
George Rogers Clark Memorial in Indiana

Every state has its own treasures and it's fun to find them.  I have lived in many states but my favorite will be Indiana given the amount of time I have called Indiana home.  I was born there, raised there, spend most of my adult hood there and am looking forward to calling it home again.  Part of my family makes Indiana their home as well.  My parents and sister live in southern Indiana and my brother lives in northern Indiana.  Northern Indiana is special to me because I grew up there but southern Indiana is also special due to many memories.  A few week's ago, I was able to visit my family and my usual trek includes stopping at some of the sites such as the George Rogers Clark Memorial.  



This national park site was built in 1936, if memory serves me correctly, and pays homage to a man who should be celebrated and remembered more.  George Rogers Clark was a trailblazer fighting for our country during a time where we were still building our country.  He was involved in many battles and took back Fort Sackville from the British.  He's the overlooked brother of the other infamous Clark.

I love Indiana history and could go on and on but I won't.  I wanted to share our pictures.  The girls had so much fun visiting.  The one thing I will note, we went to a park that had plaques and one was incorrect in it's information of George Rogers Clark by imprinting his name incorrectly.  One would think that historical markers could be accurate especially when that person was so monumental to the area.
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