
Check Out Funny Kilt Featurette from Disney * Pixar's Brave

I'm already a huge fan of Disney and Pixar but when they release a movie that has a read head, I'm there!  My nine year is a red head so I'm partial to them and I know she loves watches movies with red heads too.  Brave is expected to be out in theaters everywhere June 22nd so we cannot wait!  Emma Thompson and Billy Connoly who are also enjoyed in my house are two of the voices.

The story is about a Merida who is a skilled archer and is the daughter of Thompson and Connoly who are queen and king.  Merida is granted a wish and all fury erupts forcing her to discover the true meaning of bravery.  I can't tell you more than that can I?  Check out the funny featurette below and let me know what you think.  I'm suspecting it will be yet another winner and added to our collection of movies once released!

Stay up to date and like Brave on Facebook.

*Disclosure:  I received no compensation for this post. 

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