards

     To enter just click on the icon above! Contest will be live April 5th and run through April 25th!

    Vote for Colleen_Mouse at Mamavation Please

    Hello to all my followers!  I'm asking a favor for a friend that also blogs.  Her name is Colleen and she's trying to win a spot as the next Mamavation Mom and you can help!

    All it takes is 30 seconds to vote for her at http://www.mamavation.com on the right side.

    Her name is colleen_mouse and she's so worthy of this opportunity so please vote!

    If you do not know about Mamavation, it's a great site of mom's that encourages one another to not only lose weight but get healthy.  It's all about getting healthier and when you get healthier, the weight drops.  The fierce leader is "BookieBoo" who is an amazing success story of triumph and commitment.  

    If you are longing to get healthier, check them out or minimally, please vote for Colleen as she's a success story who needs a final push to reach her goal.


    Youthful Tips

    Unique YouFloral Review & Giveaway at Leslie Loves Veggies

    You have to check out this great review and giveaway of a unique idea for flowers.  You can customize the vase with their designs or your own picture!  I love it!

    To read about it and enter, click here.

    Partial Post:

    YouFloral is a unique floral company… they not only have a passion for fresh flowers, but also for making your occasions memorable. They design some of the most stunning floral arrangements I have seen in a long time, and their exclusive product, VaseExpressions, enables you to send a floral gift that won’t be forgotten! VaseExpressions are full color, completely water-proof, customizable vase liners, which allow you to express yourself in your very own, unique, and personalized way each time you send a flower arrangement.

    Youthful Tips

    Trekaroo Safety First Car Seat Giveaway 4/11

    Another great car seat giveaway from Trekaroo here.

    Partial posting:

    Therefore, when I saw Safety 1st announce it’s new Complete Air Convertible Car Seat, I knew we needed to put this new baby to the test.

    • Air-filled head wings provides protection from side collisions
    • 40 pound rear-facing weight limit (one of the tallest rear-facing carseats available toady)
    • 3 crotch strap positions
    • Head wings make for nice pillows during car naps
    • Easy installation
    • Stylish, easy to clean fabric
    • Even with 3 settings, the crotch buckle might still be snug for older kids
    • For smaller cars (aka VW Golf), installation as a rear-facing car seat will probably require a pool noodle or towel to get a comfortable 45 degree angle recline. Safety 1st’s Complete Air SE and LX models cost more, but come with a 4-position recline to deal specifically with this issue
    All in all, I would definitely recommend the Safety 1st Complete Air Convertible Carseat.  Considering how important side impact head protection is, this car seat just cannot be beat. Here’s my full review of the Safety 1st Complete Air Car Seat with Side Impact Protection.

    Youthful Tips

    3 Kids and Us Car Seat Giveaway 4/7

    Since my "baby" is expecting her first baby on 10/10/10, I'm searching for a car seat for her.  I might as well enter giveaways since I host giveaways and 3 Kids and Us is a great site!  If you are in the market for a car seat, you should check out her review and giveaway for this amazing True Fit Premier Convertible Car Seat here.

    Quick info:

    The True Fit Convertible Car Seats have all been awarded high “Ease of Use” ratings from the National Highway Transportation Administration, NHTSA for short. What does that mean? That after reviewing our seats, our labels, and our instructions it was determined our seats were Easy To Use! The True Fit Premier Rebound (model C670) was awarded Five Stars in both the rear- and forward-facing modes, the maximum awarded by NHTSA.

    Youthful Tips

    Piggy Paint Review & $15 GC Giveaway 4/24 - CLOSED WINNER



    An e-mail has been sent.  Winner was selected by random.org.

    Thanks to all those who entered!

    Little girls love having their nails painted and so do us bigger girls!  I love seeing my little one's with nail polish on them as it's so dainty, so girly and so delicate.  I grow more and more concerned with all the products for children given toxins, chemicals and who knows what is in some of these products.  When I can find a product that is organic and non-toxic, I enjoy writing and sharing about it.  Most bloggers and entrants have seen other reviews and giveaways for Piggy Paint and if you are like me, weren't one of the lucky ones to win.  Now, you get another shot at winning a gift certificate for $15 of great Piggy Paint!

    What you might not know about Piggy Paints is they are:

    • Non-toxic
    • Low odor
    • Water-based
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Have many fun, kid loving colors
    • Dries to a hard finish

    There is no formaldehyde, toxic chemicals, toluene, phthalates, bisphenol A, ethyl acetate or acetone.  I have no idea what some of that is but as they say, if you can't pronounce it, it's most likely not good and who wants to put something toxic on our little one's growing and developing bodies?

    The Review:

    We followed the recommended instructions by washing the girl's hands with soap and water.   We applied applied three coats of Piggy Paint nail polish, waited 60 seconds and then used the hair dryer for another 60 seconds.  Piggy Paint suggests singing a song to help those wigglers through the entire 60 loooong seconds! Great idea as that worked perfect!

    Another aspect I really like about Piggy Paints is they suggest utilizing the nail polish as a mechanism to learn.  Whether it's enhancing their fine motor skills of painting their own nails or learning color names as well as patterns and if in school, school colors.  It's a great way to teach skills and practice basics.

    Piggy Paint really is low in odor especially in comparison to other polishes that seem unsafe to be around.  The polish goes on smooth and is durable.  We painted the girl's nails on Saturday and it still looks great!  There is no normal wear and tear yet which for kids, is surprising.  The color is subtle enough to be visible but not overpowering.  It really enhanced their Easter dresses and they looked so adorable!

    The nail polish remover is nearly odor free as well and touts the same benefits of being non-toxic.  As their motto reads, "Natural as mud."

    The gift choices were equally appealing with two nail polishes and one bottle of nail polish remover packed together in a cute little bundle for $24.99.

    Piggy Paint has everything you need for little one's nails to include cute shirts to provide a girly gift.

    I would recommend Piggy Paints due to the safeness primarily.  It dries quickly, lasts a long time, comes up easily if accidentally spilled (if done quickly) and is a great experience to try out with your little girls.

    The Giveaway:

    One winner will receive a $15 gift certificate to have their own fun!

    To Enter:

    Follow my blog and visit Piggy Paints to tell me what you would select if chosen as the winner.

    Bonus Entries (worth two each unless noted otherwise):

    • Become fans of Piggy Paints on Facebook.
    • Subscribe to my blog.
    • Follow Piggy Paint on Twitter.
    • Follow me on Twitter.
    • Become a fan of mine on Facebook.
    • Blog about this giveaway (worth five entries).
    • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily).

    Giveaway ends 4/24 at midnight (EST) and winner will be chosen by random.org.

    Thanks and good luck!

    * Disclosure:  Sponsor company provided complimentary product in exchange for an honest review and giveaway.  No financial compensation was received.

    Youthful Tips
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