I admit, I'm an early shopper and can't contain my excitement for Halloween because I know how much my six year old loves it! I also learned last year that you don't wait until the last minute to go to your local costume shop as I had no idea how many people actually do dress up. My husband decided we should dress up and we got our costumes but again, I learned you don't wait to the last minute to shop.
My girl, who loves boy's toys, first wanted to be Boba Fett. She was Darth Vader one year and a Clone Trooper another year but when I found the Transformer's Bumblebee costume, she HAD to have it!
This morning, I did a search on all the popular costume shops and found the best deal at Costume Express.
Then I had to get the gloves and the new type of trick or treat bags that helps the kids get treats without having to try to open the bag.
Once I had her set, it was time to find the perfect costume for the two year old. I searched and searched and couldn't find anything that I really loved so I went with the ladybug costume:
At least that's one task out of the way!
Now, time to shop for candy to give away. How do other parents deal with handing out the candy when both want to participate in the trick or treating experience?
I'm just glad Halloween is on a Saturday so we have time to rest in between. Last year, my little one came down with a cold that landed her two hours away in a children's hospital for two weeks.