
Mamavation Monday

I've not been doing too well with focusing on getting healthier this past week.  My oldest and her baby left this past weekend after we made a trip down to San Antonio's Sea World.  Instead of drinking water in the very hot and humid Texas sun, I drank a lot of soda which is not normal for me.  For some reason, water was not quenching the thirst and I had that nagging sore throat feeling.  I did try to not over indulge in eating and even skipped desert at dinner both nights.  Needless to say, with all the soda drinking, I picked up a few pounds.  I can look at food and gain weight so it's not a huge deal as I know I can get rid of it pretty quickly.  

My goal is to cut out about another 10 pounds and I'd be content.  I mostly need to just eat healthier and do more exercising.  I was running four miles a day until my daughter visited and I lost the will. I think it was mostly due to the fact I have to run when I have optimal energy and as an insomniac, that is hit or miss.  I never wanted to tell her to go upstairs with my grand daughter so I could use the treadmill so I would wait and lose the will.  I struggle with the stress eating quite a bit and feel it's directly tied to the insomnia issues.  

At the end of the day, it's a new day and I have learned to not kick myself when I don't live up to my goals as at least if I retry, it's okay.  It's okay for me at least.  I used to live in that destructive cycle of eating, getting mad, eating more, getting madder and hating myself over it.  I have learned that if I fall off, I pick myself back up and retry.  Much healthier!

This week's Mamavation question was what can you do as a parent to help your child lose weight and start living healthy lifestyle?  I think it starts plain and simply as living by example.  We live a healthy life, they live a healthy life and it has to be balanced with the good, the bad and the ugly.  I see too many kids going hog wild when out of their environment whenever they are in a strict upbringing and this holds true for junk or bad food.  Moderation is the key and by offering healthy choices, empowering our kids is the key to making good choices.


This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Joy Feldman. Two blogging carnival participants will each receive a book “Joyful Cooking in the Pursuit of Good Health”. To be eligible include the following disclaimer and link back to Mamavation website:

This post is sponsored by Joy Feldman and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway” at the bottom of your post.


  1. More than anything good luck with the insomnia issues. That does not sound fun.

  2. Hugs! Like you, I've definitely struggled with my motivation. In fact I struggled for 8 yrs and even though I was randomly working out, my weight kept creeping higher and higher. Last year I changed my philosphy/perspective and focused on running improvement and fuelling my body to improve my running etc. When I did that the weight just seemed to magically drop off.

    I like that you can run 4 miles - perhaps you could try plotting out a 4 mile route outside, and on the first Saturday of every month, try running it as fast as you can to try and beat the previous month? For the rest of the month you can focus on things that improve running speed - like endurance, core strength and power?

    Have a great week!

  3. Thanks, Kia! It's been a killer for me!

    Thank you, Janice! I just started the Flat Belly Diet this morning mostly because it's healthy and I'm hoping for some energy.

    I want to run outside but being a single mom in effect, it's hard. I'm also a bit afraid of the location I live in and it's getting to be around 100 outside eveyr day :(

    I definitely need some core and strength training! Thank you and have a great week! Hugs!

  4. Hugs!! I struggle with these same things. I totally have to think about what my wants and needs are and then make myself be positive. You can do it. Hope the new diet book thing helps.

  5. You are right, you can't get too hung up on your visit with your grand daughter and daughter! That's fun time!!!!! And, as long as you know what to do, and start it up again, all is well.
    If pop isn't normal for you, then there isn't anything to be concerned about. Now you just move forward.
    Insomnia is NO fun! So I too hope you get that figured out.
    Happy running! And again, no beating your self up for enjoying your time with your family. :-)

  6. Oh poop!!! I just commented and it disappeared! Dang!
    So, I basically just said you are right, no beating yourself up over having family fun! :-)
    And, happy running!! :-)

  7. Thank you both! It's a constant struggle as you both know. I know we will all make it in spite of the up's and down's. I've learned to give myself a break which helps.


Thank you!