
Caught the Keto Craze Yet?

I have found the fastest way to lose weight for my body type is watching my carbs and eating more fats and protein. My son-in-law actually lost over 50 pounds just by following a keto influenced diet. The best part of a keto diet is the fact that you can eat good healthy fats with the protein and gain energy while losing the weight.  I've looked up many recipes trying to optimize taste with the ensuring the benefits of losing weight on an accelerated manner in which I've grown accustomed to. I know health experts state that losing weight fast is never the ideal path to take and without having some sort of a maintenance plan, you are doomed in gaining it all back and then some in some instances.  I've been a yo-yo dieter mostly because I'm a stress eater.  When I do stick to a keto type diet, I do lose weight and I am more energized.  When I look for recipes, I want a quick way to satisfy my hunger without having to buy a cart full of ingredients.  It can be difficult trying to find an easy to read and comprehensive guide to keto dieting.  I have bought many keto-inspired e-books, downloaded guides, books and more and was quite pleased with this quick and easy guide with links to other recipes from

One of my favorite keto recipes are called keto bombs.  They are easy to make and are perfect for these sweet tooth cravings you have from time to time.  If you decide to try a keto diet, the guide from Fitness Crest is perfect with ideas on achieving the keto diet as well as links to recipes and ideas ranging from zero preparation to sweet snacks to savory snacks as well as cookies and smoothies.

You can read more about 120 Keto Snacks for Your Enjoyment here.

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