Dance yourself to fitness at home with MUVE the first spontaneous dance/exercise method!
MUVE is a fun, new and unusual way to dance. It's a spontaneous dance workout that is a complete break away from the current complex and heavily choreographed dance exercise videos on the market. MUVE loosens up the body and relaxes the mind. It makes you feel at ease and shake off your inhibitions on the dance floor.
Each DVD features 17 original spontaneous dance actions with a colorful cast of everyday people from age 7 to 87. A "MUSE" (lead dancer) and dazzling animated graphics supply guidance. The viewers follow loosely or create their own dance. All instructions are given visually only, so the music can be enjoyed to the fullest. The DVDs feature original music by top artists from Hawaii and the Pacific: John Cruz, Sister Roby Kahakalau, Sean Na'auao, Willie K. and Eric Gilliom as Barefoot Natives, Don Tiki, Te Vaka, Jroq".
Maggie Kunkel, the creator of MUVE who has been teaching the method in Hawaii for over a decade says: "No memorization is required and you can't do it wrong. MUVE is versatile, you can do it nice and easy and you can do it rough and hard. We are not striving for perfection, but for energizing the body and giving our busy minds a break. There's magic in music, it can move you beyond shyness straight into physical and mental joy. And when the dance is over, you'll suddenly realize: "Oh, I just had a workout, and it didn't feel like work at all!"
Dancing is an effective, all natural remedy in the fight against diabetes, heart disease, obesity, aches and pains, and not to forget, mental and emotional overload. As Ka'imi, a long time MUVER puts it: "I can start off feeling down, even tired or achy, and as I start dancing, all stress melts away. I surrender to the music and I feel joy. It's so easy, so simple, so fast. And afterwards, my whole being is more alive, I am breathing more deeply, I am relaxed, energy is running through my body, my mind is clear, my outlook is bright . . . and all good things are possible. All this from dancing to a song!"
See sample videos at
The Review:
I liked the concept of the program as it's a concentrated effort to encourage do what you want but just move. It's nice that it's not rigid in terms of conforming to the moves required to feel like you "belong" and accomplished the task of exercising. The casual approach is fun and light but being that I used to live in Hawaii, I'm a little partial to this! This is an exercise program that your toddler would probably love to "help you" with since it's colorful, has playful music and again, not rigid with the moves.
My six year old did not like it and prefers the Wii games to workout to. Perhaps it's the lack of dance culture in her life that didn't allow her to like it but it is definitely a great workout and one that would appeal to dance enthusiast, the young and playful. I also think this would be great for someone with limited ability to have stressful routines as it's more casual, at your own pace.