Embracing a Healthy Family

Staples and Retweet to Win a Netbook!

Wouldn't a nice, brand new and FREE netbook sound good?  Imagine all the things you could do with a netbook like entering giveaways, blogging, researching the latest diet tips on how to get in shape or order office supplies or print cartridges for all those pictures you want to print from Christmas.


RIGHT NOW and over the entire month of January, Staples is hosting the “Tweet and You Could Win a Netbook” contest.
What's more, the MORE followers @StaplesTweets gets, the MORE netbooks they will give away!

Tweet!  Tweet!  Tweet!

Youthful Tips

Organic Pharmacy Green Coffee Proprietary Massage Treatment

If you read my blog, you might have seen that I post frequently about the Organic Pharmacy because I truly like their products.   Based out of London, the Organic Pharmacy is the most respected and trusted organic personal care company in the UK.  They have an almost endless supply of organic products to keep you healthy, keep you looking good and beautiful.

The latest product they are offering is green coffee, not in a cup but in a new proprietary massage treatment focused on firming, draining and breaking down fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite -- The Green Coffee Body Sculpting Treatment.

Here’s how it works:

  • Lower half of body is dry brushed to stimulate circulation and allow the oils, with their active ingredients to be absorbed.
  • The body is then massaged with Green Coffee and Chili Oil. In addition to green coffee, key ingredients include:
    • Chili, to increase the flow of blood by “heating” the skin. The extra heat enhances the effects of the stimulating green coffee for better circulation and eliminate of fats, excess fluids and toxins.
    • Juniper, for its decongestant, diuretic and detoxifying properties.
    • Grapefruit, an excellent lymph stimulant that helps eliminate waste by removing excess water from the body and the skin.
  • Next, the body is massaged with Body Sculpting Gel. Key ingredients include:
    • Mountain Ash, to improve the tone of veins and help flush out excess water around the cells.
    • Linseed Polyholosides, to redefine, lift, firm and plump skin from within by stimulating collagen.
    • Fig, with lipolytic action to reduce the size of fatty cells.
    • Horse Chestnut, to improve circulation and Menthol from mint leaves to constrict the blood vessels and drain. These botanicals continue to work even after they have been applied.
  • At the end of the treatment, the client, now relaxed and feeling lighter, is offered a drink of water with an all-natural anti-cellulite tincture (garcinia, gurana, horsechestnut, gotu kola, dandelion and bladderwrack).
  • Products contain no artificial preservatives, fragrances, colorants, petrochemicals or animal ingredients and are never tested on animals.
Watch a real treatment:

The treatment, recommended at least 5-6 times for the best results, is priced at $100 (per treatment) and is available at The Organic Pharmacy, 453 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA and soon to be available in New York.

I wished they had one closer to me or I lived in California.

Anyone try it yet?

Click HERE to see my review of the Organic Pharmacy's Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex.

Click HERE to see my review on the Organic Pharmacy's Carrot Butter.

Click HERE to see April's review on the Organic Pharmacy's Glam Cosmetics.

*Disclaimer:  I have not reviewed the Organic Pharmacy Green Coffee Proprietary Massage Treatment nor was I compensated in any way for this post.

Youthful Tips

Beiz Lola Panda App for iPhone and iPod Teaches World Flags

If you would have told me a few months ago that young kids can learn on Ipods or phones, I would have doubted that.  As always, kids never cease to amaze me.  My two kids, two and six, love the Ipod even though much to the chagrin of my 21 year old, the two year old deletes her apps.  Those apps are great things pending on your interests and as some are free, others cost.  One day back in December, I watched my two year laying on the floor with her sister's Ipod Touch and she was shaking it.  I asked my oldest what she was doing and she told me she was clearing the screen.  I was amazed that she knew to do that and when Beiz Ltd had an offer to review their new game Lola's Flag Adventure, I thought this would be a great opportunity to try another educational game venue with them.

If you don't know who Beiz Ltd is, they are Beijing-based game design studio.  Lola's Flag Adventure 1.0, is their first children's flag game for iPhone and iPod Touch. Lola's Flag Adventure features voice guidance, an easy-to-use interface and wonderfully designed panda graphics and world flags.  Lola's Flag Adventure has two games for children to choose from:
  1. A memory game for children who cannot read.  This is a fun game as it has three difficulty levels of easy, medium or hard.  My six year old really enjoys playing the game and is challenged by it with the three levels of difficulty.  In order for her to move to the second game, I need to teach her the country's name associated with the flag.  I think the two year old could play this game with some help and guidance but it would take a little effort.
  2. The flag trivia is for older children or even adults if they want to learn the flags. The game provides fun and challenge both for preschoolers and junior school children.  We haven't moved up to that game yet but I can see my six year old eventually playing it and liking it.  The flags included are of the biggest countries from Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

There will be more games in the series with Lola and what kid doesn't love panda bears?  This is a good educational opportunity if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch.  Can you imagine how it would make waiting at the doctor's office or other places easier by having this game on your iPhone or iPod? 

