
It Works! Ultimate Body Applicator & Yurbuds Inspire Earphones Giveaway 2/3 - US

Statistically, many people already let go of their New Year's resolutions for whatever reason.  It's hard to keep that all important get healthier resolution for a host of reasons.  I start, restart and start all over again throughout the year.  I find that I have to have good music to want to run and the sound has to be excellent as well as I have to have earphones that actually work well and will stay in my ears.  I hate trying to run while continually losing them.  I also like to use It Works!  Ultimate Body Application wraps to smooth out the cellulite.  I do think they work as long as you use them as directed.

This giveaway includes an aqua Yurbuds Inspire earphones, an Ultimate Body Applicator, a Yurbuds headband and an Inspire workout towel.

There are no mandatory entry requirements as  you can choose to do one or as many as you want.

The giveaway ends 2/3 and is open for those in the contiguous US.

To Enter:

Please use the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out my other giveaways here.


  1. Yes I made a New Years Resolution to start working out!

  2. I made a New Year's resolution to make healthier eating choices and to add exercise into my routine.

  3. I want to live a healthier lifestyle starting this year!

  4. Yes, I'd like to get into shape and keep my resoltion to do so!

  5. well just the same old one to try to lose weight :)

  6. yes, to lose weight..again lol

  7. This time I have a better shot at keeping my Nw Year's resolution of eating healthier. My daughter is going to do all my shopping.

  8. My New Years Res is to be happy in my newly single life!

  9. one of my resolution is to lose 45 pounds ----- Paul T/Pauline T aka Paol Trenny ..... emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  10. Same as it is every year to lose weight

  11. Loose some weight, gain some patients and become more active

  12. So far keeping my new years goal, to loose weight for my husband's deployment homecoming! :)

  13. My goal is to lose weight and be healthier! Seems to be a trend on this board ;)

  14. My resolution for this year is to do whateverI can to help others who need me.

  15. my new years resolution was to get on track eat better work out and lose weight so this would work right in to what im doing :) i been eating better lost a few pounds and bought a treadmill that i use everyday and some days i go walking with my family on some trails around here :) thanks for this wonderful chance to win such a great item :)

  16. Like everyone else I want to lose weight. At least the man boobs.

  17. To lose weight and tone my body for the summer time!

  18. just to try to eat a little more healthy and not live off of junk food

  19. didn't make any resolutions this year - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  20. My resolution is to eat cleaner and become more active.


  21. I just want to live a more healthier lifestyle by exercising more and making better food choices.
    Tara Woods

  22. No, I don't make resolutions, I just always try to do a little better than the year before!

  23. We did. Ours is to get healthier, usually it's to lose weight but that is a lot of pressure, so we said get healthier. If we are healthier, the weight will come off
    thank you

  24. I wanted to be smarter with my money. Still not sure how well that is working. Thank you


  25. My resolution was to make goals which I know I could reach like lose 5 pounds and take a walk each evening after supper. So far I have been able to keep them all.

  26. My New Year's Resolution is to get back in shape and lose a few pounds


Thank you!