
Why I Would Not Shop a Sample Site for a Wedding

I've noticed lately that a lot of the sample sites have these really cute dresses and suits for children and think how it's such a great deal for those planning a wedding.  The prices are right and the clothing looks cute but one thing I have found with shopping sample sites over the last couple of years is that they don't always deliver.  I've had a few situations, which is a lot considering how much I shop from them, of sheer disappointment.  When I plan our holiday portraits, I like to have my girls wearing similar dresses and of course I need a variety of sizes.  Now that I have a grandchild, I added one more size to the mix.  It's very hard to find sizes 2, 4 and 10 in the same dress.  I have found them in the past but it's labor intensive and can take many hours.  This is why I'm a huge fan of Adorable Baby Clothing, which is an online store, because I can get the sizes I need with just a drop down box and some clicks.

The complaint I have with sample sites is often times when I have ordered, I'm notified after I place my order and weeks later that the order cannot be fulfilled. Other times, I find out that my order was partially processed and that the order couldn't be fulfilled so what I received was the end of my order.  No opportunity to cancel or anything as they have a no return policy.  This happened once when I ordered two dresses for my girls and I only received one which was a huge disappointment.  On another occasion, I ordered a really cute winter coat and was sent a different one from what I ordered.  There have been a few occasions where my order was cancelled due to them not being able to ship.

When I saw all the cute suits showing up for little boys, I thought what a great way to save money and then I remembered the issues I have dealt with.  It would be really sad for a bride-to-be to have everything planned out and then end up in the situations I have been in.  This is one area where I would pay a little more to ensure I get what I want, to have the opportunity for returns and to have one on one customer service.

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