
Jehovah's Mighty Acts Bible Stories from Reformed Free Publishing Review

This post is a review and we were provided a free copy of the book. Our opinions are our own.

We love books in our house from ages 4 through 50 something. We are also a Christian homeschooling family so we love to include biblical based books in our library. Recently, we had a chance to review Jehovah's Mighty Acts Bible Stories Book from Reformed Free Publishing. This is the first book of what will be part of a series of books to read aloud to children or to have them read by themselves as the recommended ages are 7-10. The series will be not in chronological order, rather by theme. Jehovah's Mighty Acts Bible Stories, by Nathan J. Langerak, is about the Old Testament and God's mighty acts. The next book, Old Testament friends and servants, is to be released in the fall of 2010.

About the Book

  • Hardcover book
  • 100 pages
  • Beautiful old world appearing illustrations by Michael Welply
  • 31 chapters
  • Book one, Jehovah's Mighty Acts, is part of a series entitled Tell His Wonders.

Table of Contents

It begins with the beginning, the creation of the world (GENESIS 1-2). It's not words and sentences taken from the Bible rather it's a story that provokes the child(ren) to think about the Bible. It's a great introduction to make the words from the Bible easier to understand to little minds. Each chapter is short enough to be a great night time treat before bed. 

Chapter 2:  God's Friends (GENESIS 2)

Adam, Eve and the garden are introduced. The stories are in alignment with the Bible but are told in such a way, it's so easy for children to understand.

"Do you remember that God made the heavens and the earth? God made the world and everything in it in six days. On that sixth day God made the first man, Adam. He formed Adam out of the dust of the ground and breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life."

Chapter 9: Abraham Sacrifices Isaac (GENESIS 18, 21-22, HEBREWS 1)

"Abraham was God's friend. That means that God made his covenant with Abraham. In his covenant God promises to be the God of his people, to save them from their sings by Jesus Christ, and to take them to heavenly glory."

Chapter 18: Across Jordan (NUMBERS 20, DEUTERONOMY 34, JOSHUA 3-4)

"In Moses' place God chose Joshua. Joshua was one of the two good spies, and he had been Moses' helper. He would lead Israel into Canaan. God told Joshua that he would work a mighty miracle so that the people would see that God was with Joshua as God had been with Moses. God would also work this miracle so that all Israel would know that God was with them."

My daughter said she really liked how the stories made the Bible more understandable and she liked how there were definitions that followed more difficult words. She also said she liked how synonyms were utilize to help reinforce the word.

Overall, we really enjoyed the book and I foresee it being a classic in our family library for many years to come. 

To purchase, just click on the book link:  Jehovah's Mighty Acts Bible Stories

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