I would recommend this game as a good venue in teaching about world flags and countries.  Lola is a cute panda that will entice the little one's and the easy to follow games are a fun way to teach while having fun.  At only $1.99, you can't go wrong.

From Beiz:

"We believe in educational games that can be fun to play as well. We don't want the children to be game addicts, but provide fun and educational moments as part of the other activities in children's lives" says Head of BeiZ gaming Studio, Minna Heikinheimo.

Language Support:
  • US English and Chinese (simplified) 
  • More will be added in future
Device Requirements:
  • iPhone or iPod Touch 2.2.1 or later
Pricing and Availability:

Beiz Ltd is a mobile game studio that concentrates on providing enjoyable edutainment solutions for children and adults. Beiz also assists its partners in publishing their games and mobile content. Beiz has headquarters in Hong Kong and operations in China and in Finland. Please visit Beiz online for more information.

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary download of Lola's Flag Adventure and no other compensation.  The opinions written in this post are mine and were not influenced by the opportunity to receive the complimentary download.

Youthful Tips

TrimBack.com: New Community for Online Couons, Deals & Discounts - Including Grocery Coupons Update

I just woke up this morning and found out I won the Trimback & MomFuse blogging contest!  Yeah!!!

If you haven't had a chance to check out Trimback, you really should as it's an excellent source to save money with coupons and discounts to a huge selection of stores.  There is even a Shopping Forum coming soon to help share more great deals!

Want to know more about Trimback?  Please read my post below.

I'm an above-novice coupon clipper and semi-expert for online sales but with the need to cut spending and realize better budgeting skills, finding a bargain or a discount has become somewhat a hobby for me.  I also spend a lot of my time shopping on the internet as it's easier and you really can pick up some great deals if you use coupon codes.  Before I buy anything online, I always search for coupons. 

One of my favorite stores to shop online is Macy's.  I will never buy anything unless I search for Macy's coupon codes to ensure I get the best deal.  What I like the best about this site, it has all the stores that you can think of and all you do is enter the store you are interested in, click on search and all the offers pop up.  If you don't know what you want to search for, all the stores are available in alphabetical order.

This relatively new site, TrimBack.com is a community offering great coupon codes, deals and more.  They even have a blog that provides informative details on other codes, special deals and bargains.  You can search over 30,000+ coupons, deals and discounts!


Remember whenever you want to buy something online, check for codes, discounts and deals with four easy steps:
  1. Go to TrimBack.com
  2. Enter the store you are interested in the search box and press search
  3. Select from all the available deals, discounts and coupons
  4. Click the coupon code or click the click to use link next to the code and enter the code when instructed to.
Don't forget there is a handy tab for grocery store coupon clipping too!

*Disclaimer:  I was not compensated for this review.  I am entering a MomFuse and TrimBack.com contest for a giftcard giveaway.  I did register and use the site so my review is an honest review of the site and abilities.

Youthful Tips

Subway & Biggest Loser: Great Deals & Inspiration

I posted what is below earlier in the week and wanted to update it as with my latest weight loss challenge, I'm fully committed after reading a few books, continuing my addiction to Biggest Loser and just wanting to have more energy and feel good.

Yesterday for lunch, my daughter told me about the 280 calorie turkey 6" sub.  Given that I'm counting calories and wanting something with a multi-grain or whole wheat bread, this was the perfect choice for me.  What's great about the 6" subs is you can cut them in half and graze on them for a few hours.  Grazing is the name of the game from what I'm reading in several books.

What I found while reviewing the Subway site is that they actually do compliment their products with the advice of a dietitian and a nutrition specialist.  There is a page dedicated to nutrition, advice and videos: http://www.subway.com/subwayroot/MenuNutrition/index.aspx.

I was insprired by Jared but never really jumped on the bandwagon as I'm a yo-yo Atkins girl which would leave Subway out most of the time but I am a carb craver so having the 9 grain bread is excellent for my tastes.

