Embracing a Healthy Family

Zazzle Customized Products: Valentine's Day Idea & Giveaway

This Valentine's Day why not give the gift you made?  Create something special and personalized with Zazzle.  Whether it's a shirt, a mug, a card and a matching stamp or wine labels, you can find a bounty of products that show your love.

Personalize a cup and fill it with his/her favorite candy or coffee packets:

Create your own personalized wine labels and save a lot of money.  Buy a bottle of wine, soak the front and peel the label off.  Replace with your own customized label.  Add a loving quote or a memory and you have a nice personalized present.  Add a delicious Chocomize Chocolate Bar to compliment the wine or champaign.

The possibilities are endless what you can create with Zazzle but your loved one will know you love them.

The Giveaway:

$25 Gift Certificate!

To Enter:

Go to the Chocomize main entry and enter .. it's easy!

Youthful Tips

My Zazzle Wine Bottle Labels

I finally was able to place my labels on my wine bottles for Christmas.  After soaking the bottles, front only, I peeled off the label and placed the Zazzle labels to the front of the bottles.  This way, the back of the wine still contains all the information.  You can also customize the label to show the type and year of wine if you choose.

Here are a sample of other choices:

Youthful Tips

Kmart Bluelight Teasers for December 23-24 & Sweepstakes Information

Here are the Bluelight Special teasers for this weekend 12/26 - 12/27:
  • Gen gemstone earrings (reg.$ 39.99) sale $9.99 
  • Mushabellies (reg. $24.99) sale $7.99 
  • Digital Photo Keychain (reg. $19.99) sale $8.99 ( 65% off)
Sweepstakes Information:

Don’t forget: The last day to enter the #KmartBLS sweepstakes is December 23rd - So keep the tweets coming and use the #KmartBLS hashtag before the contest is over!

Extra great ways to win:

  • All those following @KmartDealsnNews on December 23rd will be entered to win the Grand Prize of a $500 Kmart shopping spree! The winner will be drawn on the 30th. For full details, make sure to check out http://tr.im/kmartbls Good luck!
  • Kmart has extended their shopping hours to 6am-12am through December 23rd and 6am-10pm December 24th so if you still have shopping to do or in many cases, if YOUR husband still does, tell them to go to Kmart! Use the following link to tweet about the new shopping hours and enter yourself for the daily drawing! Shop @KmartDealsnNews extended Holiday hours: 6am-12am until 12/23 and 6am-10pm on 12/24! #KmartBLS.

Youthful Tips

12 Pearls of Christmas: Perspective

A Soggy, Jolly, Holly Christmas
by Melody Carlson

One of my most memorable Christmases started out as a natural disaster. But isn't that a bit how a pearl is formed? An oyster's soft easy life is disrupted by the invasion of sand, but something good comes out of it. When I was eight, we experienced the worst flood in recorded Oregon history. It was only a few days before Christmas when our streets became shallow rivers and the governor proclaimed a state of emergency. My sister and I assumed the flood was simply our new water-world playground and didn't understand the seriousness of washed out bridges and downed power lines and submerged homes. But when we realized this flood was about to nix our usual three-hour trek to our grandparents' home near the coast, we were not happy.

Naturally, our mom, a single parent, protested the sensibility of holiday travel (most of Oregon's rivers were involved in the flood). But Christmas at Grandma's house was our favorite event of the year. And thanks to our persistence, Mom finally gave in. We piled into the car and headed out. Flood waters climbed higher the closer we got to the coast. And at one point the road behind us was closed and the one ahead was flooded and about to be closed as well. The state policeman told us we could cross "at our own risk." We followed a Volkswagen Bug into the water-then we actually watched the bug floating away! Of course, there was nothing to do besides plow on through the water, which appeared to be nearly two feet deep! Fortunately we had an old heavy Chevy that did not float away, but the water seeped in and pooled on the floors.

Fortunately, we made it safely to the grandparents. But once we arrived, we learned there would be no Christmas tree because the road to the woods was closed. Then my grandpa picked up his ax and led us outside where he chopped down his prize holly tree planted in the parking strip. I stared in horror, thinking Grandma was going to have a fit. But then he explained the city had told him to remove the tree for traffic visibility. So we had a twelve foot holly tree for Christmas. It was a little prickly decorating it, but with its shiny green leaves and red berries, it was the most beautiful tree ever! So what started out as a disaster turned out to be a soggy, holly, jolly Christmas after all.


