
Mamavation Monday: Food Cravings

This week's Mamavation Mom question is why do we crave food cravings.  I think the answer can be many reasons ranging from it being a comfort food, to the forbidden food to the additives that are included to make it crave-able.  I've often read about franken sugars like Aspartame having addictive qualities which makes you crave more.  I think foods such as salty, sweet and/or carb laden foods are a basic want we were probably conditioned into liking as we grew and that habit extended into our adult lives.  They might even be hormonal or maybe even seasonal.  The possibilities are endless in my opinion but I know I have those cravings periodically if not daily.  It's one of my struggles I live constantly.

This week, I did much better and I expected to gain weight but was surprised at how post our trip to Sea World and the elimination of soda and eating a bit healthier, I started to lose what I picked up over the weekend.  I'm still not running but I did ride the bike a lot.  Today, I worked off 400+ calories and tried to ride after I ate.  I've had a sinus infection or something that won't go away and I've been terribly fatigued coupled with insomnia so the will to run is out the door for now.  All in all, a good week and hope to continue to choose healthier foods and watch the scale go down a bit more.

This week on Mamavation:

Special Guest:  YVONNE STAFFOR, author of ” From Fast Foods to Slow Foods: How to Wake Up Laughing
Yvonne Stafford is a welcome voice in the field of holistic lifestyle. She has worn many entrepreneurial hats including commercial real estate broker and writer, event planner, educator and actress and has a long list of accomplishments to her name.
Ms. Stafford brings a lifetime of practical experience to the table traveling, researching and studying with the best healers in the holistic field. She holds several certifications in natural living lifestyle coaching and, a Masters in Communications from New York University. More than thirty years of study and living the “talk” has culminating in her first book; From Fast Foods to Slow Foods How to Wake Up Laughing;
In 2010 she founded the Natural Living Institute, a comprehensive educational, healing and therapy center devoted to teaching people how to take responsibility in restoring and maintaining their health through detoxification, good nutrition and conscious living.

This post is sponsored by Dole and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway


  1. Good luck and I hope you get better soon. I understand how hard is to workout when you have no energy from being sick and not sleeping well. Hugs

  2. I love your attitude! I feel like you're saying- it's ok, I'm gonna get there. I wish I could be the same way. I'm so hard on myself. I totally agree- I think cravings are hormonal at times.

    Gotta love that dang insomnia.. I feel I stay up to enjoy the quiet. What do you do while you are awake? Catch up on tv time or online like me?? Speaking of.. it's almost 3am.. I'm gonna get. Take care and can't wait to see how you feel and are doing next week! =)

  3. Good job kicking soda out of your life. That's HARD, but you can start to see results almost immediately! Good luck!

  4. Awesome job on the riding, movement is movement! You are not alone is needing to choose healthier foods :) I am trying to do the same too! It's a new week & time for a fresh start! Hope you have a fabulous week!

  5. Great job on the riding! Good luck with the food choices this week! You are not alone in that boat! I am trying to do the same, especially this week while on vacation! Hope you have a fabulous week!

  6. I didn't even realize those fake sugars have addicting qualities!

  7. Yuck on the sinus infection! Healing mojo sent your way so you get over that insomnia! :) Great job despite feeling that way!

  8. I absolutely can never run when I have a sinus infection or bad cold (like I do now). My energy is wiped so much that to go out running only prolongs the illness.

    Hope you feel back to your regular self soon!

  9. I'm glad you had a good week - keep it up!!!

  10. Sleep kicks my butt too, but I decided if I workout enough eventually I'll start sleeping again.
    Glad you are noticing the changes you have made. Keep up the good work :)

  11. This past week seems to have been rough for a bunch of us. Colds all around here and allergies. Just do what you can, when you can :)

  12. You all are GREAT and motivating! I'm still making my rounds but wanted to say THANK YOU for the encouragement!!

  13. The flu has hit me so I feel you on that. Awesome job giving up soda. That was pretty hard for me.

    Good luck this week!!!


Thank you!