Anyway, isn't it interesting that commercials depicting men are typically of non-stud types while ads with women are hot? It's just something I observed and haven't been able to figure out as if there are more women in the world, where are all the ads with the Gerard Butler, Tom Brady and George Clooney types?
Anyway, I digressed a bit and just wanted to note that Dockers had the man without pants ad that followed I think it was Career Builder's ad with people, mostly men, wearing no pants. If you were one of the first to enter, you received an e-mail today notifying you to pick your size in Dockers.
We won! My husband will get a nice new pair of Dockers to take with him to Kuwait! Perfect color for the desert too and they match those cute desert combat boots...he'll be a fashionista in the desert ...grrrrrrr
p.s. I have nothing to say about the Colts losing other than I still love Peyton!