Melody Carlson, author of Limelight, Love Finds You in Sisters, The Christmas Dog, 86 Bloomberg Place, Diary of a Teenage Girl, The Carter House Girls, and much more... http://www.melodycarlson.com/


A three strand pearl necklace will be given away on New Year's Day. All you need to do to have a chance of winning is leave a comment here. Come back on New Year's Day to see if you won!

Youthful Tips

ZhuZhu Pet Giveaway Winner Announced

Congratulations to Barb!

An e-mail has been sent to Barb and she has until tomorrow at noon to respond.  If she does not respond, a new winner will be generated via Random.org.

This took a little longer to determine the winner as the entries from the post had to be moved into the correct date and time slot of the other entries to ensure fairness.  Each entry was verified per the entry requirements.

Thanks to all those that entered and Merry Christmas!

Youthful Tips

Free Downloadable Children's Songs

Free downloadable children's songs that are educational are available HERE.  Here is a sample available:

Abby & The Pipsqueaks
  • 8 Days
  • Don't Play With Fire
  • The Pancake Song
Adam & The Couch Potatoes
  • Never Gonna Be Bored!
Danny Adlerman & Friends
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Elliott

Youthful Tips

Gap 20% Special and $20/$10 Gift Card

Right now you can save 20% at the Gap up until January 20, 2010 and if you purchase a pair of mens or womens jeans before December 24th, you get a free $20 in-store gift card or get a $10 gift card when you purchase a pair of Gap Kids or Baby Gap jeans. 

Go here to find out more:  http://www.gap.com/browse/info.do?cid=48380

Youthful Tips

My Top 10 Ways to Get Fit After the Holidays

My huge aspirations to lose weight BEFORE the new year tanked as quickly as I can down a piece of hot yeast bread or chocolate.  I'm a carb craver so it's hard to turn down carbs especially when I have to cook meals for picky eaters.  Even though I failed my own challenge to lose before Christmas, I can reflect back on the year and pat myself on the back for losing 26 pounds this year.  I'm gearing up for next year and it was perfect timing that EA and TwitterMoms teamed up for this perfect challenge to share our top ten ways to get fit after the holidays.  The best part, five random bloggers will receive the EA SPORTS Active™ Personal Trainer – the highest rated Wii™ fitness product to date for use on the Nintendo Wii system!
I already have a Wii system but this is one of the fitness games I do not have which is why I jumped at the chance to win one.  I've seen many reviews on it and Twitter contests for it with proven results and it's on my Chrismtas list.  If I don't get one, here is my list of how I plan to get in shape after the holidays:
  1. In the mornings, with my oldest daughter, we will start up our Wii and workout fort 30 minutes four to five times a day.  The Wii is a great way to play and get in shape with just about any aged person as you choose the game and intensity.  I can challenge my six year old to boxing on Sports or cardio on my Cardio game.  I telecommute so I can allocate a certain time period every day for us to workout.  This way, my calendar will alert me it's time which holds me to be more accountable.
  2. Practice calorie counting and watching my carb intake.  Carbs and I don't get along and I'm a stress eater so I find myself grabbing up the breads, pasta, chocolate and so forth.  My strict journal recording will ensure I stick to the plan and control the intake.  There are also great resources online to enter your intake as well as automatic calculators to determine your fat, calories and more. 
  3. I bought a wagon last summer to encourage walking while exposing my children to sunlight (doctor's orders).  It started out good but then I found every excuse possible to not go on a walk.  When the weather turns nice, which in Georgia, we do have quite a few nice days, we'll take advantage of it.  I know I will find another excuse to get out of it but I decided I'll get a picture of a wagon and put it on the interior of the door.  Once I explain to my six year old what it means, she'll ensure I take her for a walk daily.
  4. Eat healthier is tip number 4.  Counting calories is only part of it.  Eating better foods is necessary to get in shape.  Vegetables and fruit are much better but protein is still needed.  Fresh is best but frozen is good too!  Watch out as certain fruits are not equal and can still give you a lot of sugar.
  5. Eliminate those harmful sodas and drink more water.  This sounds easier said then done but the amount of calories in one can is amazing.  Drinking other products like shakes, fruit smoothies and other vices such as that can pack on the pounds.
  6. PhotobucketProper sleep is essential to not only losing weight but maintaining a healthy life.  There have been numerous studies done on the impact of sleep and I'm a true testiment to it.  Right after my middle child was born, she had terrible colic and acid reflux so I didn't get much sleep and thus I packed on the pounds.  I will make sure I'm in bed by 10:00 pm every night or at least try.
  7. Create a grocery list is an amazingly easy way to avoid buying bad food.  If you are hungry, forget it!  Make sure you plan your meals and create a shopping list to only buy those foods you want. Impulse buying will kill you everytime.  I've resorted to sending my oldest grocery shopping to avoid buying all the junk I used to buy.
  8. Premake mini snacks for when you are hungry.  There is no need to go out and buy the expensive 100 calorie snack packs if you read the labels and store them in baggies.  If you have them packed and labeled for each day, it's much easier to follow and harder to cheat.  This is also cheaper than buying the convenience packs and less garbage. 
  9. Practice snacking slower and smaller.  If you have to have a snack, try to not eat it all at once.  If you can spread the snack out over the course of a couple of hours, it will go longer, you feed your munchies and your stomach will slowly shrink.
  10. Solicit help from others!  The buddy system is so critical to successful weight loss. When you have help from someone in the same position as you, you are more likely to succeed.  If you are highly competitive, check out the EA Sport challenges!  My oldest is ready to go so that helps!
If you want to take the EA challenge or stay up to date, become a fan on Facebook of EAs.  Join the fun and enter the EA and TwitterMoms Get Fit sweepstakes HERE.   I can't wait to post an update on my success! 

