Embracing a Healthy Family: Have it Your Way $200 (You Name It) Giveaway 12/6 - Worldwide

Have it Your Way $200 (You Name It) Giveaway 12/6 - Worldwide

Welcome to Jenn's Blah Blah Blog's November Have It Your Way Giveaway!

want to offer one lucky person the chance to win Anything You Want Valued Up To $200!
Thanks to these following bloggers for helping make this event possible,

This is a great giveaway right before the holidays!  Imagine how much $200 could help you this Christmas whether you buy something for yourself or someone else!  $200 can get you quite a bit and with this being open worldwide, no one is excluded unless you are under 18 ;) .

Dates: 11/05/12 at 12:01 am EST until 12/06/12 at 12:01am EST Open  Worldwide, must be 18 or older to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:  Health, Beauty, Children and Family is not responsible for shipment of prize, nor did I accept any form of compensation for promoting this event. 

  Check out my other giveaways here.

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Suburban prep said...

My husband and I just bought some items for our house that we needed (refrigerator and toilets). Not because we were redecorating but because the other ones were not working as well as they should have. This would help with a gift for my husband for Christmas.

Unknown said...

Christmas for the kids

Kristie said...

I'd use it for Christmas shopping.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Sara said...

I think I am going to get a Nintendo 3DS

ginette4 said...

I would love a visa gift card, that way I can purchase a few things

one frugal lady said...

I would love a new camera!

Unknown said...

I would buy some gifts for my sons.

Cjnedrow said...

A Kindle!
cjnedrow at gmail dot com

Andrea C said...

An amazon gc would be great, then I could finish Christmas Shopping!!

Anonymous said...

I would get my kids winter jackets.


randio said...

I'd love an amazon gift card to finish my Christmas shopping!

TheresaJenkins said...

If the bills are paid ,I'd like to put it towards plain tickets to bring Mom and Dad home for Christmas

Anonymous said...

New eyeglasses!!
rierie11booger (@) yahoo.com

April Yedinak said...

I would get a tablet for my daughter

ayed2016 at aol dot com

Ash said...

We're going to get a nice rug for our living room!


Ruby said...

I'd get a new camera

Suburban prep said...

Christmas gift for husband.

Tiffany Drew said...

I'd get some oil!

Sara said...

Nintendo 3DS

Ann Fantom said...

I would buy a generator

abfantom at yahoo dot com

ginette4 said...

I would use it to purchase Christmas gifts

Carol said...

I am going to get a new winter coat
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

clc408 said...

I'd put it toward the laptop I've been saving for.

PAIGE said...

I'll get Christmas presents and be doing the Dance of Joy. wowowow

David Hollingsworth said...

Criterion DVDs!

sksweeps said...

I'd stock up on shrimp!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

sweepmom said...

I would get a bike for my son.

Dwayne Berry said...

Is groceries a choice?

mverno said...

christmas presents for our grandchildren

Unknown said...

I will use it for Christmas! Thank you so much for the chance!

Sara said...

I would buy christmas gifts

sksweeps said...

I'll treat myself to several very nice dinners OUT!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Suburban prep said...

AS Maureen

an anniversary gift for my husband.

ginette4 said...

I would put it towards Christmas gifts for my daughter - nov 7

Unknown said...

I'd probably get a Kindle Fire :) unless I can get it in Paypal cash, cause then I'd use it to pay bills :)

Tiffany Drew said...


Sara said...

Nintendo game system

ginette4 said...

I would get a visa gift card that way I could purchase christmas gifts

Cathy Coibion said...

I would buy gifts for my family.

Tiffany Drew said...

the new nook tablet!

Anonymous said...

Dental work.

Anonymous said...

Dental work.

Suburban prep said...

a new refrigerator.

Sara said...

I would like an Amazon gift card

ginette4 said...

