
Creative Bioscience 90 Day Weight Challenge Update

It's been about 60 days since I took the Creative Bioscience 90 Day Weight Challenge so I wanted to provide an update.  I can honestly say that if you follow this weight plan, you will lose weight and you will most likely achieve your goals if you follow the plan for what are reasonable expectations.  The plan is easy to follow but it is restrictive on what you eat.  Given my experiences on diet after diet, I understood the diet plan for Creative Bioscience perfectly and knew it would work if I stuck to it.  I tried the 1234 Diet.

I will also state the diet is one you have to stick to in order to achieve the results you want but it's not impossible.  All diets are hard when you are trying to change habits to achieve results but what I remind myself is it's a temporary change to get what you want but to be successful, you have to change the habits long term to not slip back.  I don't feel there is an easy quick trick in losing weight and it's a whole package and it takes a commitment on yourself to follow the guidelines.

1234 provides an appetite suppressant and an all natural energy boost.  There are no sugars, starches or fillers which is a plus for me as I don't want extras in any supplement I take.  1234 is manufactured in FDA approved/regulated facilities so you have that extra insurance for safety.  I haven't experiences any side effects and it's hard to really tell if I'm getting a tremendous boost of energy as I'm pretty sleep deprived which confounds my hunger.  I did lose weight on the days I could follow the diet but again, you have to be committed to sticking to the plan.  I have read over and over again how detrimental lack of sleep is and I can personally vouch for that.  With that said, I still state the plan is doable, takes adjustment to the eating plan but if you stick with it, take the 1234 and exercise, you will achieve results!

Some additional benefits of Creative Bioscience:

  • US made
  • 100% guarantee
  • Free domestic shipment on orders over $75
  • $1 of each purchase is donated to Housing for America Foundation


Stay tuned for the final 90 day challenge update!

If you would like to participate in the Creative Bioscience 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge, just click on the link.

*Disclosure:  I am participating in a sponsored 90 day challenge and I did receive complimentary product for the duration of the 90 day challenge.  The opinions are of my own.

Check out my giveaways here.

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