EA Sport Active

Youthful Tips

Winners of Build-A-Bear eCards Announced

Congratulations to...

SueBrown and Snowflake07

Both have had e-mails sent and have 24 hours to respond before a new winner(s) will be generated via Random.org.

Thanks to all those that entered and I'm working on a brand new set of giveaways for 2010!

Youthful Tips

SproutBaby Twelve Days of TwitterFest: Monday 12/21

Today's Twitterfest deal from SproutBaby.com is 40% off Thinkbaby Feeding Set

Simply follow @sproutbabyclub on twitter and purchase using this link: http://bit.ly/5U5MdQ  .

Every 7th buyer will be rewarded with a free Plan Toy!

Watch as Sproutbaby.com’s youngest helper, 3-year-old Eden and mom Emily tell us about today's deal. Visit http://www.youtube.com/sproutbabyclub for their special video!

Youthful Tips

12 Pearls of Christmas: Help & Support

Calling Elizabeth ... HELP!
by Tricia Goyer

Mary, the mother of Jesus is one of the most well-known women of all time. She was also a teen mom facing an unplanned pregnancy. This Christmas we will see evidence of Mary's story all around us. And as you hear it through Christmas songs and Christmas shows think of three things:

1. Mary was signed up for a big task she wasn't prepared for.
2. Mary no doubt faced criticism from people around her.
3. Mary found someone to turn to - a friend who could help Mary to succeed in her new role. It was Mary's older cousin Elizabeth.

Elizabeth played an important part in Mary's life. We know this because the book of Luke begins by telling us Elizabeth's story first. Elizabeth was the wife of a priest. She was very old and had no children, but God blessed her in her old age by allowing her to get pregnant. After Elizabeth's story comes Mary's story ... another surprise pregnancy. Can you imagine what a shock that was to everyone who knew both women? (Yes! I'm sure you can!)

The cool thing is that the angel Gabriel told Mary about Elizabeth's surprise pregnancy. It's as if he was saying, "Look, there's someone in your same situation. Turn to her. She can help you."

Mary did go to Elizabeth. In fact she lived with her older cousin for three months. Elizabeth was the first one who rejoiced over the child Mary held within her womb, and I imagine Elizabeth was there to encourage Mary as she coped with the idea of becoming a teen mom.

Like Mary, each of us should have people in our lives who we turn to for help, support and encouragement. Being a mom isn't an easy thing, and facing an unplanned pregnancy is even tougher.

When I had my son Cory I was 17-years-old, and there were a group of women from my grandma's church who supported me. They were the first ones who showed me that the child that was growing inside me was a gift. They gave me a baby shower, and they fought over holding my son after he was born.

As my son grew, there were other women I looked to ... and most of the time they didn't even know I was watching. One of them was Cheryl. Cheryl was patient with her children, she gave them big hugs, she laughed with them and played with them and I modeled myself after her. The thing about finding mentors is sometimes we can observe them without them even knowing. And if we're really lucky they enjoy their role of giving us advice.

Later, when I had two kids, I met a friend named Cindy. She and I were the same age and we became quick friends. Cindy was a support to me because we traded babysitting, talked about parenting problems, and we encouraged each other. She was someone who was walking the same road as me, and her advice helped more times than I can count.