If you are like me, you need inspiration and motivation.  I prefer getting my motivation from watching the Biggest Loser who is always touting the benefits of Subway.  This diet, I'm giving Subway a chance.

My biggest TV vice is The Biggest Loser and I'm addicted!  If you watch the show, you know that they team up with Subway for their meals at times.  Subway has a deal right now where you can download a free Biggest Loser workout mix.

You can even join the Pound for Pound Challenge and raise money for charity by going here: http://www.pfpchallenge.com/

Last season's winner, Shay, is the big challenger with Subway to lose the rest of her weight.  Shay had a sad story growing up with an addicted mother who later died prematurely.  Shay turned to food and was the largest woman in Biggest Loser history. For every pound Shay loses, Subway will give her $1,000!

As part of Subway's path to helping more lose weight, their site is full of inspirational zones to get you off to the right start:  http://www.subwayfreshbuzz.com/biggestloser/shay_press_release.asp

Become a fan of Subway on Facebook and enter their sweepstakes to win a $50 gift card.

Youthful Tips

Kindergarten Fast Tracked to College

I know I'm older now, 41 to be exact, and I'm restarting this whole kid thing with having my oldest at 21 but I had no idea how much changed in school from 15 year's ago.  Before she started, I taught her how to write her name, tie her shoes, count to 100 and many other things and she was considered advanced.  I neglected (for many reasons) doing the same with my now six year old thinking it would all be taught when she got to school.  I had no idea!

Due to her epilepsy that started right before she started school last year, trying to get the medication adjusted and sorting out issues with her then father as my husband adopted her in October, she ended up repeating kindergarten this year.  I didn't have to make her do that but thought it was in her best interest in doing so.  The teacher she has this year has her students writing journals in full sentences, reading books and so much more!  I can't imagine being in kindergarten and being able to read and write by Christmas.  Times have changed so much!

I've written past posts about tips I use to help her learn and I'll repeat a couple of those tips:
  1. Post It Notes has the Sight Words available which are a blessing.  I stick them up on the windows we have dividing our kitchen and sunroom and they are always there as constant reminders to study and practice.
  2. Magnetic boards are great to track bonus calendar days.  Every night she does "extra" homework or practice, she gets a smily face.  At the end of the week, she can trade those in for a little surprise.  It's motivational for her and fun.
  3. LoveTwoTeach has a great blog of resources that I use to print off activities and fun projects.
  4. KinderTeacher is another site I utilize for extra work.
  5. She was needing help in math so I found this site that has great practice activities online which she loves: http://www.aaastudy.com/addk7ax1.htm
  6. Wii has a game called Big Brain Academy that I might try out since she's into our Wii console.  You can see a clip here: http://www.amazon.com/Big-Brain-Academy-Wii-Degree-Nintendo/dp/B000OAO188/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1262811867&sr=8-1-spell
She's also into drawing and is very creative so I had her write her own book that was published (widget on left side of blog).  She told me the story, I modified to make it run together smoothly and she drew the pictures.  She took so much pride in it that she wrote several more but I haven't put them together to publish it yet. 

There are so many creative ways to help your child learn and encourage creativity.  I only hope the schools don't push too hard, too fast and take the fun out of being a child.  I always tease my oldest that I had no idea that I had to prep her for med school.

Any other tips out there for creativity?

Youthful Tips

Fashion Playtes 25% Off Offer: Ends 1/13/2010

A Gift to Celebrate the New Year!

Here's a special gift from us to you. From now until Wednesday, January 13, 2010, save 25% on your entire order. You can apply this discount to any purchase.

Act now! Be sure to enter code SUB25 during checkout to get your 25% off discount!

Youthful Tips

Runt Farm: Beatrice and Blossom by Amanda Lorenzo Book Review & Giveaway 01/05/10: WINNER!



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Product Details:

  • Hardcover: 120 pages
  • Publisher: BooktiMookti Press (August 15, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0980095212
  • ISBN-13: 978-0980095210
Book 2 features two new characters for author Amanda Lorenzo:  Beatrice, a cute floppy eared bunny, arrives to Runt Farm by the help of the Runt Farm mice who rescue her.  Beatrice then rescues the second newest character, a squirrel named Blossom who was trapped and shivering.  They now join the family of what is called Runt Farm.

For me, Runt Farm gives me a feel of older books in that it has all illustrations done in pencil and are not in color.  I feel it gives children the ability to have more creativity as they can decide the color and storyline.  The books offer lessons while aiding in building their vocabulary.

