Advanced level is for grades 5th and 6th which includes:
- Advanced Student Pages
- Advanced Teacher Key
- Bible Book Summary Cards
- Beginner Student Pages
- Beginner Timeline
Intermediate for grades 3rd and 4th:
- Intermediate Student Pages
- Intermediate Teacher Key
- Bible Book Summary Cards
Primary for grades 1st and 2nd:
- Primary Student Pages
- Primary Teacher Key
- Bible Book Summary Cards
The program is expected to take around four years to complete but for our review, due to summer, we completed around 10 lessons.
For my oldest, we used the Advanced Level which provides interactive activities that not only challenged her but also taught her a lot about the Bible. Memory drills, referring to the timeline, maps and using her Bible reinforced areas that she may not have been familiar with nor even noticed had it not been for the lessons. The curriculum itself mentions on their website that the Advanced Teacher's Key is helpful for large groups but with one or two students, it's not a necessity. Even though I was only teaching two, I was happy to refer to the Key and was glad it was provided.
The Bible Book Summary Cards, Children's Songs and the Wall Map and Timeline Sets are not required for the curriculum but they are referenced and I think quite helpful to supplement the learning experience.
For the Advanced Level, it's broken into four units with multiple lessons per each unit. For example, Unit 1 covers Joseph, Daniel, Jesus' early life and first year of ministry, Adam, Noah, Job, Moses, Joshua and Jesus' last week. Each lesson, one page per lesson, is at a length that allows a student to self learn or can be taught. The entire Bible Study Guile encompasses 416 lessons and is meant for early childhood to adult. It covers both the new testament and the old testament.
The pages are legal size making it a bit odd to store for the next usage. I think the page size is neat for younger students, however. Each lesson is lightly glue-bound allowing the student to easily tear a page out.
Each lesson includes:
For my oldest, we used the Advanced Level which provides interactive activities that not only challenged her but also taught her a lot about the Bible. Memory drills, referring to the timeline, maps and using her Bible reinforced areas that she may not have been familiar with nor even noticed had it not been for the lessons. The curriculum itself mentions on their website that the Advanced Teacher's Key is helpful for large groups but with one or two students, it's not a necessity. Even though I was only teaching two, I was happy to refer to the Key and was glad it was provided.
The Bible Book Summary Cards, Children's Songs and the Wall Map and Timeline Sets are not required for the curriculum but they are referenced and I think quite helpful to supplement the learning experience.
For the Advanced Level, it's broken into four units with multiple lessons per each unit. For example, Unit 1 covers Joseph, Daniel, Jesus' early life and first year of ministry, Adam, Noah, Job, Moses, Joshua and Jesus' last week. Each lesson, one page per lesson, is at a length that allows a student to self learn or can be taught. The entire Bible Study Guile encompasses 416 lessons and is meant for early childhood to adult. It covers both the new testament and the old testament.
The pages are legal size making it a bit odd to store for the next usage. I think the page size is neat for younger students, however. Each lesson is lightly glue-bound allowing the student to easily tear a page out.
Each lesson includes:
- Remember It provides an opportunity for the student to really study the Bible. At the top of each lesson, there is a reference to read passages that correspond to that lesson. The student then can answer each question and check their answers at the bottom of that section.
- Memory Workout helps to reinforce what they have already learned.
- Guess What is like a tidbit or a factoid of information that I feel was made to be fun and/or educational.
- Time Line allows the student to further study the Bible and understand how it fit into the timeline. Many historians will agree that in order to fully understand the historical significance of an event or topic, you really have to know when it occurred.
- Apply It provides another opportunity to utilize the knowledge they learned.
- Get Active encourages the students an opportunity to pray and talk to God.
The Beginner Student Pages are similar to the Advanced Student Pages in the set up. The main difference is they are geared for the younger mind and have more coloring as what child doesn't like to color?
The way we approached the Beginner Student Pages were to follow the order of each lesson:
- Learn the Basics which referred to the timeline (see the wall cards on the picture above).
- Sing and Remember and each numbered item has the answer under that section.
- Get Active is just as with the Advanced Student Pages in that it teaches the young minds on how to communicate with God.
- Apply It is the same as the Advanced Student Pages in that it's ensuring the student will remember what they already learned.
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The Beginner Timeline |
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Bible Book Summary Cards |
Overall, I would recommend the Bible Study Guide as it was educational and it was more profound than just reading passage after passage. It encouraged thinking and independent thought which is important to me. While diving into the Bible, it also taught and engaged them into really feeling they were communicating with God.
All the Bible Study Guide for All Ages products include:
Advanced (5th & 6th grade) - Advanced Student Pages, Advanced Teacher Key, Bible Book Summary Cards
Intermediate (3rd & 4th grade) - Intermediate Student Pages, Intermediate Teacher Key, Bible Book Summary Cards
Primary (1st & 2nd grade) - Primary Student Pages, Primary Teacher Guide, Bible Book Summary Cards
Beginner (3-K) - Beginner Student Pages, Beginner Time Line