
Our LeapFrog Touch Magic Rock 'n Learn Party

We are a very proud LeapFrog family from two Leapsters, one LeapPad and numerous games, I value the educational and entertainment aspect LeapFrog provides my children.  I look to LeapFrog as a trusted source of fun for my girls as well as a way to learn and enhance their education.  We had an opportunity to host a LeapFrog Touch Magic Rock 'n Learn party with two Touch Magic Rockin' Guitars and a Touch Magic Learning Bus.  These are great tools if you have children of preschool age who like music.  

The LeapFrog Touch Magic Rockin' Guitars provide musical fun while giving them an edge in developing their preschool skills.  What is extra special about the guitars, the child can play solo or with a  band playing those timeless classics like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Pop goes the Weasel and many more.  After the performance, they can even hear applause.  It's lightweight and easy to use for those little fingers.  Recommended for ages three and up, it's the ideal learning toy to introduce them to music, enhances social skills and uses motor skills for development.  

The LeapFrog Touch Magic Learning Bus provides fun the old fashion way with learning songs tied in with the alphabet while building early vocabulary and motor skills.  When you have older children and  younger children, they are always envious of the school bus which makes this learning toy a great feature in attracting those little ones to play.  It provides three different modes to enhance their experience with letter exploration and music, sing-along and learning.  It's also perfect size and not too heavy.  Recommended for ages two and up, it's the ideal learning tool for the preschool age.
Of course, we had to try it out before the party and get familiar with both the Touch Magic Rockin' Guitar and the Touch Magic Learning Bus.  Elizabeth, who will be two in about three weeks, loves them! She immediately starting bopping her head to the sound of the music.  Danielle, five, even liked them.  Music seems to draw children in so combining learning with music is always a win-win.  For the party, we were able to set up some games, a talent contest with practice and dress up time.  Who doesn't like a Preschool American Idol after all?  This was the fun part to say the least!  

After the invitations were sent, we readied the party with prizes the winner, a set up stage and made up our food list.  I had cookie cutter guitars and a cake shaped guitar mold from a previous party which made excellent cookies and cake for the theme.  Parties is our forte so the ideas were endless with giving the kids something fun yet educational.

All in all, we had a great time.  We still love LeapFrog and are grateful for the opportunity to host this party.

*Disclaimer:  We received a complimentary party pack that included the above mentioned products for the purposes of this post.

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