
Crest 3D White Professional Effects Review & Giveaway 12/8 - US

The Christmas cameras will be coming out for the parties, get togethers and formal pictures to capture each memory at Christmas and beyond.  Nothing is worse than discolored teeth in my opinion.  The teeth are one of the things that catch people's eyes whether warranted or not.  Yellow or stained teeth are not attractive but in my opinion, neither are lightening white teeth.  A more natural white is what I strive for and my product of choice has been Crest.  I have used Crest strips since 2003.  I was having my teeth cleaned some time in 2005 when the dental hygeniest noted what a pretty white shade my teeth were which I quickly chimed in that it was thanks to Crest strips.  I eventually upgraded to Crest 3D White Professional Whitening strips and love the ease and convenience.

Everyone loves a smile!

When I used to drive into the office at 6 am, I would put on the strips and drive to work. Once I arrived, I would remove so it made for the ideal time to whiten my teeth.  One of the features I like about the Crest 3D Whitestrips is how they have the advanced no-slip technology so gone are the days that a mere slip of the tongue moved the strips off.   They are a nice alternative to expensive treatments and because they use the same enamel-safe ingredient that dentists use.  Just remember, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing!

The Giveaway:

One reader will win their own box of Crest 3D White Professional Whitestrips (valued $49.99)

To Enter:

Please use the Rafflecopter form below.

Giveaway ends 12/8 - US only please

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure:  I participated in this campaign for One2One Network. I received product to facilitate my review and by posting, I am eligible for incentives. All opinions stated are my own

Check out my other giveaways here.


  1. I have used Crest White Strips in the past. They work so great! I would love to win more of them.
    Ross Olson

  2. I haven't used them in a while but would love to start again! :)

  3. I know my daughter has in the past and my son is complaining of his teeth yellowing

  4. I don't currently use these, but I have heard they work great!

  5. I used to use crest white strips and they worked, I need to use them once again to get a nice white set of teeth!

  6. I had some free samples before i've tried!

  7. I've used them years ago, and they were great. I haven't tried the 3D white yet. Thanks!

  8. I did actually try these about a month ago and I liked the results. I had tried a different brand before and I thought the Crest were better (they seemed to fit better and I didn't wind up with a mouth of goop while it was working).


Thank you!