
Singapore Math Inc.'s Dimensions Math PK-5: Level 3A Review

Math is not a fun subject for my daughter and she prefers to have physical books which is why I was very happy to review Singapore Math Inc.'s Dimensions Math PK-5. Singapore Math has a great reputation based on the various things I've read about their programs which was another reason I was excited to try it out. The set we received was the 3A level Textbook, Workbook and Teacher's Guide. The program is detailed and starts out with the basics and repeats concepts to ensure the child is retaining what they are learning which I think is an excellent way to drill in concepts and information. There is even a resource page help with the Dimensions Math program.

My daughter started out a little reluctant but after we began utilizing it, she decided that she didn't loath it like other programs and she didn't give me a difficult time working through the lessons. The lessons are not long and complicated which she likes. I also like that I can utilize the Teacher's Guide and then I can let her go off on her own to complete the assignments. Here is two pages from the Dimensions Math Textbook 3A:

One thing she noted was how repetitive the lessons can be which I explained that the method is based on the pedogogy and methodology of math education in Singapore which has many components but one specifically is through Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract development, students view the same concepts over time with increasing level of abstraction. I really like this method as I think it's the best way to teach students as it ensures they understood a concept or ability to answer a problem. Singapore Math Inc. does a wonderful job in helping the teacher/parent understand the program.

The Dimensions Math Teacher's Guide 3A is spiral bound which I love, love, love! I like to be able to turn pages over without having to try to crease the pages or have to have a weight to keep my place. It is broken down as follows:

  • Contents - indexed by chapters, lessons and page number. There is a brief description of the lesson as well as the number for each lesson.
  • Dimensions Math Curriculum provides how the program works and a little history behind it.
  • Dimensions Math Program Materials provides all the requirements to teach the curriculum from the textbook, workbook, teacher's guide to tests and online resources such as Blackline Masters (used for various hands-on tasks), videos, activities and more. See photo below where we had a roll the dice activity and the winner was the one who came closest to 8,000 without going over.
  • Guide on how to use the Teacher's Guide which really helps to read prior to starting working with your children. I also like that each lesson is designated to take one day but it's flexible to allow one to utilize it across more than one day. Another bonus is that the textbooks are designed to last multiple years.
  • Dimensions Math Scope & Sequence which outlines every level and each chapter.
  • Chapter work begins for the student(s) and it's broken into segments that include: overview, notes, materials needed, chapter opener and how to teach the chapters. Each chapter's page is color coded so it's easy to find the color of the chapter you want.
  • Answers are provided for the textbook and workbook exercises. The answers to the Dimensions Math 3A Textbook are contained with the corresponding lesson within the Teacher's Guide and the answers to the Dimensions Math 3A Workbook follows the instructional in the Teacher's Guide for that chapter.

The website resources are quite nice as well. From the Dimensions Math PK-5 site, there is a wealth of resources as follows:

  • Series Overview
  • Sample Pages
  • Scope & Sequence
  • Standard Alignments
  • Questions?
  • Blackline Masters
  • Lesson Materials
  • Letters Home
  • Videos
  • eBooks
  • Press
  • Contact
  • Shop

We did like Dimensions Math PK-5 by Singapore Math Inc. and we're fortunate to be able to review the 3A level.

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Take a look at what others on the Crew thought about Singapore Math Inc. as well as different grade levels by clicking on the image below:

Dimensions Math PK-5 {Singapore Math Inc. Reviews}

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