No matter who we are, or where we live, each of us can look around and see the people we have in our lives. Some may cheer us on, some may guide our parenting, and others may just be there to walk along side us. If the mother of Jesus needed someone to look to for support ... shouldn't we? Everyone needs someone to provide a little help and support.

Tricia Goyer is the author of twenty-one books including From Dust and Ashes, My Life UnScripted, and the children's book, 10 Minutes to Showtime. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like Today's Christian Woman and Focus on the Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in the mountains of Montana. Connect with Tricia at http://www.triciagoyer.com/.


A three strand pearl necklace will be given away on New Year's Day. All you need to do to have a chance of winning is leave a comment here. Come back on New Year's Day to see if you won!
12 Pearls of Christmas Series and contest sponsored by Pearl Girls®. For more information, please visit http://www.pearlgirls.info/

Youthful Tips

SKINN Cosmetics by Dimitri James Beauty Product Review

Dimitri James worked for over twenty years in some of the largest cosmetic companies in the world before starting Skinn Cosmetics.  He launched SKINN Cosmetics in 2002 and instilled his philosophy to sell products to the consumer that were of quality and concentrated less on fancy packaging.  SKINN Cosmetics are available through televised home shopping, the internet and exclusive, privately owned spas throughout North America. Because they don't have expensive retail shops or New York office suits or utilize costly magazine or prime time TV ads, they can offer quality products with less overhead which benefits the consumer.

SKINN Cosmetics has a variety of products:
I was provided a complimentary Twin Set Collagen Boost Lipstick & Wet Lips Gloss and the Absolute Perfection Pro-Collagen Face Brightener with SKINN-Plexx 12 in exchange for a review from Lisa at It's a Glam Thing


These Twin Sets contain two products your lips will love: Collagen Boost Lipstick and Wet Lips Gloss. Drench your lips in the most up-to-date lipstick colors delivered with collagen-boosting ingredients in a creamy rich formula. Open the other end of the perfectly palm-sized container and discover the beautiful diamond looking glosses that may be worn alone, or over lipstick for a sexy, shimmery pout. Packed with Vitamin E, Soy and Aloe to soothe even the driest of lips.

It is available in four shades: Beige Shimmer, Cosmo Politan, Ginger Snap and Pink Diamond and is inexpensive at $18.50.

My Review:

I have the hardest time finding the right shade and have wasted tons of money on buying a lipstick only to get it home and be disappointed. By luck, this was the perfect shade for my fair skin and blonde hair. I like how you can wear the lipstick or lipgloss alone or together as combined, it offers a glossy, fun appearance. I also noticed it lasts and it doesn't bleed which is a big bonus. It also did not have a weighty, greasy feel like many lipsticks and glosses do.

I really do like the idea of having collagen boosting ingredients as who doesn't want a little help in the lip area. What's nice about this duo is you have two in one so you don't have to carry two products. The container is easy to use and you don't have to struggle to apply either the lipstick or gloss.

I would recommend the Twin Set Collagen Boost Lipstick & Wet Lips Gloss and can't say I found any cons associated with it.


The product is a super hydrating skin brightener, with Skinn-Plexx 12, which helps to protect the skin from dehydration and free radical damage, virtually erasing common skin flaws like large pores, discolorations, dullness and fine lines. Completely different to a foundation or old-fashioned coverage make-up, this feather weight, invisible "second skin" formulation leaves your complexion looking flawless and absolutely perfect by utilizing special incandescent pigments that brighten your skin even on the dullest of days.

Skinn-Plexx 12 is a proprietary blend of DMAE, resveratrol, prodew, coffeeberry extract, goji berry extract, açai extract, pomegranate extract, cranberry extract, wolfberry extract, blueberry extract, tourmaline, and Dermaxyl™.

My Review:

I applied as the directions stated daily after moisturizing with my fingertips (or you can use a sponge).  You continue using until you reach the desired brightness and coverage. Since my skin is light, I did not require but one thin coat which is great news for me as it means the product will last a long time.  I have never heard of SKINN Cosmetics so I had no idea what to expect and after opening the bottle, I was doubtful that I would like it.  I was completely wrong.  As soon as I received it, I washed my face, applied my moisturizer and applied the thin coat of brightener.  SKINN Cosmetics has a new fan and customer.  I loved the coverage, the feel and how it looks.  I've used it for three days now and plan to continue using it.  The thing I like the most is it's natural looking and all I need to do is apply a little powder and I'm ready to go.  My face does not have that thicky, weighty foundation feel but the coverage is enough where I don't need anything else.

