
NICOmate eCigarette Starter Kit Review & Giveaway $79.95 Value - US - 3/17

Smoking is something that I know about but not for myself.  I grew up with chain smoking parents and surprisingly til this day, I cannot breath around the smoke.  It has such an effect on me that it's hard to breath and smoke.  I vowed I'd never be around it again due to the health implications.  Since I am familiar with cigarette smokers, I also know how hard it is to stop.  My father explains it's not just a physical need but a mental addiction as well as you have to have that thing between your fingers.  This is where NICOmate disposable electronic cigarette is perfect.  NICOmate devices are not just any ordinary smoking device as it sophisticated  with three components:
  1. A long life lithium ion rechargeable battery supplies the power to the device which is housed in the part of a non-electric cigarette that would be lit.  An electronic chip regulates the amount of power distributed when the user is puffing.
  2. The switch and LED also housed in the part of the non-electric cigarette that would be lit.  The LED lets the user know when it's in use or when it's low on battery.  The eCigarette turns on and off automatically when the user inhales.
  3. Cartomizers are the disposable part of the eCigarette that screws into the battery. They have an atomizer and flavored nicotine liquid.  Each cartomizer provides a new atomizer which is different from previous generations of eCigarettes whereas  the user only recharged the liquid.  This avoids the problem of ineffective atomizers after repeat usage thus providing more value for the dollar.

Back to my father as I immediately thought of him when I was offered the opportunity to review the NICOmate eCigarette.  He doesn't like to travel due to the restrictions on smokers.  It's always been something that weighed heavy on his mind as smokers know, it's something they cannot go long without.  

The advantages of the NICOmate eCigarette are numerous and include little or no restrictions on where one can smoke due to no smoke, ash or flame.  There are no carcinogens or carbon monoxide unlike traditional cigarettes.  No more worrying about smokey smelling clothes or stained teeth. The NICOmate eCigarette can be taken easily anywhere, saves money and has a liftetime warranty.  There are even choices in flavors ranging from regular tobacco flavor to menthol, mint, apple, vanilla and strawberry.  It's quite possibly a great way to stop smoking and save money.

The review:

Unfortunately, some die hard smokers are beyond approach in changing their ways as was my dad.  At 76, there was no convincing him to try to use this alternative to regular smoking so I had my husband try it who is a past smoker and currently uses chew (both which I despise).  When he was in Kuwait a couple of year's ago, he tried one and wasn't impressed.  In spite of his experience with eCigarettes, he was willing to try it again.  He was impressed with the kit we received.  He thought it was sophisticated and modern and liked the convenience of plugging in the charger to an outlet or via USB to a computer.

Getting used to them was no problem as you still get to hold it in your hand as you normally would.  He liked the flavor and didn't feel like he was "cheated" out of his past tobacco fill from regular cigarettes.  He was very interested in the different flavors although we didn't get to try.  He also liked that each atomizer is the equivalent to up to 300 puffs which could equate to two packs of cigarettes and that can be a huge savings!  As of this morning, he's contemplating switching to the NICOmate eCigarette which shows his approval of the NICOmate!

Sign up for an electronic cigarette free trial from NICOmate!

The Giveaway:

NICOmate is giving away an Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit to one reader!

Giveaway ends 3/17 at midnight (EST) - US only please

Check out my other giveaways here. a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure: I received a complimentary starter kit for the purposes of this review.  The opinions are my own.


  1. I would love this for my husband.

  2. I'd like to win for me. I have used e-cigs for nearly 4 years but never tried these

  3. Ideally, I'd like to win this for myself and my boyfriend. We both need to quit and I think this would help.

  4. For me. I would like to see if this can help me quit for good. Thanks! hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com

  5. I would love to win this for my husband, who has been struggling to quit!

  6. I would like to win this for my best friend. She has to quit smoking before her wedding

  7. I would try this. How do I enter?

  8. I'd love to win this for my hubby!

  9. I want this for myself!

  10. I would like to win this for myself, thank you

  11. I would like to win it for myself.

  12. I would love to win this for myself, my husband quit using acupuncture 2 months ago and I would love to quit also.

  13. I'd like to win this for myself.

  14. I would like to win this for myself as I need to stop smoking as I have just been diagnosed with Bronchial Asthma.

  15. I would love to win this for my husband because he really needs to quit smoking and hoping this would do the trick !!! *fingers crossed* :)

  16. Ohhh myself, my husband, my daughters....we may have to fight for it!

  17. I'd like to win this for my daughter.

  18. Want it for myself.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  19. i'm trying to quit smoking and i hope this will help

  20. I'd like to win this for my husband and me.
    Michelle Tucker


Thank you!