
Surviving a Long Road Trip with Kids and #CulturelleKids


We embarked on a very long road trip two weeks ago and after logging in more than 64 hours of driving time and crossing Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinios, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi and Alabama, I can say it was a whirlwind of a trip!  On the first leg of my trip, I had my five and nine year olds with me and they behaved beautifully!  On the return home leg, I had my two little ones along with my oldest who is 24 and her almost two year old.  She also behaved beautifully and I was very lucky after sticking them in a vehicle so long.  

Lots of junk food!
I try to plan ahead and prepare for anything which includes being able to predict what might happen.  I know we won't be eating like we normally would and we would indulge a bit so I have found that traveling with kids can be tricky especially if one or more has a public bathroom phobic as mine do.  As you can see in the picture above, we had some fun in our packed hotel room joined by my nieces and cousins.  I packed water, children's pain and fever reducer, juice and this time, I tried Culterelle Kids! to see if that would help for those occasional tummy problems caused by an upset digestive system.  My kids are very sensitive and I know between being stuck in a car, changing their eating habits and their bathroom phobia, that I needed to try what I could to help them be comfortable and pain free.

See?  Lots of Water!
Our regiment consisted of ensuring they had plenty of water, drank some juice in between and supplemented one juice with one packet of the Culterelle Kids!  It seemed to do the trick as no one had any digestive issues along the way.  It's probably why everyone was so good!  Taking road trips is something I didn't get to do growing up so being able to take my kids across the country is fun and educational.  We also visited a lot of family and we met some family for the first time.  Going on vacation can be challenging with children but I think when you think of the different scenarios that your children normally encounter and offset those by being prepared, it makes for a more enjoyable time for all.

About Culturelle Kids!


Culterelle Kids! helps to support the body's natural defenses and provides a solution for digestive discomfort and poor health. Since it boosts digestive health, it aids in overall health and immunity and provides ongoing maintenance and helps to strengthen health and well being.  It's also recommended by pediatricians which draws me more to Culterelle Kids! from a safety perspective.

I liked that Culterelle Kids! comes in chewable tablets and convenient packets.  The packets are for children weighing 25 to 50 pounds and can be mixed in cool food or drink. A child can have up to seven packs a day to help with digestive discomfort. The chewables are for kids over 50 pounds to 100 pounds.  

Disclaimer:  I was compensated for this post and provided with Culturelle samples.  All opinions provided are my own. 

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