
Guest Post: How To Improve Self-Esteem In Any Child Overview by Dr. Ida Greene

Raising children in today's society seems to be more difficult than ever especially with more moms working as well as the age of technology.  It's vital that our children grow up with good self-esteem but sometimes, it's hard to figure out the best approach.  Dr. Ida Greene is providing this guest post on How To Improve Self-Esteem In Any Child Overview.

To increase self-esteem in any child, a person has to operate from the following premises:
  • All babies are born good
  • All babies need protection from harm and danger
  • All children have the right to be loved
  • Children are special
  • All children are beautiful
  • All children deserve to be treated with respect
  • Children are perfect until they take on the character traits of the adults in their lives.
To increase self-esteem parents and children must be aware of the outside influences and pressures children face, such as:
    • Peer Pressure
    • Performing well in School
    • Drugs and Alcohol
    • Saying No, to Sex and Drugs
    • Experimentation with sex and drugs.
    • Rejection, ridicule by peers
    • Desire to fit into the group, can’t have a different opinion
    • Peer pressure to conform; can’t be different.
    • Need to be popular
    • Need to have/ wear the latest style in clothes
    • Need to have free money
    • Need to look beautiful/be thin
    • Desire to behave as one’s peers/engage in risky behavior such as oral sex.

Parents have worries and concerns about their children.  If their children have good self-respect and high self-esteem these worries will be reduced.
  • Child being sexually active
  • Child contracting sexually transmitted disease
  • A girl, getting pregnant
  • Contracting HIV
  • Financial needs being met
  • Financing College

Adolescence is a difficult time for both adolescents and parents. The problems will be reduced where there:
  • Is good communication
  • An extended family
  • Are supportive friends
  • Is prayer or spiritual time for the family
  • Is social or family time.

For parents or teachers working with more than one child there is a separate Workbook that has spaces for responses to the exercises set out in this book.

Guest post author:

Ida Greene, RN, LMFT, PhD

PSI Publishers  619-262-9951

*Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post.

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1 comment:

  1. I like the positive overtone of what is in the book


Thank you!