
New Tide Pods: Pop In. Stand Out. Review #PopInAPod

I'm lazy or have my moments of being lazy and laundry is my biggest chore I dislike.  I think if I had a set up like a laundromat, I might not detest it so much. I think the worse part is folding and putting the clothes away.  My girls have too many clothes and not enough room so putting them away is not fun.  As part of my participation with Vocalpoint, I received complimentary New Tide® PODS™.  They have a revolutionary three-chamber design that cleans, fights stains and brightens all in one. 

Just pop ‘em in to give your laundry a clean that is seriously deep down and thorough.  I tried one out by popping in both whites and darks together.  One of my daughter's white shirts had some serious red pop cycle stains on it. 

As I pulled out each piece of clothing, no colors bled, whites stayed white and the stain was gone.  I was sold!   I have now become a Tide® PODS™ customer.  I want laundry simplified and this is definitely one way to achieve that.  My middle daughter likes to help with chores and the Tide® PODS™ allows her to help with a simple pop it in and start the machine.

Learn more at

*Disclosure:  I received a complimentary sample for myself and one to give to a friend from Tide as part of my participation with Vocalpoint.

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