
Keto Food Find Hurrah: Green Giant™ Cauliflower Pizza Crust is Pretty Good

I've been on and off various diets and more recently, the Ketogenic Diet. My daughter, son-in-law and I have all had great success on it but our problem is, we've treated it like a diet. The secret to any success with a diet to either lose weight or to feel better should be considered a life style change. Changing habits is really hard and if you have tried the Ketogenic way of eating, you know it can take some time to prepare since it involves fresh ingredients. My daughter and I have found some great recipes using that old stand by protein in the way of meat but also with items such as heavy cream, cream cheese, cauliflower, brocolli, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and much more. That's the beauty of this change in eating habits, you get vegetables and although you skip the fruit at first to see how many carbs your body can handle, it's not as unhealthy as many will make you believe.

Another component of the Ketogenic Diet is how it works for some with epilepsy. One of my other daughters and my grandchild have/had epilepsy so I've done a lot of research on it. From my experiences with various groups as well as our non-profit, I have read personal success stories on how well some manage to control seizures with the diet. There has even been stories about helping with cancer but I am unable to say one way or another. To me, anytime we can eliminate sugar and other processed foods, it has to be good. I know some people are vegetarians, which is fine as you can still find a lot of soy products and meat substitutes to make this diet work.

I've been wanting to try pizza crust made with cauliflower for some time as I love using it as a substitute for mashed potatoes. When I read how cumbersome it is to make, I really didn't want to go to the effort unless I knew I liked it which is where I finally broke down and bought Green Giant™ Cauliflower Pizza Crust. It's a serving that can feed two or you can save it for later. Basically, all you have to do is bake it around 16 minutes and you cannot let it thaw first as it will crumble. After I baked it, I completed it with my toppings, baked it another six minutes and after it cooled, it stayed together in one piece and it tasted pretty good. It does have a cauliflower aroma and if you were on the diet for a few days or more, you wouldn't even noticed it because at that point, anything with a bread type texture and taste is pretty darn good. 

I have a cousin who has lost quite a bit of weight changing his eating habits and switching to keto friendly foods. He also has seen tremendous results with his labs and is feeling so much better with less aches and more energy. I do know that when I'm on it for a longer time period, I have a great deal of energy and I feel great.  As he does, I'm sharing my foody find in hopes of helping someone else find new food products to try.

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