This trailer will introduce you to the wonderful world of Runt Farm Book 2:

If you want more fun, visit http://runtfarm.com/ to see all new Runt Farm books, sign up for the Runt Farm Gazette or check out the Barn Wall.  The Barn Wall has great items to include small posters, coloring pages, artwork and more.  There are resources for parents and teachers as well as fun things for the children.

The Runt Farm series is a series of middle readers designated for children ages 6 to 10.  The animals make up a non-traditional family members of orphans and those that get added along the way.  They teach lessons by their own unique skills and thinking.  It's a very clever way to show how everyone, no matter the differences, can get along.  The characters are all interesting and engaging:
  • Kitten
  • The Peep
  • Tooth
  • Cletus
  • Beatrice
  • Blossom
  • Clovis
This is a delightful book and my six year old has thoroughly enjoyed it.  She's even trying to read it on her own with difficulty but in time, she'll pick it right up.  She loves animals so this book is an excellent resource for her interestes as well as the ability it has to strengthen her vocabulary through playful bantor with the characters.  The illustrations by Mark Evan Walker are perfectly placed to keep her interest and many times she laughed.  She really enjoyed it!

The Author (an interview from August 2009):

Q: Why did you write the Runt Farm books?

AL: For the love of telling and writing stories, mostly. But the books also happen to offer an inclusive view of family, and insight into the universal nature of family bonds. We need family, we make family wherever we go, whoever we are. And in one way or another, we’re all runts. Everyone has quirks. But when we find our true place and our true people, those people are our family. At Runt Farm we embrace the runt in everyone, in every species.

Q: Tell us about your first new books in the Runt Farm series!

AL: The Runt Farm books are snappy illustrated chapter books for children that feature an upbeat multi-species cast of animal characters, some evil villains, and assorted stories of scrapes and escapes.

Q: Who are the main characters?

AL: Oh, there’s rebellious but laid-back Kitten and his pal The Peep (a baby duck with some issues). Then there are Cletus and Tooth – two extra-smart refugee mice. Next comes a rambunctious bunny named Beatrice, and then Blossom – a squirrel guy with a flashy style—these two have a healthy dose of sibling rivalry going. And in Book 3 we meet Clovis; she’s a mouse cousin to Tooth. Clovis is a sort of nervous and distracted auntie type, a serious artist who delights in capturing the light.

Q: And the villains?

AL: You would be referring to the weasels, of course! And the evil agents of NAARF.


AL: Oh yes -- the Nightshade Association Animal Research Facility. They will stop at nothing to capture those escapees, Cletus, Tooth and Clovis.

Q: Where do you get the ideas for the Runt Farm stories?

AL: Well some of them come from real life. In Runt Farm Book 2, Beatrice and Blossom, Beatrice cheats Blossom out of all his marbles using phony rules like “rainbows.” She also uses a steelie as a shooter, a questionable tactic if ever there was one. When I was 6 or 7 the Canaday brothers, down the block from me, got all my marbles just like that.

Q: Were you able to get your marbles back?

AL: Yes, most of them. Mrs. Canaday got it all straightened out.

Q: You’re known for wearing funny hats. What is it you enjoy most about them?

AL: You think my hat is funny? Well! Indeed! Actually this particular hat is for special occasions, but the hat I wear most often is a bowler. It was my Dad’s hat, and I wear it to remember him. Mostly I just think hats are fun. You can tell a lot about a person by their hat.

Q: Amanda Lorenzo, aren’t you also known as the Seattle Mystery Lady?

AL: Apparently I am. There seems to be a video of me on YouTube called “Seattle Mystery Lady Spotted.” And a Google map showing some of my whereabouts as well. I guess I’m being watched!

Q: How long does it take you to write a book?

AL: The writing usually goes pretty quickly, perhaps a few weeks. Getting from there to a real book in your hands takes much longer, though. More like two years!

Q: Why does it take so long?

AL: Well, after I write the story, my editor makes suggestions, we argue a little (we’re friendly about it). Then I do what she says. Next our illustrator, Mark, does a bunch of tiny little drawings called thumbnails and we all ooh and aah and give feedback about them (Mark’s a really good artist). That leads to more and bigger sketches, and then final artwork. Then the book designer takes it all and mashes it together and there’s more ooh-ing and aah-ing. Then all the pages of the book get printed out and the proofreader marks in red ink where we made mistakes. After that all the mistakes get fixed and the book printer takes it from there (They print and bind the books).

Sometimes when I visit classrooms I show examples of a book in all those stages.

