I've used so many different products to prevent aging and there are a few I haven't tried yet. I got a big boost the other day when I went to the grocery story my daughter works at with her and the cashier and bagger both asked her "is that your older sister?" Talk about heaven! It was as if Gerard Butler was before me with a box of Godiva chocolates in the near buff. Okay ... it wasn't exactly that good but it's as good as it's going to get!
You name it, I've probably tried it. There is on informercial that intrigues me and it's Cindy Crawford's
. The infomercial discusses her plight to find the right beauty regiment and how long she's been using the products created by the person behind
. It all seems logical as she does look AMAZING!
I'm curious if anyone has tried it and the results?
One of my past favorites was CellCeuticals but I have since moved on. With CellCeuticals, as I was just reminded via a comment on my other blog, it doesn't help at all with acne. The poster noted how her acne was horrible and quit using it. The one thing I noted from my experiences with CellCeuticals and to date, any other beauty product, is my continued use of
If you have acne, is there another product you prefer?