If you are a Chuck fan, you know there is never a dull moment and just because it's Christmas, it doesn't mean that one of those crazy computer infected or linked issues can't come into play! This time a virus called Omen stirs up the holiday shoppers and causes pandemonium internationally. The shoppers lost it and it's chaos everywhere. Not too far fetched is it? Every Christmas we hear of those stories but intermixing a virus is the new catch. Have you ever wondered if a computer virus might one day affect us in a more personal way? Interesting concept and Chuck allows you a glimpse of that possibility.
If you are a Chuck fan, you won't want to miss the featurette below where the entire casts gives thanks to YOU .. the fans!
Purchase Chuck: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD/Blu-Ray and use Promo Code c5wbwrd to save 20% and get free shipping when you order Chuck: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD/Blu-Ray from the wbshop!
*Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'Chuck.'
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