
MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls are Perfect for Busy People

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MyWayToVeg #CollectiveBias

The new year is forthcoming and there is also a renewed interest in a healthier lifestyle in my family. After visiting my 80 year old father, I realized it's time to make some healthier choices so I can enjoy living to 80 or beyond. I've been searching for alternatives to eating healthier without sacrificing taste nor taking a hit on my budget. The grocery stores are full of many choices but this time, I tried MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls as I've never tried a MorningStar product. There is a misconception that 
MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls are only for vegetarians rather they are for really for everyone. Much to my surprise, I also found that my children liked it too along with my husband. Working and trying to juggle homeschooling children can be tricky and trying to find time to cook can be a struggle. Having these MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls are the perfect choice given how busy we are and our desire to be healthier. Our path to move forward has been well thought out not only for my husband and younger children but also for my older daughter who has ovarian cancer and a son-in-law preparing for basic training. We decided to take a step by step process in getting healthier.

Step One:

Since these veggie cuisines are ideal for me given the convenience in helping me maintain the balance between family, work and life goals in a health-conscious way, this is the way we will go. After a trip to Florida and determining post my wedding pictures this past week, it's more than time to start taking steps in promoting healthier choices. My first step in this process was recognizing the need for changes. With MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls, I can easily substitute veggie for meat in a meal and because the bowls are complete as my "as-is" meal solution, I don't require adding sides which also equates to less time! There are many choices as well and they are easily found in my local Jewel grocery store.

Step Two:

I plan my meals on a weekly basis and given the Veggie Bowls are made with Chik’n Strips, Steak Strips and Veggie Sausage Crumbles™, I have variety for each day of the week if I choose to make MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls my nightly meals or even if I want to choose one or more each night to ease into our healthier lifestyle goal. I like the variations MorningStar Farms® offers given the amount of protein and the low caloric count:
  • The lightly seasoned 100% vegan Chik’n Strips have 23g of protein and only 150 calories.
  • The lightly seasoned 100% vegan Steak Strips also have 23g of protein and only 150 calories.

I chose the Italian Sausage Bake and loved the abundance of flavors. It was a perfect medley of tastes and seasonings and especially loved the sauce. It was very filling and the perfect size meal for one. 

With many choices to choose from, I also can have my family decide which Veggie Bowl they want:

  • Chik’n Pot Pie
  • Chik’n Tikka Masala
  • Italian Sausage Bake
  • Japanese Soba Noodles
  • Moroccan Medley

Step Three:

Now that I know what I want our meal plan to include, I will consider easing my family into exercising since it has been something missing in our lives. With the ease of the Veggie Bowls, it will free up some time to at least incorporate 30 minutes of exercise whether it's night time walks or even playing interactive video games to get us moving while encouraging fun family time.

Incorporating MorningStar Farms® Veggie Bowls has already helped me plan a weekly menu that makes me feel better about my choices while giving me the convenience to spend more time with my family as well as time to exercise. It's important to teach my children good eating habits by example. I love cooking but to be able to have a healthier alternative that meets my goals is paramount to my happiness which ends up being for everyone's happiness as the old saying goes, "if mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy."

Don't forget to visit MorningStar's Facebook page, @MorningStrFarms on Twitter, @morningstarfarms on Instagram or Pinterest!

What is your biggest struggle for night time family menu planning?


  1. I haven't tried Morningstar Farms yet, but I'd start with the Chik’n Tikka Masala

  2. I haven't tried Morningstar Farms. I'm sure my daughter would like their chicken strips.

  3. I haven't tried Morningstar Farms. I'd rather have oatmeal for breakfast.


Thank you!