
Ivy Bridge College (IBC) $1000 Tuition Discount Giveaway 2/25

As a woman, you know how vital an education is.  As mothers, we also know the importance of a degree in this world that is ever more competitive.  Many moms juggle a career with children while others are stay at home moms.  Both are equally important and challenging and both require the ability to stay competitive in the work force whether in the now or the future.  Based on my experiences, many women who are stay at home moms, either by choice or necessity, put their families and children first while not having the time to invest in their futures.  With the advances in technology and the internet, attending school is easier now than in the past.  Online schools such as Ivy Bridge College (IBC) is ideal for us moms.  Did you know that over 600,000 moms attend school?

I started out very early in my education path as I married and started college at 19 and then had my first daughter right after turning 20.  For the next four years, I continued my endeavors until I received my Bachelor of Science.  This was one of the smartest moves I had ever made as it made me marketable and gave me an edge.  I continued on working on a Masters which I do admit that career and home put a stop to it but I now feel that I am well equipped in pursuing a Masters now.  I think pursuing higher education while having children at home is ideal in impressing upon them the importance of learning and improving ourselves.  I know as a mom, it's hard to juggle everything but in the long run, it's worth it.  

I was the only one from my immediate family to attend school but I think my pursuit of a degree inspired my mom to attend and within two years, she had received her Associates in Science degree.  Needless to say, I was proud of her as a mom, I know how hard it is to achieve something like that while working and having children.  My oldest is now working on her degree and I think that my success has reinforced her desire to follow in my footsteps.

IBC is one of those schools that wants their students to achieve success.  It's a great choice for moms given their unique support services called Success Coaching.  This feature allows students to meet weekly for academic advising, time management tips, study tips, referrals to free tutoring and more.  They also offer a private online student community only for moms, schedule flexibility and the best part is, you can earn an Associates degree in as little as 17 months.  This is important as we know time is important and being able to shave off time to achieve that degree helps to motivate knowing the wait isn't too long.  Another equally important fact is that the credits do transfer to over 150 "name brand" partner four year degree institutions.  IBC also costs 1/3 less of what it costs to attend other private schools.

IBC offers degrees in the following:

  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Computer Technology
  • Criminal Justice
  • Finance
  • General Studies
  • Healthcare
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
  • Sports & Recreation
  • Undeclared

To get more information, check out Ivy Bridge College online or contact them at 855-300-7106.

The Giveaway:

One reader will receive a $1000 discount certificate off tuition at Ivy Bridge College.

To Enter:

Please use the Rafflecopter form below.

Giveaway ends 2/25 at midnight (EST).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To be eligible for the $1,000 discount off tuition at Ivy Bridge College (IBC), the qualifying individuals will need to be degree seeking, enrolled in IBC a minimum of part-time, and new to IBC (specifically, not someone who has already applied to, enrolled in, or requested information from IBC before February 11, 2013). Limit one per person. Offer expires September 1, 2013.

Check out my other giveaways here.

Disclaimer:  I participated in a campaign on behalf of Ivy Bridge College. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating and a discount on classes at Ivy Bridge College.


  1. To learn more and improve. Moreover, to be a great role model to my children by showing them that education is very important.


Thank you!