
Our UNREAL™ Candy Party & Why You Have to Try It

There is never a bad time for chocolate if you live in my house.  We are the biggest chocolate eaters and know what is good chocolate.  Our idea of good chocolate is on a higher level than standard candy bars.  We're also a family who is trying to get healthier by choosing products that are more organic and avoids other unnatural additives or ingredients.  I have to mention that both my oldest daughter and I are Tom Brady fans and you might wonder what this has to do with chocolate but there really is a connection.  Tom had a commercial that I saw month's ago for UNREAL™ Candy which is where I first heard about this chocolate.  Unreal doesn't begin to describe this candy.  UNREAL™ has less sugar, more protein and more fiber per serving when compared to like brands.  What draws me to UNREAL™ other than the taste are just a few of the ingredients:  
  • No GMOs!  <---- this made me smile
  • Real cane sugar
  • No corn syrup
  • No artificial preservatives
  • No artificial flavors or dyes
  • No hydrogenated oils
  • Uses cacao
  • Uses real milk

I was invited to host an UNREAL™ party which I couldn't wait to share ... or could I?  I really didn't like to part with all that great tasting candy but I also didn't want to be greedy so I did share among my family and friends.  We did take advantage of pairing up some good wine with our UNREAL as well as had some fun activities for the kids in the kitchen.  I even took it one step further and provided a taste test to see if they could pick out the UNREAL™ versus a leading brand that is sold at the check out.  One of my guests could not tell the difference but that was because she was 10 and might not fully appreciate good chocolate yet.  The rest favored UNREAL™ with overwhelming results but the Peanut Butter Cups won hands down.

This Halloween would make the perfect reason to run down to Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Michaels and many other national retailers to pick up some healthier alternatives to regular chocolate for the trick or treaters, school parties or just yourself.  With all the news and information about healthier living, it's time to UNJUNK™ America's food! If you need another excuse, football season is here and what a great time to enjoy some UNREAL™ while watching Tom Brady play football. Overall, this is amazing tasting chocolate that is rich in flavor, has a variety of different selections to offer

Take the step and join UNREAL Nation now and check out UNREAL here and don't forget to like on UNREAL on Facebook and UNREAL on Twitter.  In case you might need a bit more convincing, check out Gisele, Tom and others in this great video that provides more information on how UNREAL is really unreal:

*Disclosure: I was provided compensation and product to host this Unreal
 party from UNREAL and Global Influence Media. All opinions are my own


  1. I like the thought of this candy not having any GMOs, uses real cane sugar and has no corn syrup and No artificial preservatives! We need to have more candy made that is not pumped full of chemicals! This unreal candy sounds great!

  2. This candy looks great I like that it has no HFCS in it.

  3. I just tried Unreal and it was good!

  4. I have heard of Unreal Candy, but I haven't tried it.

  5. I have not yet tried Unreal Candy but I plan to. I love that it has no GMOs and uses more natural ingredients.

  6. I have not tried it but would like to, since I have heard so many good things about it.

  7. I want to try this, as I'm allergic to artificial dyes and miss eating M & M's. I also like how there's no corn syrup in it.

  8. I've heard of these but haven't gotten to try them yet

  9. never heard of this brand of candy, I like the real milk idea of use in it, sounds good tasting

  10. Checking out this video and looking at the site on their facebook page, I really would love to get some of this. Thanks for the review and video.

  11. Never heard of this but would love to try it.,

  12. i have heard of them before! would love to try it!

  13. Never heard of this before now. Thanks for the information.


  14. I have tried the peanut butter cups before and they are very good. Not the same texture as the "popular" brand, but still really yummy! I would love to try the other kinds too!

  15. Only saw it mentioned on Twitter but wasn't sure what it was.
    btjfarnham at yahoo dot com

  16. never heard of it, looks tasty though where does one find it?

  17. I keep seeing them at the store and want to try them. Next time I see them I think i will! lol :)

  18. I never heard of this before. It has everything that I would like. I'm all for the healthy stuff. It seems too good to be true. I hope it tastes good. Will have to try it.

  19. I have heard of it here at my CVS, never tried it

  20. candy looks yummmy

  21. I have never heard of this before but definitely am interested in it.

  22. yes mam i have i got coupons for it but my cvs store was sold out of em but im hoping they get some more havnt been to cvs in a week though they sure should by now i reckon

  23. I haven't heard of these, they sound good! lsenko83 at yahoo dot com

  24. Never heard of it before, but it would be great to have a candy that is both good and still healthy!

    jbafaith at yahoo dot com

  25. WOW!! This is the first for me. I would like to try some are they in stores

  26. I have heard of this candy and I would love to try it.

  27. I have never heard of unreal candy!! But I look forward to trying it!

  28. I tried it and it's not for me. But I do think the premise is great and I'm all about people having choices!

  29. Nope I have not heard of this candy until your review.

  30. I have not yet tried Unreal Candy but I plan to soon.

  31. sheila musselman askinsOctober 23, 2012 at 7:38 PM

    i have never even heard of this..but now that i have will be trying it!

  32. I haven't heard of it but I wouldn't mind trying it.

  33. This looks like great stuff. I'm hungry for some unreal candy. Lieutenantcrunch27 (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. I've tried it several times and I like it a lot. I get it at my local CVS.

  35. I bought once from CVS on a coupon.. and they tasted great.. just like my favorite candy..

  36. I've tried it and I loved it, knowing that it is all healthy makes it a great choice for the kids!!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  37. I've heard of this but haven't tried it yet.

  38. No, I have not heard of this candy but will look for it in stores.

  39. No, I have not heard of this candy but will look for it in stores.

  40. I haven't heard of it
    julie hawkins
    honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

  41. I have heard of this candy but haven't tried it yet. (Roxann)

  42. Never heard of this candy before, but sounds good.

    cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

  43. I have heard of this candy online and I would love to try it.

  44. I think the M&Ms are great. I have not tried the Snickers or the Peanut Butter cups.

  45. Never heard of em but they look delish, but then again ALL chocolate does lol

  46. heard about it but not tried it yet

  47. This is a change. Actual candy made from unrefined ingredients. Would love to try it!

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  48. I've never tried or even heard of this but now I really want to!

  49. I also like the "m&m" flavor candy , Was not really fond of the peanut butter cups though

  50. I've tried this candy. It is okay but not the best but at least it is healthier.

  51. I hadn't heard of Unreal candy before but I would love to try it .

  52. I have not heard of this before but my mouth is now watering. Thanks for the info.

    fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

  53. Haven't tried it, but really like the concept.

  54. I love the fact that there is no corn syrup, that's the root of America's obesity problem. And, oh! No artificials or hydrogenated oils, I'm sold! I'll have to check this out at their website. Thanks!

    Wanda McHenry

  55. I've heard of it online, sounds delicious.


Thank you!