
First Time Right with Cascade Platinum & Instagram Contest to Win Dishwashers and Make Over - 6/30 #sp

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

We all know that cleaning is usually not high on a list of favorite priorities but it's something that has to be done.  When I clean, I want to do it right the first time and I want to be sure I'm really get a clean final product.  Washing dishes is no exception as I want dishes I can trust will be sanitary and removed from the dishwasher clean and streak and residue free.  I long ago turned to Cascade as my branded favorite and have never found anything to compare.  What's the point of having to pre-wash dishes or having to remove all the grease before loading the dishwasher?  I have now switched to new Cascade Platinum and am very pleased especially since it has the same power of Dawn in removing grease as it's what I use as my liquid soap for those small jobs that need a quick clean up.

Cascade Platinum can even remove dried food left on dishes for 24 hours.  This is great because we don't always have enough dishes to run a load so the dishwasher can sit for a 24 hour period before needing to run.  One of the other most important features I prefer Cascade is the lack of hard water deposits.  Our water is extremely hard and Cascade is the only detergent I have found that keeps me dishes clear and clean and ready to serve.  

As a blogger, I sometimes takes pictures of my meals so having presentable dishes is paramount to the success of my photos.  I also like that my dishwasher comes out looking as clean as my dishes.  I remember with other detergent brands opening my dishwasher only to see food particles and residue remaining which does not leave me feeling good about the quality of cleaning for my dishes.  Top Chef Gail Simmons has partnered with Cascade to discuss why presentation of meals is just as important as preparation.  Sparkling dishes and spot free glasses is like the icing on the cake.  If you have seen the cooking shows or have been to a nice restaurant, you know how more appealing it is to see a gravy or chocolate drizzle on a nice white plate.  Cascade Platinum really gives you clean, sparkly dishes for any occasion whether it's a planned meal, for drop in guests or your own family.  You can check out more on Cascade's Facebook page.

You can join in, have some fun and win with Cascade "My Platinum" Instagram contest that will run for four weeks.  Each week, two entries will win a dishwasher and the final grand prize winner will receive a platinum kitchen makeover!  To enter, register and upload a photo with the hashtag #MyPlatinum and tag @MyCascade. You have to register to win otherwise you will be disqualified so don't miss out.  Your photos selections will be based on the following:

Week 1:  My Platinum Plate (entry period  6/3 - 6/9) - show us your dish styled from the sparkling plate up.

Week 2: My Platinum Bite (entry period 6/10 - 6/16) - show us your best bite and most creative use of sparkling silverware.

Week 3: My Platinum Clink (entry period 6/17 - 6/23) - show us how you serve up creative concoctions in sparkling glasses. Cheers!

Week 4: My Platinum Table (entry period 6/24 - 6/30) - show us your sparkling tablescape for your most special celebrations.

Grand Prize Winner (entry period  6/3 - 6/30)

For more information, visit the contest page at

Check out my giveaways here.

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