
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Couponing Review & Giveaway 5/26 (US & Canada)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to CouponingI have used coupons in the past and use them hit or miss now.  I sort of gave up on them because of the push back I get when I use them primarily at Walmart.  When I lived in Georgia, I used them all the time at Publix because they were just friendly and didn't give you a hard time when you did present a stack of them.  Since I moved away and was frequently only shopping at Albertson's and Walmart, I stopped being so diligent.  I used to have these fun challenges with my oldest to see if we could walk away with at least a 50% savings and we always did at Publix.  If you watched that Extreme Couponing show, you might have had mixed feelings as I know I did.  I always thought how greedy they were by clearing shelves, taking all the in-store coupons and how they might ruin couponing once businesses started to see how they abused the system.  Fortunately, I will believe that the majority of couponers are honest and don't pull the antics you see on TV.  I think people watch those and want to save like they do and find it's too hard and give up.  There is a skill or a know how on how to achieve great savings which is where I was able to review The Complete Idiot's Guide to Couponing by Rachel Singer Gordon and compare how we did business.

This book is excellent for the beginning and the intermediate couponer.  Fortunately, I have had time to learn the in's and out's so the book reinforced that I was on target and who doesn't want to hear you have it spot on?  It's a basic, easy to follow book on how to get ready for using coupons, how to maximize your time and savings and how to move forward with the system.  There are four logical parts with sub chapters to easily find what you are looking for.  Not only are traditional shops covered but so are drug stores.  If you are a beginning, you can save a lot of money with drug store deals which Rachel covers thoroughly.  She also includes Head's Up and Tips and Tricks mixed in with the chapters to provide additional information.  She also covers blogs which are extreme time savers!  There are some pretty good bloggers who will provide match ups and tell you where the deals are with quick print links to coupons.  They really have made it easy to save big.

The biggest part to knowing where to get coupons and how to match them with deals is organization and Rachel covers that to include difficult situations such as lack of space.  It's a well put together book that will enable anyone to start couponing and saving money quickly.

The Giveaway:

One reader will win their own copy (no P.O. Boxes)

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*Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of book. Information, book and giveaway provided by sponsor.

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