Q: Are your characters like anyone you know?

AL: Yes, they sure are. Cletus is a lot like me – he likes cheese and is good with tools. Beatrice and I are pretty similar, too, because I can be kind of bossy (and also brave). Tooth is similar to a famous chef whose name is Julia. Every character is partly created from different people I know and partly just made up.

Q: Where can we get the Runt Farm books?

AL: They’re available on Amazon or at your favorite bookstore. You can also buy the books at RuntFarm.com – and you really should visit – there’s lots of free fun stuff for kids on our website, and there are learning activities too that parents and teachers can do with children.

Disclaimer:  I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for my review.  I was not financially compensated.

The Giveaway:

Runt Farm:  Book 2 Beatrice and Blossom

To Enter:

Follow my blog and visit http://runtfarm.com/ and tell me something you learned.

Extra Entries - Worth Five Entires Each:
  • Subscribe to my blog.
  • Subscribe to the Runt Farm Gazette.
  • Provide a comment to any non-giveaway post (refer to main post on home page for extra entries).
  • Enter any open giveaway.
  • Follow me on Twitter.
  • Blog about this giveaway (can be done daily).
  • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily).
Giveaway ends 01/05/10.

Winner will be chosen by random.org.

  Youthful Tips

Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing Review & Giveaway 01/05/10: Winner!



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Wouldn't it be great to find organic clothes that are gender free and are made of sustainable earth friend manufacturing practices to give you a piece of mind?  Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing and Organic Baby Clothing offers comfortable, organic cotton clothes in simple yet stylish designs. 

If you don't like the bold, colorful stripes, there are many options of single colors to also choose from.  Children love bright and bold colors and these provide a fun feeling to them.  Colors include such fun varieties such as Butterscotch/Chocolate, Radish/Bean, Chocolate/Bean, Blueberry/Sky and so many more.

I received from Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing a pair of soft and stretchy organic cotton tights.  They have a variety of colors such as Radish/Bean, Pumpkin/Radish, Pumpkin/Butterscotch/Radish/Bean and Watermelon/Sky.  I don't know about you but I think they are absolutely adorable!  Granted my 21 year old stuck her in a dress WAY too small for her as she wanted to make her look like Cindy Who but it was too cute for me. 

She loved them! This is a two year old who hates clothes but she had fun in these tights.  She's a performer in every way so modeling her new tights was right up her alley.  They wore nice, kept her legs warm and really adds fun to any an outfit.  They appear to be durable and long standing as they are not thin given then are made of organic cotton.  There is a great interview from The Today Show about Today's Power Women along with other great press stories about Happy Green Bee HERE.

Happy Green Bee has an online catalog to purchase tops, bottoms, sportswear, dresses, gifts and extras.  If you want to save a few bucks, check out the Factory Store listings HERE.

If you are a parent like me who has concerns about what products are being put into the products marketed for our children, check out Happy Green Bee Organic Kids Clothing.  Cotton clothing retains harmful toxic residues, often causing rashes and eczema on sensitive skin.  Clothing made with organically grown cotton does not retain toxic residues; it is a pure, natural, and breathable fiber.

Some facts about organically grown cotton:
  • Organically grown cotton is not treated with pesticides.
  • Organically grown cotton does not use petroleum-based fertilizers.
  • Organically grown cotton does not use genetically engineered seed.
Not only can you dress your child in something that will not harm them but you can find great gifts whether it's a fun, cute clothing item or a gift such as an Abbee Doll, an Amber Doll, a Blanket Gift Set or a Mom's on the Go Kit:

Abbee Doll :

Introducing Abbee, fresh from the delightful world of happygreenbee. Lovingly stitched in organic cotton, this playful companion is ready for fun in her matching chemise and colorful leggings. When playtime is over, Abbee cuddles up nicely for some naptime snuggling.

Amber Doll:

Introducing Amber, fresh from the delightful world of happygreenbee. Lovingly stitched in organic cotton, this playful companion is ready for fun in her matching chemise and colorful leggings. When playtime is over, Amber cuddles up nicely for some naptime snuggling.

Mom's on the Go Kit : 

Multi-tasking Moms on the Go will appreciate generous trial size samples of Happy Green Bee's nursery favorites! Six great products and a read aloud book all neatly packed into our handy re closable tote. Our kit contains a 4 oz. non-toxic, biodegradable eco friendly laundry detergent, a 2 oz. home-made diaper ointment formulated with organically grown comfrey, vitamin E, lavender, and a blend of botanical oils, a 2 oz. sample size of calendula oil made from organically grown calendula flowers and botanical oils, a 4 oz. herbal room spray which uses all natural essential oils, a keepsake tooth fairy tin and everything you need to plant your child’s birthday apple tree!

