I'm not a hacker so I have no idea how people learn to do that. I did have a stalker incident not too long ago where I had a suspected first person name and followed through with what I thought was pretty good detective work and found the person. Of course, if I knew how to hack, that would have been a much easier route. In Chuck: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD/Blu-Ray's episode, 'Chuck Versus the Hack Off," we were able to see Chuck utilize his computer hacking skills. He was able bypass the security systems that allowed the team to infiltrate and grab the computer super virus famously known as the Omen. Did you see this episode? If so, do you ever wished you had that skill set?
Right now, you can purchase Chuck: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD/Blu-Ray and receive 20% off along with free shipping from the WBShop by using code c5wbwrd.
I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'Chuck.'
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