
Children's Book His Mercy Endureth Forever Review

My children and grandchildren love books. As a matter of fact, going to the local library is a quite a fun event for us. We have boxes and boxes of books and I hope once we finally get settled into our forever house, we will be able to display each and every one. Recently, we were invited to review His Mercy Endureth Forever ~ Psalm 136 illustrations by Kathleen DeJong. It's a 36 page hardbound book full of colorful illustrations that match the words from Psalm 136. 

Not only is the beauty within the psalm but Ms. DeJong's illustrations are captured in the beauty in each of the drawings. The book is probably suited for a younger reader or even an age to be read to. It's a divine way to introduce this psalm in a welcoming way for the younger listener or reader. 

I had my 11 year old read it before we gave it to my eight year old grandchild to see what she thought and she said it was a good way to help her remember Psalm 136. She thought the illustrations were nice and she liked how each one correlated to the part in the Psalm.

Overall, it's a very simple book focusing on Psalm 136 with illustrations to draw more interest by children in enjoying it. The illustrations help to tell the story and would be ideal for younger children.

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