I would love a visa gift card then I could buy some gifts for my family with it for Christmas

Tiffany Drew said...

a kindle fire :)

Anonymous said...

i would use it for amazon and christmas presents

angel320 said...

I would get a new winter coat

Unknown said...

I would buy my daughter the Lalaloopsy doll house she's been wanting. Would be a amazing Christmas gift!

Suburban prep said...

This would help in medical bills.

msgb245 at gmail dot com
as Maureen

ginette4 said...

I need a new winter coat

ginette4 said...

I put the wrong info in the tweet box today, anyway of you fixing it,
here's my tweet..sorry :(

Sara said...


TheresaJenkins said...

use it toward Christmas dinner

Ľubaša said...

I will buy spa break for me...
Lubka K.

ginette4 said...

I need a new coat the money would be spent on keeping me warm while out

Sara said...

This would be great for Christmas shopping

scarlette10 said...

Psy bills/buy xmas gifts

Angelika said...

I would love to buy myself a digital camera.

Sara said...

Digital camera

Suburban prep said...

I am in need of a purse and this would allow me to get a nice one.

ginette4 said...

I would love a visa gift card so I can purchase Christmas gifts for my daughter

Min K said...

I'd ask for a gc and buy myself a bunch of nightgowns.

TheresaJenkins said...

buy for all 5 grandkids...awesome

Anonymous said...

a laptop for my son

Suburban prep said...

It doesn't sound too exciting but groceries and gas.

Sara said...

I am going to get a Nintendo 3ds

ginette4 said...

I would use it towards Christmas - nov 13

Anonymous said...

a tablet

Min K said...

I'm going to get a nice night out.

Sara said...

Still a Nintendo 3DS

Crystal F said...

I would get my daughter the nintendo 3ds that she wants. thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Suburban prep said...

Christmas gift for family.

ginette4 said...

A visa gift card would be awesome, then I could purchase anything with it, thnank you

Anonymous said...

a new coat

danyelle w said...

i would get a visa card and I would use it to do some Christmas shopping

Suburban prep said...

It would be a great way to go out for dinner with my husband as a celebration for our anniversary.

Sara said...

A christmas gift for my mom

ginette4 said...

I need a winter coat, that would be wonderful

Anonymous said...

a kindle fire

Suburban prep said...

A freezer

Anonymous said...

a nintendo ds

ginette4 said...

I'm in need of a winter coat, guess that's where the money wil go

Sara said...

Nintendo 3DSXL

ginette4 said...

I would purchase a winter coat for myself - nov 17

Sara said...


Unknown said...

I would use it to pay bills and buy Christmas gifts!

Suburban prep said...

A freezer

Unknown said...

I'd also probably get some jeans with it! Mine are all worn out!

Anonymous said...

new winter boots

ginette4 said...

I'm getting a winter coat

Sara said...


Suburban prep said...

I could so go for some new clothes

Sara said...

Something from Nintendo

Unknown said...

It will also be useful for paying for shipping on my sister's gifts! She lives on the other side of the country, so I can't just see her, unfortunately.

ginette4 said...

I would purchase a winter coat for this winter

slehan said...

Thanks for the contest.

Suburban prep said...

AS Maureen

This would so help with the payment of a few acupuncture sessions I do for fibromyalgia.

Sara said...

Some Nintendo product

ginette4 said...

My winter coat is looking pathetic, if I win that's what I'm purchasing

Rebecca Orr said...

I would get my kids gifts.

Sara said...

Amazon gift card

ginette4 said...

I would love to win so I can buy myself a winter coat

Sara said...

Nintendo product

ginette4 said...

I could use a winter coat

Angela Brown said...

I'd use it for Christmas presents and try to stretch it as far as possible.

Amy Walker said...

I Visa Gift card or a Garmin GPS would be awesome!

Suburban prep said...

Gift for my husband for Christmas.

Sara said...

Ipod Nano

Sofie Herrera said...

I would use this for Christmas shopping.

Sofie Herrera said...

