
I've Been MIA .. Again

I've been MIA once again.  Going back to the workforce wasn't as easy as I thought especially with desires to hold on to my blog.  I'm trying to keep it altogether but not sure I will be able to.  I've been contemplating putting it for sale but I haven't decided yet.  Luckily, my girls have been healthy so no hospitalizations keeping me from blogging!  

My oldest is helping to homeschool them which is a huge help since I work all day.  I work from home which is nice and I'm blessed in that I have the luxury but it seems lately, I'm working from 6 am until 8 pm.  It will only be a short duration but I miss my girls and I do miss blogging a bit.  I'll have to see if I can find some guest posters or something.

As you get ready for Thanksgiving, I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday.  

Check out my giveaways here.

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