
Enhancing Homeschool Lessons with Media

 *Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post.

I'm a homeschooling mom who seeks new ways of learning and have tried curriculum after curriculum without settling on one that I exclusively use. I have found that there are a ton of resources available via media which I feel helps to break up the day. One of my fondest memories I have from school are the films we used to watch as they were a treat and broke up the boredom of traditional teacher/book boredom we experienced as kids. One of the things that I look for in enhancing my educational resources is movies or other type of programs where they are documentaries or stories based on actual events or lives. Currently, I have utilized Netflix and Amazon to add to my resources but just recently, I found out about Pure Flix.

Pure Flix has entertainment, ministry, blog and homeschool resources and the biggest draw for me was the content is family-friendly eliminating my fear of inappropriate content of nudity or bad language unlike the other two services I currently use.  Other pro's about Pure Flix include:

  • Access on many platforms to include Roku, iOS, Apple TV, Google Play, Chromecase, KindleFire and more.
  • Exclusive shows such as God's Not Dead 2, Do You Believe, The Book of Daniel and more.
  • Educational shows such as Popular Mechanics for Kids, Medal of Honor, The Ultimate Civil War Series and much more.
  • Kids choice.
  • Programming for all ages.

You can join free for a month and cancelling a subscription later is quick and easy without a hassling phone call with a customer service agent.

See the above infograph for more information.

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