
Back to School with Milk Unleashed Four Pack Giveaway 9/15 - US

It is back to school time and I was surprised to find out some kids don't go back until September which is how it was when I was a kid way, way back then.  When the kids are outside of our reach, we aren't always sure they are making the best choices.  Granted schools are stepping up to the plate and eliminating bad choices such as soda but some choices just aren't available.  I've even heard of some schools eliminating chocolate milk.  I think that's stretching it as I feel milk provides a great source of Vitamin D and whether it's chocolate or white, it shouldn't be limited. I do love technology and the idea of taking milk on the go as I am a milk drinker as evident by the purchase of two gallons every week.  My family is a family of milk drinkers as well which makes me happy as I am not an advocate of giving kids soda routinely.  Milk Unleashed has this cool app (see below) that has on-the-go games and snacks, milk unleashed tips and a quiz to test your knowledge.

Not all kids like milk as my sister was one of them and my youngest is starting to relike it.  She was a milk hound as a child but great out of it until lately.   This app has some great tips on trying to get your kid to drink more milk as who doesn't need more calcium in their diet?  Here are just a few:

  • Change the color with food coloring as we all know kids love colored food!
  • Use milk in oatmeal instead of water.  I always make my oatmeal this way because it tastes richer and is creamier.  
  • Add a spoon of honey for those honey fans out there.
  • Make a smoothie with a glass of milk and their favorite fruit.
I just took the quiz and we're a Futurstic Fam-Tastic family.  I saw that coming and when you take the quiz, you will know!   

About Milk Unleashed:

Milk Unleashed is real milk in Tetra Pak cartons that stay on the shelf until you are ready.  It's portable and on the go which makes it so convenient without having to worry about refrigeration.  There are many brands of shelf safe milk:
  • Borden
  • Hershey's
  • Horizon Organic
  • LALA
  • Organic Valley

I had no idea Hershey's had shelf safe milk so look out, here we come!  My girls are Hershey's fans passed down from generation to generation!

Now for more fun stuff!

The Giveaway:

One reader will win a Milk Unleashed variety pack consisting of four shelf safe milks (white and chocolate) from: Hershey’s, LaLa, Horizon and Organic Valley!  Plus the variety pack will have a cow stress ball and information on shelf safe milk!

To Enter:

Please use the Rafflecopter form below.

Giveaway ends 9/15 at 11:59 (EST) - US only please

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Check out my other giveaways here.


  1. Tweet:

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Apparently, we are a free-wheeling family! LOL


  3. Ready Freddy Family

  4. Futuristic Fam-Tastic...thats what we are!!! xlpickle(at)

  5. Tweet:

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. App Tweet:

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. Ready Freddy Fam. - - - Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran..... emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  8. App tweet:

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. Ready Freddy Fam...
    Rhonda B.

  10. We are a free wheelin' family, which is pretty funny because I am a planner by nature!


  11. 35%

    Futuristic Fam-Tastic


    Ready-Freddy Fam


    Free-Wheelin’ Fam

  12. free wheelin family

  13. Ready Freddy Family

  14. Futuristic Fam-Tastic!!!

  15. We are Futuristic Fam-tastic!

  16. I got the "Ready-Freddie Fam"


Thank you!