
Peet's Give a Cup #GiveACup - Ends July 25, 2013 #sp

Zombies, the latest long living craze, is also popular with my daughter and her husband.  They even have a family zombie sticker on their car.  Now, do I give a cup about zombies?  Not at all although I wouldn't mind seeing the Brad Pitt movie!  The Give a Cup program is an exclusive from Peet's Coffee & Tea.  We decide who will win the single cups by merely voting on what you give a cup about.  The Peet's Coffee & Tea sampling truck will be at various locations in Chicago, DC, NYC and Boston providing a free cup of coffee.  

Each week will be a new question to vote on and another chance to sample Peet's Coffee from now until July 25th.  Mark your calendars and check out Peet's Give a Cup social sampling experiment! Each week, you can vote whether you "give a cup" about a new topic. Your vote helps to determine where Peet's hands out their new Single Cups. So do you #GiveACup?

Check out my giveaways here.

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