Cynthia from Adorable Baby Clothing has three reasons she would love to have your vote and win the Chase Small Grant's program to proceed to the next level. She has three grandchildren that she helps to tend to while her daughter just finished nursing school. Cynthia is a great person and puts her all in her business in ensuring each and every customer is happy and satisfied. She's a small business owner who tries to keep up with the chains. This grant would give her the ability to do things she hasn't been able to due to the economy. Her business will be given a new breath of fresh air to start accomplishing more goals.

Ros from Ficklets is another mom-dynamo! Ros' invention of interchangeable eyewear charm huggers was inspired by her daughter who is a special needs child. Ros, as most mothers, want the very best for her daughter and thus the idea of Ficklets came about. She wanted her daughter to like her glasses and developed these cute charm huggers that will fit on eyeglasses and give kids a little more personality to their boring glasses.
Ros would also benefit greatly from winning this grant and it would allow her to further her product line, reach out to more people and just expand her small business.
A quick, one-time vote is all that is needed along with a Facebook account. Just click on the Chase Mission link, login in with your Facebook account, type in Ficklets, hit search, vote. Then type in Adorable Baby Clothing, hit search and vote. Please share and get your family and friends to vote. They need minimally 250 votes each by June 30th and they are so close!
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