
The Hamelin Stoop Series Book 1 and Book 2 by 12 Gates Publishing Reviews

Every so often, a book is presented to a very reluctant child and that child falls absolutely in love with it. This is the case of two books from The Hamelin Stoop Series by 12 Gates Publishing. I requested both my daughters read and provide their thoughts on Hamelin Stoop: The Eagle, The Cave, and the Footbridge (Book 1) and Hamelin Stoop: The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) by author Robert B. Sloan. My 11-year-old read the first book nearly non-stop and immediately started the second one after providing me with an official book review that is found further down in this post. She read both books within a two week time period and put aside any other books she had previously checked out at the library.

When I first provided them to my 11-year-old, she grumbled. However, eventually she told me she learned what "don't judge a book by its cover" means and I laughed. She was also reluctant due to the length of each book. Hamelin Stoop: The Eagle, The Cave, and the Footbridge (Book 1) had 323 pages and Hamelin Stoop: The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) had 295 pages. However, as she continued to read, she couldn't put it down and it also inspired her to write more on her own as she's an avid writer. 

My Daughter's Review:

About Book 1:

The story's main character, Hamelin, is left at an orphanage when he's only a few weeks old because a bad guy named Ren'dal sent his trackers to find Hamelin and his parents. Forced to abandon him in order to survive and to protect their son, they chose to leave him behind on a stoop at a children's home. The people at the home have no idea what his name is and ends up referring to him as "Hamelin" Stoop since it was the only word they could read from a note that was left. My daughter giggled when she found out stoop was another name for a small staircase. The story continues as Hamelin grows older and struggles with finding out his identity. He decides to runaway when everyone at the home forgot his eighth birthday. From there, he met the Great Eagle and after being gone only overnight, he gives up crossing the footbridge and returns back to the home. 

Without giving up everything in the novel, I'll stop as there is still much more to read and learn about Hamelin! Throughout the novel, he is confronted with life issues such as making new friends, bullies and abandonment. Both books explore the fantasy world that Hamelin is thrust into while facing a barrage of unknowns, fears, failures, mysteries, evil and much more. The fantasy novels are clean, but there are some mild violent scenes. This was not a concern to me nor of my youngest daughter as the movies we watch with a PG rating have the equivalent type of action.

As a young adult fantasy novel filled with a variety of characters, it reminded me of the writings of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. I liked how the book centered and followed along with each of young Hamelin's struggles thus showing children that life, even for youngsters, is not always easy. 

About Book 2:

Hamelin Stoop: The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) was equally as good and captivating. Book 2 continues Hamlin's journey across the footbridge in finding his parents but is sidetracked because the Great Eagle told him he needed to help two new friends find a kidnapped princess and recover a stolen jewel. It teaches him to be patient and how perseverance wins as illustrated in both books. Unknown to Hamelin, he's also being used to seize kingdoms on both sides of the realms. Each story is very well written and full of adventure and twists. The author does a superb job describing characters, scenes and events such as:

"An onslaught from the watery creatures started immediately. It reminded Hamelin of his previous plunge, but now the monsters lunged and flew at him more numerously and furiously than before. All the old images were there in in their strange combination of long, slithering, and slashing fishlike bodies."

The final page provides a nice summary of what might be coming forth in Book 3 and I know I will be watching out for it! My second daughter, aged 16, started the second book but wasn't able to finish it due to competing activities for her time. She thought it was well written and she enjoyed the story line. My younger one, as noted above, really enjoyed the second book as much as the first one.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, they were both entertaining fantasy novels geared towards young adults. I would think that a child maybe around the age of eight or nine could read the books to include as old as in the upper teens pending individual preferences and maturity levels. There are no illustrations which is what one would expect from a novel for this age group. The writing level is just enough that might warrant a dictionary for younger readers with words here and there, but it's not filled with a need to continue conducting dictionary searches. The characters are varied and the author provided just enough description to allow the imagination to visualize each one. My daughter was saddened to know that book 3 isn't out yet as she felt each book stopped at an exciting cliffhanger wanting her to know what was next.

"Hamelin Stoop's story will capture minds, inspire hearts, and leave its readers eagerly awaiting for the next volume." ~from 12 Gates Publishing website.

Upon reading and listening to my youngest tell me her thoughts about the books, I think this would be a great series for a young adult book discussion group. The Hamelin Stoop Series by 12 Gates Publishing is a nice series to add to any young reader's library collection.

Social Media Links:

Follow author Dr. Robert B. Sloan on Facebook, on Twitter, and YouTube and follow 12 Gates Publishing on Pinterest and Instagram.

More Reviews:

Check out what others on the Homeschool Review Crew a division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine thought by clicking on the (photo) link below:

The Eagle, The Cave, and the Footbridge (Book 1) & The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) {12 Gates Publishing  Reviews}

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