I would definitely recommend the Absolute Perfection Pro-Collagen Face Brightener with SKINN-Plexx 12 product and it does come in other shades such as light, medium to tan and deep.  It's inexpensive too at $22.50.

Extra Information:

I am so happy with what I've tried, I just ordered the Youth Veil with Brush Set and the Luxe Waterproof Eyeliner and received a bonus: Blush and Blink Compact (see below for details).

Youth Veil with Brush Set:

The look of youth is convex. As we age, the cheek bones flatten and the unde-eye area flattens and sags. Shadows appear under the eye area and around the mouth where laugh lines form--basically everywhere a wrinkle or skin fold happens. Broken capillaries (spider veins) and thinning skin reveal excess redness on cheeks and nose. The skin color also fades with age and the brightness of youth is replaced with the gray and dull beige tone of age.

Youth Veil Airbrush FX, along with the Perfecting Powder Brush will help erase the look of redness, shadows and dullness as it lifts and re-plumps the appearance of facial contours. Also loaded with soothing and calming botanicals, this powder doubles as an anti-aging treatment to offset the look of aging. The talc-free powder is exceptionally micro-milled to re-create the soft, smooth, pore-free look of a professional airbrush machine.

Blush & Blink Compact:

Skinn Cosmetics' Sunny Days Blush and Shadow Compact gives a flawless kiss of color to your cheeks and eyes lasting for hours. The four brilliant shades of remarkable eye colors are Italian baked shadows that will bring out the gleam and glamour in any set of eyes. Whether on the runway or running to the market, these hot-off-the-press lustrous colors will keep you looking your brightest, most confident and sexy best.

A pure luxury treatment liner that creates a smooth no-smudge line even on crepey lids. It contains peptides, shea butter and jojoba to firm the appearance of eyelids and smooth dry lids.

Right now there is free shipping for purchases over $50 in the US. 

Another bonus: Enjoy our FREE GIFT to you with purchase of at least $25.00 (while supplies last) Blush & Blink Fall In Love Compact for cheeks and eyes (just enter coupon code FIL9 on your shopping cart before you check out).

SKINN Cosmetics also believes being good to the environment is as much a part of doing business as is making a profit. They purchase only recycled, recyclable and/or biodegradable packaging materials. They also reuse all packing material sent to them (packing peanuts, bubble wrap, etc). Finally, their products are never tested on animals.

If you aren't convinced yet, check out the Media section and see where SKINN Cosmetics shows up and who used it!

* I was not financially compensated for this review and I received complimentary products in exhange for my honest review.

SproutBaby Twelve Days of TwitterFest: Sunday 12/20

Today's Twitterfest deal from SproutBaby.com is 40% off To Go Ware products! 

Simply follow @sproutbabyclub on twitter and purchase using this link: http://bit.ly/83EEz6 .

Every 7th buyer will be rewarded with a free Foaming Hand Santizer!

Watch as Sproutbaby.com’s youngest helper, 3-year-old Eden and mom Emily tell us about today's deal. Visit http://www.youtube.com/sproutbabyclub for their special video!

Youthful Tips

Early Merry Christmas!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Santa's List
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12 Pearls of Christmas: God Intervenes

The Answer
by Susan May Warren

Whos, Here, we are Whos here, smaller than the eye can see. Whos here, we are Whos here, I'm a Who and so is she...

I've always wanted to live in a musical. When I was a kid, I loved Oklahoma, Sound of Music, West Side Story. I seriously thought that, if the moment was right, maybe the stars aligned, people would break out into song and dance.

I was sorta right. Because in my house, one needs to be able to talk in movie lines and song lyrics to effectively communicate. At any moment, someone might break out with a quip from the Princess Bride, or Finding Nemo. They might sing Tomorrow from Annie, or My Favorite Things like Julie Andrews.

But, most recently we've found ourselves speaking in "Suess"...

It's suppertime, son, and the time is near To call far and wide the sneetches who hear Just the sound of their bellies, the whir of their gear The Gurgles and Burbles that give them great fear Tell them all, tell them loud, tell them clear Their hands they should wash, check their face in the mirror Because the food is now ready and it's time to steer Close to the table, where they'll find hot gribbles here.

Why, you ask? Because David and Sarah are performing in the community theater's production of Suessical the Musical, a hilarious conglomeration of Dr. Suess' fun work, from Horton hears a Who to Horton Hatches an Egg.

