
Nominate a Women Who Shines #WomenWhoShine

In our lives we meet or possibly know people who influence our life in different ways.  These people may just inspire whereas others become both a formal mentor or an informal.  I've had a few mentors in different areas of my life starting in high school, in college and at my previous employer.  I found I gravitate towards the movers and the shakers and gender has had no boundaries.  In my latest project, I found or she found me a woman who is one of those informal mentors.  She has helped with my nine year old's non-profit, showed an enormous big heart to other causes and knows no boundaries in doing whatever it takes.  This person's name is Heather.  She not only works for a great organization for helping people with epilepsy but she also goes out of her way in volunteering time to many causes the support epilepsy. She's a leader in spreading information about epilepsy, resources for people who may not have the knowledge or money to seek help and she supports the causes that help children with epilepsy. 

Heather Steele Hernandez

Heather reaches out using her personal time and social media in raising awareness, helping to raise funds and reaches out to others in helping them. It's not just a job to Heather as she goes above and beyond in so many ways while still juggling being a mom. Heather leaves a glowing impression on everyone she touches. She's a busy mom of two young children and is definitely a woman who shines.  I know many woman worthy of such a title but she instantly popped in my mind given my long history with her and knowing how many lives she has touched.

Recognizing those that do great things is not hard to do.  They have already done the hard work so it's natural to want to reach out and give a boost to show someone that their efforts are appreciated.  I know that people who do great things don't normally seek out recognition which is why programs such as Yahoo's Women Who Shine is a wonderful way to show that woman who gives herself back to others that they are valued, appreciated and loved on a different level.  You can also participate in recognizing a woman who shines in your life by visiting Yahoo's Shine and nominating her now.  If you don't nominate someone, please click on this link and vote for Heather.


I was compensated for this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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