
Ghostbusters on DVD with Cute "Boo It Forward" Campaign at Walmart

There was quite a bit of talk about the reboot of Ghostbusters both positive and negative so it was with anticipation that I had a chance to watch it with my children.  I'll have to backtrack on that as my children were actually afraid of the ghosts as they have been sheltered a bit and not exposed to scary or even slightly spooky movies.   If you watched the first Ghostbusters, you will see they didn't stray far from the plot, characters and story.  The actors chosen were a well blended mixture of women that worked well together.   I'll reserve whether or not it's good to your own viewing pleasure as it's now available online digitally as well as in stores such as Walmart.

Walmart is now offering to help others continue the tradition of "Booing your Neighbor" which has been around for several years now and it has really grown in popularity as a fun, safe, family-oriented activity. It's also known as "Ghosting" or "Boo-gramming."  It's easy to participate in and worth an unexpected smile from whoever it is you surprise.  My girls loved the Boo It Forward bucket of sweet treats and what a wonderful surprise this would make at a nursing home too!  

It's easy with the kit at Walmart to get the fun started.  Put together some home decorated or made treats coupled with some inexpensive Halloween treats at Walmart along with a note of instructions on how to "boo" someone else.  The poem is cute and will cheer up anyone that you decide to ghost!

You can always turn to alternatives to sweets by choosing more natural or organic type of foods if you like to take the healthier route.  I was just in Walmart yesterday and there are so many cute ways one could boo it forward.

Don't forget to remind threcipient they have 48 hours to do it to their next door neighbor or friend which creates a chain throughout the neighborhood.  What a great way to bring some Halloween cheer to others!

Just had to mention as an update, my six year old granddaughters LOVES this movie!  She wants to watch it all the time!

*Disclaimer:  I received a copy of the DVD and a sample "Boo It Forward" campaign treat.

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