I would use this for Christmas shopping.

Suburban prep said...

A new coat

Sara said...

Maybe something from Nintendo

Suburban prep said...

It would be great for some books.

ginette4 said...

I would purchase a winter coat
nov 25

Sara said...

I want a Nintendo prize

Anonymous said...

a tablet

Suburban prep said...

Knitting yarn

ginette4 said...

Another daily post about my wanting to purchase a winter coat, thank you :)

Sara said...

Newegg gift card

Lisa said...

I'd use it on groceries

ginette4 said...

Would use it to purchase a new winter coat that I really need, thank you

Sara said...

Amazon gift card

newmoon330 said...

A Kindle or hundreds of books! =)

Sara said...

Best Buy Gift Card

ginette4 said...

nov 28 daily post that I would use it to purchase a winter coat, thank you

Suburban prep said...

This is going towards some clothes.

kim burnett said...

some christmas shopping

Sara said...

Use it for christmas shopping

Anonymous said...

I would do some holiday shopping if I win! Thank you!
Ross Olson

Christina said...

I would spend this on Christmas gifts for my two girls of course! I'm a mommy so any extra I get for Christmas goes to my babygirls and I so need it!

ginette4 said...

It's getting cold here, a winter coat purchase would be awesome, thank you

slehan said...

good dinner out

slehan at juno dot com

Anonymous said...

a kindle fire

Sara said...

Money for christmas shopping

Suburban prep said...

I would love linen for my bedroom

TheresaJenkins said...

food for our holiday dinner

ginette4 said...

Nov 30 - I would purchase a winter coat, it's snowing here today, have a great day

Suburban prep said...

knitting yarn

Sara said...

Something for my mom

ginette4 said...

dec 1 post
I would purchase a winter coat

Suburban prep said...

I would love to purchase anew handbag

Sara said...

Money for Christmas shopping

ginette4 said...

dec 2 post
I would still purchase a winter coat, it snowed here..yikes

Anonymous said...

a cat condo

Suburban prep said...

I would love to buy some Christmas decor.

Sara said...

American Express gift card

ginette4 said...

dec 3
I would purchase a winter coat, it's getting cold here

Misses Giveaways said...

Amazon gift card

Anonymous said...

school supplies philip acornriver@yahoo.com

Jo said...

I would use it for Christmas shopping!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com

Suburban prep said...

I would love to help my parents because they have helped me.

Sara said...

3DS or 3DS XL

ginette4 said...

dec 4 post
I would purchase a winter coat, wouldn't need it today, it's raining

Unknown said...

I would buy Christmas presents for my family!

Whitney said...

A Visa card would be nice...we're going on our honeymoon at the end of the month & this would be great to have!

CherylS22 said...

I'm going to use the money to buy Christmas gifts for the family.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

new tires

Unknown said...

An Amazon gift card for my son

Patrice said...

I am going to get a rug for the living room.

Suburban prep said...

I guess it is not exciting but a new toilet for the bathroom my husband is fixing.

cassandra marquez said...

I would want a VISA giftcard!
fB: rab pom

Sara said...

Nintendo Nintendo

CherylS22 said...

I might use the money towards a HDTV.

Anonymous said...

I would give it to my brother & sister-in-law! dottie-c(at)att(dot)net


ginette4 said...

giveaway is over today, thank you for the great giveaway, daily post that I would use the money to purchase a winter coat

Unknown said...

Share this !

Unknown said...

I think I will get a coat a some boots.. thank you

cassandra m said...

i would get the kids much needed things and the buy household items like toilet paper enough to last awhile because that is the hardest things to get

Jessica said...

probably get a visa card or something, buy a few christmas gifts.

bev said...

I would finish my Christmas shopping if I got lucky and won this contest. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

A VISA gift card would be perfect. I could buy several gifts for the family with that. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I would use it to pay bills. garrettsambo@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I would choose cash for Christmas presents!

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