
iPad or $500 PayPal Giveaway - Worldwide - 1/31

Resolutions Button

Mom Powered Media welcomes you into 2013 with a New Year's Resolution Event.

Top 10 New Year's resolutions

  1. Lose Weight and/or Exercise Regularly
  2. Improved Work/Family Balance
  3. Stop Smoking - One of the hardest, most broken resolutions. Will you win this battle of wits?
  4. Organize Your Home/Life
  5. Get Out Of Debt and/or Save Money - Credit Karma provides truly free credit scores to consumers direct from the credit bureau and show how you can save money on your credit cards, loans, mortgage and more! Yes, there is even an app for that.
  6. Reduce Stress
  7. Travel - Road adventure in your future? Make sure you checkout the 8 Essential Family Travel Apps!
  8. Volunteer
  9. Learn Something New - Become the master of .01 auctions! Visit Penny Auctions Canada and use code "MPM5" for 5 free bids at sign up and "Chillout50" for 50 free bids with the purchase of a 50 pack.
  10. Increased Spiritual Awareness

One winner will receive iPad {or $500 via Paypal}!

Giveaway ends January 31st at 11:59pm, open to worldwide, ages 18+. Winners outside of the US only qualify or the PayPal option.

To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below. 

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. Health, Beauty, Children and Family is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Please contact Mom Powered Media with questions or to see your business or blog featured on the next big event!

Check out my other giveaways here.


  1. I want to start cooking from scratch more.

  2. My resolution is to exercise more.

  3. To have a happy, healthy baby boy due April 8th and then settle in Tennessee in June when hubby retires after 21 yrs in the Army!

  4. I want to eat in a healthier way

  5. My resolution for 2013 is to graduate!

  6. I want to eat smaller portions and be more positive!

  7. I hope to lose weight, reduce stress and keep learning new things!

  8. My resolution is the keep myself healthy and my family

    dealsfan32 at gmail dot com

  9. My Resolution is to get myself physically & mentally healthy, so I can be a better mom & wife...

  10. My resolution is to get my home cleaned up & in control.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. My resolution is to eat healthier, more fresh fruits and veggies.

  12. My resolution was to quit smoking for good!

  13. My resolution is to lose 25 pounds


Thank you!