As the Christmas season draws close (and the songs from the play linger in my head), one line has stood out to me... "We are here, we are here!" You know the story - that part where, after everyone has called Horton names and they're about ready to boil the speck that contains Who-ville, Horton calls out to the Whos to send up a cry to prove themselves as real. "We are here, we are here!"

It strikes me that sometimes we can feel like Whos...smaller than the eye can see. Tossed hither and yon by the wind, helpless and facing being boiled. Tired, perhaps, or alone. Wishing someone might find us and pay attention.

Someone has, and that's the good news about Christmas. Because we don't have to "make ourselves heard," like the Whos. In fact, even before we realized we were headed for the cauldron, God intervened. God demonstrated his own love for us in this - while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom 5:8). That's what Jesus is all about - he's the answer to even the unspoken cry of our hearts, saying, "I am here, I am here." Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

So as this season approaches with its whistles and bells I hope you hear the voice where the Mighty One dwells -- down deep in your hearts, so nothing can shake the knowledge of his love, given all for your sake.

Merry Christmas from Susie May Warren

Susan May Warren is the award-winning author of twenty-one novels and novellas with Tyndale, Steeple Hill and Barbour Publishing. Her first book, Happily Ever After won the American Fiction Christian Writers Book of the Year in 2003, and was a 2003 Christy Award finalist. In Sheep's Clothing, a thriller set in Russia, was a 2006 Christy Award finalist and won the 2006 Inspirational Reader's Choice award. A former missionary to Russia, Susan May Warren now writes Suspense/Romance and Chick Lit full time from her home in northern Minnesota. http://www.susanmaywarren.com/ Check out her Christmas Novella, The Great Christmas Bowl.


A three strand pearl necklace will be given away on New Year's Day. All you need to do to have a chance of winning is leave a comment here. Come back on New Year's Day to see if you won!
12 Pearls of Christmas Series and contest sponsored by Pearl Girls®. For more information, please visit http://www.pearlgirls.info/

Youthful Tips

PinkProductWorld | Hot Pink Stethoscope/Sphygmomanometer Kit | Review and Giveaway

Jennifer at The Dirty Shirt blog is giving away PinkProductWorld Hot Pink Stethoscope/Sphygmomanometer Kit!  My two year old has severe asthma and the doctor recommended us getting one so this is a great opportunity for me as well as to spread the word.

Here is part of her blog entry:

Here’s a great clinical aneroid sphygmomanometer kit that will help you take accurate patient data. The kit includes a quality 1″ traditional Sprague 5-in-1 stethoscope in hot pink and an aneroid sphygmomanometer in a special pink ribbon pattern. The kit also includes a large matching zippered carrying case. Great for doctors, nurses or medical students. From Prestige Medical®, one of the world’s leading suppliers of quality clinical equipment and supplies.

The three items in the aneroid kit include:
  • 1″ Sprague Stethoscope
  • 1 Aneroid Sphygmomanometer (0-300mm)
  • 1 Sphygmomanometer zippered carrying case
The aneroid sphygmomanometer fits neatly into the matching 10″ x 6″ x 2″ zippered carrying case. The flat case fits easily into a desk drawer or your day pack.

And I have been given the opportunity to give one Hot Pink Stethoscope/Sphygmomanometer Kit away to one lucky Dirty Shirt reader. Please see rules below to enter to win today. Would make a great gift for a nurse you may know.

To enter and learn more, head over to her blog HERE and find out more!

Youthful Tips

Martha Stewart's Pinecone Elves Project

What an adorable project to spruce up your packages or your trees!

Go here for more information http://www.marthastewart.com/how-to/pinecone-elves?xsc=eml_crd_2009_12_19.

Memo to Santa's assistants from Head Elf, Creative Department: It has come to our attention that these elf figurines are a joy to make. All you need are pinecones, pipe cleaners, and other simple supplies (no toy-making expertise necessary). Furthermore, the charming sprites have many applications. They can be used as decorations on a mantel, under a tree, or atop presents. In conclusion, we expect the little guys to be big hits this Christmas.

Youthful Tips

SproutBaby Twelve Days of TwitterFest: Saturday

Today's Twitterfest deal from SproutBaby.com is 40% off Earth Mama Angel Baby products! 

Simply follow @sproutbabyclub on twitter and purchase using this link: http://bit.ly/7zno0T.

Every 7th buyer will be rewarded with a free LifeFactory Teether!

Watch as Sproutbaby.com’s youngest helper, 3-year-old Eden and mom Emily tell us about today's deal. Visit http://www.youtube.com/sproutbabyclub for their special video!

Youthful Tips
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