The Giveaway:

Your own pair of fun, great looking, stylish tights!

To Enter:

Follow my blog and go to HappyGreenBee.com and tell me something you learned about the site.  Leave one comment for both actions.

Extra Entries (for five entries each):
  • Become a fan of Happy Green Bee on Facebook and leave five comments. 
  • Follow me on Twitter and leave five comments.
  • Leave a comment about any other non-giveaway blog post and leave five comments.
  • Enter any of my other giveaways and leave five comments.
 Giveaway ends 01/05/10 at midnight.

Winner will be chosen by random.org. 
Giveaway is only open to the US.

Youthful Tips

Military Children Get in the Swing: Free Golf Instruction

Beginning in the New Year, The First Tee will offer golf instruction combined with character and life skills education to military children and to children of geographically separated National Guardsmen and Reservists. The initiative is made possible as part of a two-year agreement with the Department of Defense (DoD). The goal is to welcome at least 6,000 school-aged participants from military families to The First Tee program at no cost to families. Prior golf experience and equipment are not necessary.

Trained coaches and staff at over 200 Chapters of The First Tee offer a progression of lesson plans that create a fun and safe learning environment. The curriculum fosters curiosity about the game of golf and teaches how the positive values inherent in the game can be used at home, in school and in other areas of everyday life. New sessions start throughout the year and dates and times vary by location. Military families can sign up at The First Tee Chapter in their community or download a voucher. In addition, The First Tee will provide curriculum, equipment and training to 20 overseas bases located in Spain, Germany, Guam, Japan, South Korea, Cuba, Italy, and Puerto Rico.

For further information, Chapter locations or to download a voucher, families should visit http://www.thefirsttee.org/.

(Source: http://www.thefirsttee.org/club/scripts/section/section.asp?grp=0&NS=DD)

Youthful Tips

The House of Tia Crystal: London Born Artist

Tia Crystal Bio

Tia Crystal has literally changed dark days to bright times with just a few strokes of a paint brush. The London-born Tia says she always had that artistic streak in her. It wasn’t a life her family really understood or supported. The mother of three only dipped into that distant but strong feeling a few times in her life working in interior design and cake decoration. Tia’s most trying struggles were with anorexia, bulimia, and battle of her own self worth. At 40 years old it all changed during a simple stroll on a street in Italy.

Tia says she found a paint brush just laying there. She picked it up and excepted the moment as sign to finally pursue her long standing passion … fine art. In just a few years, Tia has completed more than 500 paintings that hang on walls across the continents; she is commissioned for private paintings, and has sold her work to a long list of the world’s elite. Her dramatic use of colors portrays Tia’s exuberance and love of life, a feeling she hopes those who collect her fine art consistently feel. She credits the pursuit of her passion, for turning the tables on her toughest times. Tia believes her life story and work support her philosophy, “art inspires the energy of the soul”.

The House of Tia Crystal

The House of Tia Crystal recently opened in Boca Raton, Florida. The gallery’s main feature is the beautiful and unique paintings of artist Tia Crystal. Also on display are sculptures, jewelry, and clothing from around the world. Tia’s goal is to make sure her gallery is about more than just the fine art. She says The House of Tia Crystal is a spiritual sanctuary and comfortable setting for all. On a daily basis, The House of Tia Crystal hosts art inspired yoga classes, meditation sessions, storytelling through the arts, women’s support groups, and art lessons for children.

For more information visit tiacrystal.com and become a fan on Facebook.

Youthful Tips

Melissa & Doug Grocery Store/Lemonade Stand Giveaway at Go Graham Go!

If you have small children or even tweens, they love the idea of playing grocery store or having a lemonade stand.  Go Graham Go! has a great giveaway for a Melissa & Doug stand.

Here is an excerpt from her giveaway:

I can see this toy also being a valuable educational tool. Use the bins to separate foods by color and label the chalkboard accordingly. You could even start practicing food groups. If you have a cash register, this could be a fun way to introduce making change and counting money. If it's a sunny day, why not open up an actual Lemonade Stand and put your child's math and social skills to work in real life?

The Grocery Store/Lemonade Stand is perfect for children ages 3 and up and does not include food. Melissa and Doug have some adorable play food you can purchase for about $19.99 to go along with this. You can purchase the Grocery Store/Lemonade Stand for about $129.99 online or at a retailer near you.
Go HERE to enter as it ends today!

