
Halloween is Around the Corner - Have You Selected Your Costumes?

Today, I finally purchased our Halloween costumes after my girls have been bugging me in fear they wouldn't get the ones we wanted.  We shopped in stores today and then I choose online for possible better deals, selections and coupons.  My youngest chose Merida and of course, I had to buy a better version than what I saw at Target.  My middle one wants to be a Pink Power Ranger, my oldest is going to be an Indian and I choose Ravenna from Snow White and the Huntsman.

For those out there that like this costume and/or the movie, this is a hard one to find.  There are two or three different versions but for me, I preferred this one.  There were other places that had it back ordered but I was too nervous to take a chance on being told at the last minute they couldn't fulfill it.  I also saw it priced fairly high at many other places.  I found this one on Ebay and the seller is fantastic with speed of responding to messages and although I've had limited interaction, you can get a feel for people.  I've not had too many bad experiences with Ebay and I'm lucky.  Some people steer clear but I can vouch that there are many great sellers and I'm pretty confident that I'll be happy with my purchase of this costume and the one for my oldest.  The Native Tribal Princess Adult Costume comes with neck trim, fringed arm cuffs and fringed boot tops along with the cute dress.

From my experiences with Halloween, you have to shop early if you want the best selection!  I'll provide an update to this post once I receive the costumes.  Happy Halloween hunting and don't forget to check out my links and see what's available on the Ebay shop I bought my costumes from.

*Disclosure:  I did purchase the costumes on this post. I like to support small businesses with random posts. 

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