Youthful Tips

Organic Pharmacy Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex Review Update

Everyone wants to look younger and if you are still young enough to not worry, you should!  There is no better time to fight aging.  I have tried product after product and am quickly becoming a fan of The Organic Pharmacy.  I'm still using the Carrot Butter Cleanser that I tried and reviewed earlier.  My face glows with the gentle cleansing, softening ingredients of carrots with shea & cocoa butter.  This is a definite favorite of mine and I've barely made a dent in the jar.  I feel it's well worth the costs as this will last a long time.  It was even awarded the Best Organic Skincare CEW award.

Megan Brown from Light Year's Ahead provided a bottle of The Organic Pharmacy's Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex.  The bottle is slender enough to take on trips if you are a traveler and is very easy to apply.  The product information states this is "an intensive treatment aimed to make skin 10 years younger by targeting the collagen and eslastin in the skin."  The best part is it is suitable for any skin type so you don't have to worry about choosing the right type for your skin.  I am prone to acne and most products will increase my acne but this did not.

It's very light, goes on without a heavy residue and has a fantastic scent.  Most facial creams and serums are either heavy or greasy and require your hands to be washed after application.  This is not like that.  I just applied after my nightly cleansing and my face feels cool and wonderful. 

Four unique ingredients were isolated due to their novel and effective action thanks to extensive research.  Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex's four unique ingredients were combined with other organic extracts known for their antioxidant and healing activities. 

Overall, I really like this due to the fact it is made of 100% natural and 81% organic ingredients.  The picture on the top was taken two weeks ago when I first received the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex.  Granted the lighting is different, I can see a subtle change in the fine lines around the corner of my eyes.  My skin is softer and looks better in my opinion.  I didn't expect a miracle but it's enough to keep me using it.  The scent is wonderful, the feeling is light and with the two products to date, The Organic Pharmacy is becoming my favorite place!

Update:  I stopped using the Organic Pharmacy Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex and switched to Strivectin.  After two weeks, my eyes had more noticable wrinkles and were sagging (upper lids).  Once I started back on the Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex, my eyes lost all of the new wrinkles and looked years younger.  I still have the usual aging wrinkles and crow feet but the areas around the eyes have improved dramatically.  I would definitely recomment!

Here are the ingredients and intended results:
  • Hibiscus Abelmoschus extracts helps to stimulate growth factor & cell growth collagen boosting as skin is regenerated and the skin's texture, elasticity and density are maximized. 
  • The unique dill extract stimulates LOXL, protecting Elastin degradation and stimulating Elastin production. As we age, LOXYL decreases but with this dill extract, elasticity is increased, wrinkles are reduced and facial architecture is restored.
  • Milk protein provides bio active peptides that increase cell renewal, collagen and fibroblasts.  This assists in reducing deep and fine wrinkles leaving a radiant youthful appearance.  I noticed my skin was smoother and definitely softer.  I thought the texture looked much better and I saw a slight reduction in the fine lines but keep in mind, I only used this for two weeks.
  • Marine collagen, chondroitin, sodium hyaluronate and ursolic acid derived organically increases elasticity and the reduction of wrinkles.
  • The special combination of Kigelia Africana, Calendula Officinalis, Rose Hop, New Zealand Fern and Goji Berries help the skin to heal and protect from free radicals, helps to firm while giving skin a radiant appearance that is firm and hydrated. 
To read my full post The Organic Pharmacy's Carrot Butter, click HERE.

To read April's post on The Organic Pharmacy's Glam Eye Make Up Review, click HERE.
I highly recommend this to men and women of all ages to stop premature aging and provide better looking, firmer skin.  I will post an update in two weeks.

The bottle is 35 ml and sells for $185.96.

This was not a paid post and honest opinions were used. The product in this review was provided to me free of cost by the representing PR agency for review only. Opinions in this review are mine and are in NO way influenced by monetary compensation.

House Party and Jenny McCarthy's Fun, Fit and Guilt-Free Party Review

I was sitting trying to win at another Twitter Party and I had just wrapped up my second no win event.  When it appeared I wasn't going to win at my third one this week, I checked my e-mail and saw that if I were one of the few quickest to create my invitee list and party page, I could be a host for House Party's Fun, Fit and Guilt-Free Party.  Needless to say, I was on it and forgot all about the Twitter Party. 

Four things drew me to this particular House Party:
  1. I have a wii game system; 
  2. I'm trying to get in shape; 
  3. I love House Party parties as they are amazing!; and
  4. I love Jenny McCarty. 

Jenny is really a very funny person and being with Jim Carrey is so ideal given how the two seem to enjoy laughter.  Jenny also has an autistic son and fights for what she believes in for autism.  I applaud her for that as it's full of controversy but she sticks to her guns and raises awareness.

This party is about Jenny's new wii game to help you get in shape.  It's called Your Shape that builds in a workout program based on YOUR fitness level, goals and schedule.  After the party, myself and guests will get to indulge in Mousse Temptations compliments of Jello-O with only 66 calories!  What more can you ask for?  I'm so excited as this might be the thing to get me motivated.  Colleen and Mary Ann are leading the way in my fitness challenge so it's time to step up to the plate and get moving.  I also want to get in shape for my husband's deployment as I will need to be as healthy as possible to tackle working full time, two small children with chronic medical conditions and everything else that goes along with a house and preparing for our next PCS (move lingo for an Army's next assignment).

You can watch a video HERE with Jenny about the game.  Here are some of the features:
  • Personalized to You - Your unique plan is based on the results of your fitness test, combined with your personal fitness goals. This plan will mix the right level of intensity with exercises focused on achieving your goal.
  • You’ll Always Do the Exercises Correctly - The camera projects your image onto the TV screen so you can see yourself exercising next to Jenny.
  • Exercise Controller-Free - The camera sees you, so it works without requiring any additional hardware (such as Wiimotes, nunchucks, and balance boards), leaving your hands free to focus on the exercises.
  • Exercise That’s Fun and Motivational - not only is Jenny your in-game workout buddy, but you can choose from 6 background colors, 100 motivating animations, and more than 75 music tracks.
  • More Exercises Than Any Other Game - Your Shape includes close to 500 exercises – which means that your routine is always focused on meeting your goals.
Click HERE for a .55 cent off coupon on Jello-O Mousse Temptations.

My Review:

I've been using Jenny's game for a week now and I really like it although I think the movements are really fast. That will take a little time participating to get used to the exercise routines.  A nice start up routine for beginners would be of benefit. 

I read a lot of reviews about how the camera picks up everything in the room but I've not had that issue.  I also read that it doesn't track your movements that well.  I have noticed that the camera/game is very sensitive and you have to do it just like Jenny does.  One minor slip up, movement off or timing off, you will get the warning to follow her.  The primary thing to remember is even if you aren't perfecting the movements as needed, you are still moving and still benefitting from getting the exercise.  I'd suspect as time moves on, the ability to follow perfectly will fall into place.   I've lost 3 lbs this week so far.

For the Jello Mousse Temptations deserts....AMAZING!  These tiny deserts pack a wonderful, delightful punch without socking it to your calories.  At only 60 calories, they are perfections in a cup and will give you that quick fix for sweets.

I should be receiving the EA Sports Active and More Workouts any day.  I will provide a review of that product as well.  I'm still favoring Gold's Cardio for Wii.

*Disclaimer:  I received the Jenny McCarthy Your Shape Wii game, Dance Dance Revolution Wii game and free coupons for Jello Mousse Temptations to participate in the House Party.

Pint-Sized Fashion Editors: Totsy Guest Bloggers Nicole & Audrey

Less is not more when you are four.  And I'm learning to embrace this notion thanks to my young daughter.  We are a house of strong opinions, and my two girls make themselves heard.  Here are some words of wisdom from my oldest fashionista:

"Mommy you wear too much black." Guilty as charged.  I live in NYC a glorious cultural mecca, exciting to be sure, but without a doubt FILTHY.  I embrace black as my signature color out of practicality.  Thanks to my daughter, I experiment with color these days.  Two key pieces: a vibrant yellow Mackintosh and a pair of bright pink wool pants.  I've been wearing both pieces (not together) a lot this fall and I get a ton of compliments.

"Mommy why don't you ever wear this necklace?" Little girls love going through jewelry. My observant girl, picks out the items she never or rarely sees.  She's been a helpful reminder to not get stuck in a rut and to try something new.

"You should wear high heels every day." Clomp, clomp.  Uttered as she shuffles around the hall in my 4" Jimmy Choo stilettos,   Well, this isn't entirely practical considering I walk at least 2 miles everyday.  On the other hand, I do have a standing date night with my husband and I should slip into my pre-baby shoe collection more often.

What have you learned from the pint-sized fashion editors living in your house?

Youthful Tips
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